This is SJW feminist propaganda by neo-Sup Forums's standards.
This is SJW feminist propaganda by neo-Sup Forums's standards
>This is SJW feminist propaganda by neo-Sup Forums's standards.
No it's not.
Ripley is a genuine strong character. She is not a forced trope.
You sound like the adults in Charlie Brown
no one says this
>inb4 screencap of a b8 thread
this trash
>stronk womyn
Honestly why the fuck would you reply to such a shit tier b8 thread?
If it was released today they would. Just read a thread praising Doctor Strange because the female character is defeated by a man.
>>stronk womyn
gets btfo in every episode, hell this week she didn't even save the day
Dropped Jimmy's ass in episode 1
It absolutely is. Just because you developed an emotional attachment to it before you were politically aware doesn't mean that it isn't propaganda.
Yes it does, and yes they are. Alien and Terminator are good films but their sequels are pure proto-capeshit SJW cuckoldry.
Why did they have to make the queen alien a woman?
If you ever talk shit about my waifus again I'll chop off your tiny dicks
Because James Cameron is a cuckold.
So literally any action movie starring a woman is propaganda?
That's ridiculous. At that point everything is propaganda to someone, and so nothing is.
99 percent of characterization of people on tv and film is complete forced nonsense. The fact that you focus on minorities is only a comment on you.
>So literally any action movie starring a woman is propaganda?
Terminator 1 and Alien were praised in that very post.
Trump won, get over it.
Both of those are horror movies, not action.
>“Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you’re so creative. You don’t know what it’s like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death…and destruction…”
well yeah, it's a cameron production
the key word here is; Struggle
Whoah okay mom, maybe we should just calm down a little bit right?
>the strong woman is skinny as fuck and not very pretty at all
>somehow this is propaganda
>>the strong woman is skinny as fuck
Stop talking.
No. You made no points.
Sarah Connor in T2 is not "skinny" you dullard, have you even watched the movie or is that pic your first exposure to it?
Stop talking about things you know nothing about.
Cameron has a fetish for strong maternal figures in his movies.
But maternity and family are as anti-SJW as it can be.
From my perspective even believing that women should be allowed to live is SJW.
T2 was my favourite movie as a child.
What I mean was that she has no curves (or was made to appear she has none). She has no fat and looks strong. She does not look attractive.
>She does not look attractive.
Someone sexually attracted to women should really be making that claim user.
What's the difference?
>I watched it when I was 12
Only reason to watch T2 is for the T-1000.
Ripley is a strong character, who happens to be female. Simply write a strong character than cast an actress for the role.
Today's strong women characters are portrayed as being strong precisely because they are female, not because they are actually strong. *Start* with actresses then *tell* us they're strong while not actually demonstrating any such traits.
Exactly. If Ripley was a male it would change basically nothing
Tell me about Newt. Why is she so cewt?
can't believe I'm saying fpbp on fucking Sup Forums, was this place really filled with shills? I didn't want to belive Sup Forums memes
This post says nothing. The fact of the matter is that if Alien were made today, you alt-right social justice warriors would be saying it was feminist propaganda while spamming your cringeworthy virtue signal buzzwords like "stronk womyn."
Kill yourself.
Here is how you write a good "strong female" lead.
>write a male character
>make him a woman
They did this with Ripley and it worked. Alien would have been the exact same movie with a male main. Prove me wrong.
This post says nothing. The fact of the matter is that you have no arguement. You far-left social justice warriors would be screeching about the general public being misogynistic while spamming your cringeworthy virtue signal buzzwords like "T-BH S-MH"
Kill yourself.
>there's still not a painful, terminal plague that specifically targets Sup Forums tier IQs
Hopefully all those cheeseburgers give you horribly painful cancer.
Trump won. Get over it.
Also, Lara croft anyone?
Meanwhile in reality, if Alien were released today you'd be complaining that the last survivor was a woman, that a woman could never survive against the Alien, that a "cuck" sacrificed himself to save a woman, and about a thousand other moments throughout the movie. I can't even speculate on what kind of doublethink goes on in your damaged mind.
>Hilbots are this mad
top lel
god the tears today are delicious
liberals are just completely shitting themselves on every message board today. it's glorious.
also most modern movies almost always give the strong woman characters an "attitude" or a chip on their shoulder
Sarah Connor is a great case study for this. Compare the original to the version played by Emelia Clarke in Terminator: Genisys. One is a strong female, the other is a stronk womyn who don't need no man
It's relatively easy to tell the difference
The only difference is that they're different movies, there's no actual difference. It's incredible how brain damaged you are.
>The only difference is that they're different movies, there's no actual difference
you sound like a fucking retard
I've literally never seen anyone on Sup Forums say that you dumb triggered nigger
>neo-Sup Forums
This implies that Sup Forums hasn't hated SJWs and feminists in modern media. We always have.
in neither of the 4 movies they make a big deal out of her being a female bad ass
she just was and that's about it
>Sup Forums has memes about Sup Forumssters posting on Sup Forums to create a meme about Sup Forums being worse than Sup Forums
You couldn't make this shit up
And her son was the one who told her to shut the fuck up, stop getting emotional and focus on solving the immediate problem.
>Prove me wrong
A male lead wouldn't have the ass of a 10 year old boy, and wouldn't wear such delicious panties.
A feminist would never try to save a kid.
She embraced her motherly instincts and wasn't so insecure that she couldn't ask for help from a man, basically a feminists worst nightmare.
>A female wearing pants.
Yeah pretty much.
Comparing engineering the atom bomb versus having a baby, where you literally can do nothing for 9 months eating pizza.
No it's not. One character is though, le stronk non-white minority LMBTQ Rosie the riveter who need no man. Literally worst part of the movie is her.
>when your mom acts embarrassing in front of your unstoppable killing machine friend
all the marines are fucking obnoxious characters except for Michael Biehn, I was cheering for the xenos to slaughter them
Bill Paxton was fun though, his over the top goofy shit is GOAT.
I wanted to punch him tbqh
Have you ever been mistaken for le stronk non-white minority LMBTQ?
She was also pretty far down the rabbit hole into insanity at the time she said that, she was ranting
>Sigourney Weaver will NEVER step on my balls
Just die in my sleep already
( . ___ . ) ( ; ___ ; )
no, she was an actual strong woman, not a Mary Sue like 99% of strong womyn characters today.