Shaun of the Dead 3/5
Hot Fuzz 5/5
Scott Pilgrim 3/5
The World's End 2/5
Baby Driver ?/5
Shaun of the Dead 3/5
Scott Pilgrim was a lot shittier than The World's End. The third act of TWE is pretty mediocre but up until the point it falls apart it's the best film Wright has made.
Is this gonna be a british-Drive or what ?
Also imo :
>SotD 4.5/5
>HF 4/5
>SPvstW 3.5/5
>tWE 3/5
how can someone be so wrong?
I give TWE a lot of credit for having real human characters rather than 2 dimensional memes like Hot Fuzz. Shame about the aliens.
Does Sup Forums not like scott pilgrim? always been one of my favorites
Shaun of the Dead 1/5
Hot Fuzz 1/5
Scott Pilgrim 1/5
The World's End 1/5
Baby Driver will probably be a 1/5 as well
the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find them funny because of the zany accents and lingo
spaced/shaun of dead/hot fuzz/worlds end are to britain what big mama's house is to america and viced-versa
The technical film making is very good but everything about it is just too "reddit nu-male geek" for me to enjoy. You can tell me it's "satire" and making fun of the redditors, but I'd tell you that it's "self satire" from the perspective of redditors.
Shaun of the Dead 4/5
Hot Fuzz 3/5
Scott Pilgrim 2/5
The World's End 3/5
Spaced 5/5
I've got to the point where I prefer Big Mommas House to any of Wright's movies purely because that film doesn't give off that "reddit" feeling like Wright's works do. I actually enjoyed all 3 of the Pegg/Frost ones when I first saw them too, but their fanbases make them too intrinsically tied to the doctor who/sherlock redditumblr audience. I'm not saying they're bad films, but they're too emblematic of my enemies for me to be able to watch them anymore.
How was Hot Fuzz so good? I've rewatched it more than any other edgar wright movie combined.
they were very subtle with the humor and the pacing was excellent.
plz be bait
No bait, Wright's shit very clearly appeals to American reddit plebes who think that watching British shit somehow makes them more sophisticated. This phenomenon is the whole reason Simon Pegg ended up with a blockbuster career. Americans think he's funny because he's British. I'm British and I can't stand him outside of the Wright movies.
i just really like the music element of it and yeah the editing and techinical aspects are amazing. and the love story is pretty fun while still being grounded
Anybody else drop Wright as soon as he started shilling for Clinton on his twitter? Today is a good day to weed out all of the media figures you should be avoiding. Anybody who has anything bad to say about Trump voters is somebody who's work you should boycott.
his best days are behind him
>these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
I'd had to drop every single celebrity then, and I just can't do that, everything will go back to normal soon.
>this fucking faggot banged anna kendrick
The sentiment is to be expected, but why are the jokes themselves so fucking lame and hackneyed?
Literally the most obvious shit.
> The World's End 2/5
Pleb detected