Enough is enough. Turn in your guns now. You neckbeard gun fags would Pussy out of a real firefight...

Enough is enough. Turn in your guns now. You neckbeard gun fags would Pussy out of a real firefight. Only law enforcment, active duty and veterans should be allowed to own a firearm.

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J <
too to get bait picture

americans will say this won’t work

Duh, it doesn't work

sage and gay


tired of these posts every damn day. Hope you are getting paid for this you mongoloid assgobbler.

Fun fact: Before these constant Gun Bait threads, I only filtered out Logs and Loli.

Guns are not the problem in shootings, it's the people involved. If there weren't a second person, there would be nobody to shoot, so it would make the situation moot. Even if the shooter were to shoot himself, there may not even be a gun involved. The vast majority of shootings do not even involve guns. The most famous of recent shootings in Las Vegas, most of the guns found in the hotel room weren't even used in the shooting.

Again: Most guns found in the shooter's hotel room in Vegas were not even used in the incident. It was like they were innocent bystanders. Does that mean they should be banned just because they were there? If you think so you are just crazy. Even the bump stocks that were made so famous in that case, those are usually sold by reputable merchants who own small businesses. But here's the best part: Bump stocks are sold almost exclusively without guns. Without guns! It is just as crazy to assume a bump stock could be used in a shooting without a gun.

People should just wake up and see the facts: Most shootings do not even involve guns.

So much this.

Law Enforcement will NOT save your life or protect you, that is not their job.
Their job is only to enforce the law. It has been decided in court.
You must protect yourself, not law enforcement.

See more:

>neckbeards would pussy out of a real firefight
>on site law enforcement did nothing at school shooting

Nice bait OP

So... You want me to give up my ability to defend myself... Mkay.

So by your logic if I started beating the ever loving shit out of you, & it was illegal for you to put your arms up in self-defense; youd have to wait for the cops to show & by that time the dmg has already been done...

Yeah, sounds stupid doesn't it. Cause it is, you dumb fuck!

>and veterans

yes, so they can have a psychotic episode or flashback and decide to go shooting everyone.

thats real smart user.

He meant "vegans".

>rifles are used
ban rifles. who needs a rifle really right??
>shotguns are used
ban shotguns. well it'll cut down hunting so cool i guess
>pistols are used
ban pistols. but is it really the guns fault?
>cars are used
ban cars. i guess more public transit...woo?
>knives are used
ban knives. sorry sir you cant cut your steak, just eat it with your hands
>bus is used
no more public transit. just walk
>rocks are used

anyone who blames guns is an idiot who doesn't want to admit people are the problem not objects

Good thing I'm a veteran neckbeard. I do think service should be compulsory, at a minimum of 4 years but with no college benefits beyond paying for books.

what a waste




>You want me to give up my ability to defend myself

Topkek. You’re the type of fag who would be taking a shit in the restroom when there’s a shooting and die from a the shooter spraying all over the place.

yeah law enforcement jump right in an-oh wait,they wait outside for reinforcement and let people get slaughtered.

I'd rather people had a fighting chance instead of becoming lambs to the slaughter like the UK and France.

if you want to be a victim your whole life,move.

Right with ya'.
I volunteered at 17, and served for 12 years active service.

I seen a lot of bad, but it was well worth standing in the way of it.

We go there, so others don't.

Why don't you say something about the rest of what I said, faggot.

it doesn't work.

Yes, but how do you make people not kill each other? Much harder to do than removing guns

Just ban all the murdererers retard.

As Europe gets bombed to fuck.

agreed, but try to use a better source then cracked my dude.
like the supreme court case that led to that decision.


I think if service were compulsory though, we'd have less idiots blaming guns for the decisions people make in their weakest moments. If we had compulsory service, 90% of people would never see battle because we'd need a lot of them for logistics-related jobs.

Fuck you, see if you can grab em before the mag is empty asshole.

But African-American gangsters need them to fight against other gangs and against the racist cops!

Are you really saying you want to DEPRIVE African Americans of their rights?!?

They need those guns to establish their turf!



Kek and I doubt you would ever “beat the loving shit out of me”
You wouldn’t last faggot.

How the fuck are you not advocating fascism?

good luck getting them all out of texas

as opposed to you who would more that likely let your mother be raped so they spare your life? being a helpless victim isn't a virtue. it's being a coward and trying to hide behind supposed repercussions.

Just rehabilitate modern North American parents and everything will be mostly fine again.
There are just too many of them raising children the wrong way.

WW2 was decades ago user.

tough guy on the internet over here.
bet you don't need those primitive firearms do you?
you have your fedora and your ninja skills don't you?

As I was saying Faggot. You wouldn’t last a fight with me. Kek.

>190 lbs

I think it's the pushing of people with mental disorders to be considered "normal" like autists and trans faggots.
you keep these fucks around unchecked and free them of any personal responsibility don't act surprised when they do crazy shit.

I know, but we're dealing with Libtards. Vid is a great example of a testimony of How and Why Cops won't save your life.

Another good source:

nigger i'm 6'3 and 230, I would fucking crush your lanklet ass.
and once again, being an internet tough guy doesn't make you anything other than cringe.

and even if you were as much of a hard ass as your pretend, there' nothing stopping someone from stabbing your punk ass, and y'know, shooting you.

then you can be a hard ass all day, dying on the floor.
there's a reason guns are called "the equalizer" because no matter how tough you think you are you ain't shit at the end of a gun.

Oh, why? Is it cause you can DEFEND YOURSELF?

Fucking bean head.

Stats don't win a fight friendo. Laughing and posting meaningless things implies to me you've never fought anyone.

truth, I'm just saying in todays day and age people crticize sources more than anything in the argument itself.
it fucking bewilders me how these same people criticize the police for abuse of power yet expect them to be the only ones with the means to fight off possible attackers. that's a jump in logic I cannot understand.


nice argument, spoken like a true 12 year old.

If they had guns maybe they could defend against rape.
They can't though. Governments in europe want their women raped.

Not in a nation where guns outnumber people.