just watched this.
Pure delight! Magnificent on every level.
This is one of those marvels that are equally enjoyable for plebs and patricians alike.
Including a nice small folk against banks story, which is always welcome.
Hell or High Water
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>Come hell or high water you'll have to pay the reverse mortgage back
Jesus really
It was nice to watch an action drama that is not shaky cam, love interest and emotion forcing. Classic filmmaking at it's best.
Fucking amazed by Ben Foster's performance. He deserves at least a nomination.
cant find a fucking torrent
was he implying hed kill himself at the end ?
Sicario was way better
No Country for old men was way better.
Hell or high water dialogue was actually terrible
prove me wrong.
I was expecting something awesome with this movie, and what I got was mediocrity. I went "well..oh fucking kay then.." when it ended. So underwhelming when I knew almost zero about the movie. No trailer. Just the stars.
>one of those marvels
i dindu know it was capeshit
into the trash it goes then
What is it, 2010s?
sicario had the same writer
they were both really mediocre and overrated
Fits the classic definition of good movie
>Three great scenes and no bad ones
Characters are well defined, action is shot with clarity, there is a theme
I can't say any bad thing about this movie
Now, Sicario, was worse. The ending wasn't as good as the beginning and characters were flatter. But it was more memorable
Hell or High Water didn't have Deakins, or the sound design, or the border shootout that made Sicario interesting
It was okay
Was expecting No Country for Old Men tier. But it was more along the lines of straight to DVD
on tpb there are dozens
They both threaten to kill each other.
Sicario is a very different film, more thriller, less drama. No country has a very similar atmosphere and characters. But the increasingly unrealistic invincible villain tainted it.
I liked Hell or High Water better, the political subplot, the broken family, the calm and undramatic storytelling.
Makes it very pleasant viewing.
why isn't hacksaw ridge on there yet?
It was alright.
kek, this scene sold me, i'm gonna watch it
Kind of a weak version of No Country
Maybe if he didn't play a similar character to Tanner in every other movie he appeared in... it seems like he's always some impulsive and unhinged maniac