Im' still in love with dana scully

Im' still in love with dana scully

I like her better old desu

She aged like the finest of wines

you're god damn right user


She looks like complete shit. Her tits are fake.

>scully will never pee in your mouth with a disgusted expression her face

She looks like a completely different person. I don't like the work she's had done.

heres your (You) faggot


thanks Sup Forums
I haven't been here in years but it's good to know where your heart is still at

She actually aged like fucking shit, and X-files were the only TV show ever that I managed to keep myself interested in for the whole 8 seasons.

She had a flat ass, regular body and a weird facial structure, but that was the "smart" kind of hot and If I ever had to pick a waifu it would be old scully.

But man she looks bad now, while Duchovny didn't change at all.

scully is the type of girl you tell you didn't feel the condom fall off

I want old Scully to sit on my face

I think this very fine.

I'm still in love with her tits.

she has a weird face, don't get the appeal

pic related is the superior X-filefu

that just looks like shes in a coma from too much tits

whats weird about it?

patrician taste my friend

Poor man's Amy Smart.

trips of truth

I can't put my finger on it, just something about Gillian's face turns me off. She's obviously pretty but somehow she seems weird-looking to me, I guess it's just personal taste

I'm so glad that hairstyle died out.

amy smart is already the poor man's amy smart

>I can't put my finger on it, just something about Gillian's face turns me off
I think I know what it is, user. You're a flaming faggot.

You just like bland faces that's all you can go now.

Season 5 Scully is best Scully

>You just like bland faces
false assumption

It's all about dem fuckin' DSLs


my sebacean nigger


have it your way

Mulder, it's me

>Mulder, I want you to ravage my slut ass like a craven animal
Jesus, the 90s were really a different time.

yeah this captures as much about scully that I love as any single image can.

>tfw she turned into a feminazi carpetmuncher

me too

Who isn't?

I really, really like this post.
>that mouth...

Looks like Ellen Page on the right

me on the left


>while Duchovny didn't change at all
Spotted the bait. The man looks awful. I know you like to think men age like wine but most of them looks really shitty and hide with a beard. Duchovny looks gross, like that type of dog with a lot of skin falling to his face.

Duchovny looks different, but men are allowed to have more character to their faces than women.

When I finish rewatching all of the old X-Files, am I going to be happy to watch the new X-Files?

Kinda meh, but is a fun watch with just 6 chapters.
I want to believe>>>>Fight the future.

>I want to believe>>>>Fight the future.
Top lel opinion.

That's not character that's bad aging.
You just trolling Scully like a fag.

>hes an ass man

He's just recently started to visibly age in a bad way. He looked great in Californication

But in Californication he was actually a drunk writer, looking like shit was his appealing.


>Kinda meh, but is a fun watch
that's high praise on Sup Forums

I look forward to it then

40 years ago is recently?

>TFW you were a kid and found out you could see her boobs in another movie

You realize that's a really old pic of her right.

I hate this stupid "Gillian Anderson got hotter when she got older" meme. She looks badly worn these days.

>I hate when people like older women that don't look like they looked when younger.
She is hot nowadays, smart enough to not try to look like when she was young.
Want to see a bad example of women aging stupidly? See Courteney Cox.

>I hate when people like older women that don't look like they looked when younger

Source that I said anything remotely similar to this?



You sound like jealous haggard.

>tfw you'll never have casual sex with gillian during breaks on set for the purpose of increasing your interpersonal chemistry

Or someone who isn't blind and a horny teenager.

she looks better in interviews then on tv



>but men are allowed to have more character to their faces than women.

Hahahahahaha,no.Women just tolerate it.

Hag detected.

Women care about money first and foremost then they can ignore looks completely.

Fag detected.

Fag or/and hag detected.

Fag and/or hag detected.

Fag and/or hag detected and confirmed.

thanks for agreeing?

inb4 mad faggot copies that.

Fag and/or hag detected and confirmed.

inb4 mad faggot copies that.


this. he had a good dad bod going on too in Californication too. That scruff did him well.

I want to put my banana up her nose if you know what I mean.

Gillian Anderson is cool because she brought Dana Scully (my one true love) to life.

Gilly looked amazing around the time californication started aswell

>mfw her californication cameo didnt happen most likely because of his (ex) wife

Too bad she's a lesbian.

Are we consufing the actor with the fictional character

bi master race

Agreed nigga, but she should've kept hair red.


>kept hair red

i hate this so much,what i hate even more is most redheads in hollywood claiming to actually be blondes,yeah fucking right.

>Are we consufing the actor with the fictional character

Nope. She's a lesbian. She's been with a few guys on and off, but she's still a lesbian

Not bi. Lesbian. Also bi people are just gays who are afraid to come out of the closet.

Anyone got the webm of that really hot scene with her from the latest season? You know the one

I want to make an X-Files video. Do you guys happen to have any links to high-quality episode rips (preferably already converted to video files)?


watch any interview with her and you can tell shes been with a ton of guys.

not to mention shes been married like 3 fucking times.

>Not bi. Lesbian. Also bi people are just gays who are afraid to come out of the closet.

and agnostics are just cowardly atheist too right?

go shove a bannana up your bunghole.

This bait sucks

If I remember that scene/episode correctly, she was close to death and saw her father who happened to be General Hammond.

yeah I just watched it
duane barry, an ex-FBI agent and self-proclaimed abductee took people hostage so he could give them to the aliens an episode before. Mulder talked him down after scully gave him info that duane was a pathological liar
the medical examination of duane found metal pieces in his sinuses just like duane claimed, and scully found a bar code on it
the next episode duane escapes from the hospital and kidnaps scully at her home and races off to a mountain and gives scully to the aliens
mulder is sad
two episodes later scully just appears at a hospital with no record of arriving but is in a coma. Mulder almost makes a decision to kill cancer man and prepares a face off against "they", but Scully's sister inadvertently talks him out of it.
Scully makes a miraculous recovery after having a vision of her father telling her it isn't her time and a mysterious nurse who comforts her turns out to not be real.

It's a really good episode, in fact it's one of the best with its quiet mysticism and Mulder's devotion towards Scully. The mystery around what happened to Scully is good too. This is also where you really get to see a lot to like from Skinner.


>This person might have had meat a few times, but I saw them eat salad at least twice, they're fucking vegan! Omnivore? Lol, what a novel concept.


Scullys sister,William and the new agents are the most pointless characters on/in TV
