>That's a nice costume, did your husband make it for you?
>Yes, yes he did. He's a seamster.
>Well give him my compliments, it's very good.
>I will, thank you.
>That's a nice costume, did your husband make it for you?
>Yes, yes he did. He's a seamster.
>Well give him my compliments, it's very good.
>I will, thank you.
Damn, Raimi writes such polite characters
>YOU'LL GET YOUR RENT WHEN you fix the door, I can't pay for something that is in precarious condition
>I'll send someone right away to fix the door, you're 100% correct, no human being should live in such conditions
>Thanks, I really appreciate the work you've done as a landlord so far
>I'll give you rent, but it appears my door is still in need of repairs
>Bonesaw is ready when you are. Happy to wait if you need more time, Human Spider.
>Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility. Stay in school, Pete, and go to college to further your education. It will look good on a resume and help you obtain a better job and eventually a career as well.
It was fun to watch Raimiposting flip around.
America is great again, everyone can get along now.
>Peter...you killed my father
>Actually Harry I did not, he was secretly the Green Goblin and accidentally killed himself with his own glider while attempting to skewer me. He asked me not to tell you as his dying wish, which I honored until you found out just now.
>That's a nice costume, did your husband make it for you?
Anyone else cringed at this? Calling someone gay as an insult, as if sexuality could be bad in one way or another.
Goddamn that thumbnail, every time I see it I think it's a woman's butt in orange spandex.
That's the joke, that's the point of these threads, you humorless faggot
>he took that post seriously
>Hey Pete, nice dance moves!
I want to fuck that armpit
Nothing wrong with plowing a dudes asshole and getting aids.
Fugg me too
>I don't think police should be dying because of Batman's personal vendettas against the superhuman crimelords of this city!
>Here, here!
>IMPRESSIVE! I was not expecting such a swift strike of that caliber, but my recently acquired powers gave me unprecedented agility in blocking your attack.
>this thread
>It's you who's out, Gobbie! Out of your mind!
>I disagree. My actions may have been rash and violent but my intentions are good, and quite frankly I'm offended that you would take my mental state into question over the events that have transpired.
>You're right. I was too harsh in my criticism of your behavior and will attempt to see the situation from your point of view. No hard feelings?
>who are you?
>you're friendly neighbor Peter Parker
It still amazes me a woman has managed to look that hot in a kid's movie. Those tits are begging, BEGGING for Spiderman to fondle them while he makes out with her.
Difference is the husband-line is actually straight from the movie
Glad I'm not the only one. Day five of no-fap has me feeling quite weird
I know. And?
My booty
>the ad said 3,000
>eh? Oh, wow, you're right. Sorry kid, I'm so used to paying out to people who lost the match. Here's your three grand. You know, if you like, there could be a career in this for you.
I wasn't expecting a spider man movie about how he becomes a world champion pro wrestler, but I've got to admit that the story works, and it won me over by the end.
You can tell Raimi highly values virtue and etiquette in character chemistry
Absolutely. Many civilized discussions were had in these movies and many agreements were made when all was said and done.
Oh god I saw that immediately and thought it was porn as I was scrolling.
>download wrestlemania collection
>watch VIII first cause it's the only I had on VHS
>watch IX after that, fucking Macho Man is commentator OOOH YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH
This line really dated itself after the release of the third movie. Kind of makes 3 less impactful.
>Pete.....I never told anyone but in Nam i fucked so many ladyboys. Treat your life like those tight ladyboys Pete. Will you be fucked or will you do the fucking?
do you think this joke (the original one) would get past censors today?
watching 80s police academy films for nostalgia and all i can think is "no way they would allow this today, im surprsed tv networks still play it"
>I blew up so many chinks in Nam they named a rice brand after me, Petey.
Someone post that pasta please, it's unbelievably hillarious
Those were the dark ages, before heterosexual males realized that there's nothing shameful about being called gay
>During an interview, Raimi was questioned whether his Spiderman 3 script reflected his intense hatred for African Americans. He replied: "Oh please, I feel like I am terribly misunderstood here. I LOVE niggers."
Is this real?
Such a nice man