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Vote Saxon Edition

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Hey let's talk about politics gang for the whole thread even whaddya think


Alright, anyone looking forward to the newest episode of Class? We'll get to see the shadow realm for a whole ep this time.

I would prefer not to

Oh, and there's a new Sixth Doctor audio out. Anyone heard it yet?

>let's talk about politics

user, EVERYONE is talking about Trump's unexpected win. Even /who/.

Rewatching series 9 for the first time since it aired.
Waaaayyyy better than I remember it being.
Can't wait to watch Heaven Sent again.

I listened to half of it. I'll listen to the rest tonight.

Series 9 is my 2nd fave of NuWho (after s5). Enjoy Tardybox.

Really? I find myself not bothered about most of the episodes. I felt S9 lacks something, nothing to really gain from multiple rewatches, Heaven Sent aside.

>tfw the cutie you started talking to recently has never even heard of doctor who
not sure yet whether this is a good thing or bad thing

Well, it's my first time seeing these again. I remember being largely iffy on most of it, but for some reason it's all better the second time. I don't think I'll be watching them a third time in the near future, but that's mostly because of the two parter format.
I'm sure Sleep No More will still suck though.

Tread carefully

ray panthaki for doctor 13

google him

How's Constance?

The episodes are way better when you're not waiting a week for each part and watch them together. TMA/TWF especially.

I'm still not a huge fan, desu.

Ep1 seems like a lot of pissing around until ep2 where all the meat of the story is.

The Lake story just bored me to tears, both halves. Shit monster, tired base under siege.

The two main Maisie Williams episodes were okay but nothing special. I never cared much for Ashildr so both fell a bit flat for me. Not bad episodes, just no desire to rewatch.

The Zygon story hit me over the head way too much and I can't see myself enjoying it if I watched again. I don't find anything to particularly enjoy in the two major UNIT characters, and the Zygons are just generic shapeshifters with the whole overhyped speech to resolve all the problems. Eh. Just not for me. Lacks fun, and goes way too far with its analogies and "messages"/themes.

Face the Raven is great, and one I'll probably rewatch, although again Ashildr does nothing for me. Lots of fun though, and Capaldi/Coleman are at their best.

Oh, I forgot Sleep No More. The less said about that the better. Dull, forgettable bland characters and some of the stupidest monsters.

Heaven Sent is GOAT.

Hell Bent was a major let down for me. I had zero investment in Ashildr's character so that fell flat. The return of Gallifrey was sort of pushed aside in favour of her and Clala, and I wasn't overly fond of her coming back. The Rassilon stuff was just a bit dumb, and it didn't deliver on the promise of the Hybrid and Heaven Sent, for me.

And the Christmas song was kind of harmless fluff, but I only cared about the final 15 minutes or so.


Cheer me up, /who/, please.

Well I don't know about you but this cheered me up.

Moffat has had two years to perfect the Missy/Dalek story he set up at the start of series 9.

That's a good thing about Series 10--he's had a lot of time to write.

This is almost the plot of The Aztecs.

Then and now, the best of: The Monkees was the first album I ever purchased

Patrick Troughton is really good in Scars of Dracula

Never heard the Monkees.

>tfw I want to shitpost in /who/ but it became unironically SJW and the Photoshop mod keeps banning me when I say something they dislike

cats, if you're still around, i hope you're doing okay.

Which Doctors would have voted for Trump? And which for Clinton?

None of the Doctors would have voted for Trump. Except for maayybe early First, before he met Ian and Barbara.

8 probably would have voted for Stein.

The Doctor is all about sticking up for the underdog. He would have absolutely voted Trump, after waking the public up from its dystopian nightmare by exposing the corrupt mainstream media (remember Satellite 5?) and pulling the mask off of Hillary's reptilian face.

He is the Doctor, though, so he would have given her one more chance at happiness under a Trump presidency.

Sorry, Immigrant. I usually think you talk a lot of sense, but you're quite clearly cucked politically.

>I didn't vote Trump
>therefore my role model fictional character wouldn't

Eh, after Trump straight up said sexist and racist things? No, he wouldn't have. A billionaire is not an underdog.

However, I think you might be right here. (And I like 8).

>Series 9
Is one of the best. I didn't like the Ashildr stories though. But the Zygons, Davros, Before the Flood and Heaven Sent were awesome. This season was way more awesome than I expected after 8th.

But to be honest 8th season is also great, but Danny Splink is ruining it.

I have high hopes for 10th and 11th series, cause both showrunners have a long time to prepare for them. Just like it was with the 5th series.

/Who/ is slow today.

The Doctor is pretty left-wing in his beliefs though, mostly because all the writers are left-wing.

dont really watch doctor who heavily, i just randomly pick and choose episodes that sound interesting, just watched heaven sent and really liked it

any other recommendations? i like weird worlds/spacey stuff


The Doctor would care less about a joke about pussy grabbing – something that was SAID, something which caused no harm to others – and more about something that was actually DONE. Like, for example, Hillary getting a bunch of rapists off the hook early in her career and intimidating the victims into silence. Or, perhaps, the arms deals that resulted in actual fighting and loss of life. We all know how the Doctor feels about war. I'm sure he'd vote for someone who was complicit in the aforementioned, and whose behaviour was building up to a conflict with Russia before she lost the election.

Trump absolutely was the underdog. The world was vocal in its hatred for him. The Doctor would have made them face the mirror to see their own hypocrisy. You can't preach tolerance and equality, and then behave like a pack of rabid dogs. He would have pointed out the damage to people and property done by the left during this election, along with the assassination attempts on Trump that never happened to Hillary, and he would have taught us a moral lesson.

The Doctor wouldn't fall for hatred disguised as love. He's too smart for that.

Have you ever watched the show?

I agree that he would have made them face the mirror. There was legitimate injustice from the establishment Hillary represented, that caused this election to go this way.

But Trump's rhetoric was still racist and sexist. And it'll probably end in bad things, and screwing over the poor and gay (his Vice President literally thinks gay are unnatural. And I'm not even sure if Trump knows his economic policies. Based on early examination, it might even end up screwing over the red belt anyway.)

Someone mentioned Satellite 9 earlier. Part of the point of that episode was that getting rid of short-term evil can lead to even worse problems.

>Like, for example, Hillary getting a bunch of rapists off the hook early in her career and intimidating the victims into silence.

Trump has been accused of rape by several women. Like your accusations, these haven't been proven true but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were.

The Doctor thinks all politicians are idiots.

If he voted, he'd probably vote Green.

>/who/ - Gallifrey Immigrant General

Also concerning "war", I was under the impression that part of Trump'so appeal waso that, unlike those "establishment pansies", he's ready to blow those "ISIS FUCKERS" sky-high on the quick.

And if the Doctor was in Russia, he'did be helping the Ukrainians, and you know it. He might not approve of World War, but he'd help the Ukrainians by himself.(In fact, he would call us hypocritical for not helping them. I could hear Ten delivering the speech right now.)

By the way, despite disagreeing with you, I appreciate the compliment. Politics can get heated, so I just want to say thanks for being civil.

>The Doctor thinks all politicians are idiots

That's the real answer.

Shut the fuck up Immigrant

I would disagree that Trump's rhetoric was racist or sexist. I think it's been framed that way by a bought-and-paid-for media because we've been conditioned into an automatic emotional reaction to the words "racism" and "sexism". It can't really be proven either way – only argued about – and this isn't the right place for that argument. I doubt very much that gay people will be affected in any way. A lot of the LGBT folk crying about Trump's success don't realise that he's actually pretty liberal in that regard. It's just that, unlike Hillary, he isn't loud and obnoxious or pandering about it.

Pence has some weird ideas, but he's really nothing more than a bulletproof vest. In theory, people will be less likely to shoot Trump if it results in Pence taking his place. I think you're kind of reaching, though, if you have to attack the VP instead of Trump to make Trump look bad. It would be like me mentioning John "if she's nine, she's mine" Podesta and the potential occult/child trafficking shit.

Bringing it back to Doctor Who (lest I get banned again), I think the answer to the question asked is just going to depend on your own political views. Nobody is going to want to think that the Doctor would vote differently to themselves.

shut the fuck up dude

Liberals: the post.


Anyone who didn't expect it after brexit is completely detached from reality

Fooled twice, shame on you

Luckily all of S10 has already been written so we don't have to sit through an episode of projection and venting

Unless harness already snuck it in

>Luckily all of S10 has already been written

haven't they already filmed most of it?

There's probably a couple of months left.
RTD finished writing S4 near the end of January.

They filmed 6 episodes out of 12 m8.

Harness is probably writing his episode right now and including Trump in it, one way or another.

This was the last tweet he made
he hasn't said a single political thing on twitter this whole year
that's actually reassuring

Because he's keeping all his comments for the actual episode m8. It's gonna be GOAT.

Heh, used to think the same thing actually

That just means that he's given up Twitter, not that he's given up politics.

How hype are you for Harness's next episode?
>People on GB are saying it's slavery level dark
>eviscerated clintons
>octopus like creatures
>America gives Bill the "shock of her life"
>Is the man she's watched this year really a sexist after all? Is he even a homophobe?
>"This might be where you can argue that the new approach is, for the first time, seen uncluttered by the old approach"
>terrible dilemma
>Moffat said the ending scene in the white house is his favorite scene in the series
>Moffat said in DWM that Trump(president of america) was going to stick around 'for a long time, I promise you'
>donald trump insult in episode

It suggests that he isn't so emotionally controlled by his political beliefs that he feels the need to vent on twitter when things don't go his way - which tells me he has a clear enough head to not write an episode full of venting and trump projection

Or maybe he just vents somewhere else.
Plenty of crazy people don't use Twitter.

Is DW still a badly written fanfic with a few good moments here and there?


The last series literally went directly from "unfiltered kino of capaldi carrying an episode alone" to "clara gets brought back to life also she gets her own tardis and starts travelling with a girl named Me who's immortal"

And they were both written by moffat too
I don't hate Hell Bent, it has a lot of good character moments, but the abstract plot points sound like they came straight out of a self insert fanfiction right down to a character named "me"

Bill isn't a student. She's working at the cafeteria and sneakily attends the Doctor's courses.

Oh boy. Bill is a lesbian.



prove it

Same as I know this

prove that

If so, maybe we could be done with Doctor lust.

>tfw this could ruin the chances of having a straight female companion and her gay brother as companions

>tfw no twink companion

you're one of the weird regulars we have, siblings-user

Why am I weird? :(

You mean
>no Fady companion

fady has too many muscles to be a twink

I'd vote for Storm Saxon.

I know, that's the point. I'd rather have Fady than a think desu.

Shit thread.

that's no fun

>Bill is a lesbian
at least she won't try to fuck the doctor

Believe me it would be very VERY fun.


he's not a gay though

>implying you have never fantasised about straight men

I concede

Trump's the guy who thinks it would be a good idea to make a deal with the Daleks or Cybermen. He's Tobias Vaughn, only with worse hair.

He's also been writing and overseeing Sherlock, and (to some extent) overseeing Class too. He hasn't had that much extra time to write. And even so, even if he'd had two years extra, he's still running on empty with Doctor Who. I suspect as much as they try to hype S10 as all new, it'll still be the same old.

This method of character name divination is the best.

Sheev my ass.

Before the Flood was awesome? Jesus, it was boring as fuck. Tiresome ghosties and a base under seige, unmemorable characters and a lumbering alien monster who did naff all. Oh, and a comedy alien who wasn't even funny.

The End of the World
The Beast Below
Mummy on the Orient Express

to name a few.

Bill is bisexual.

Thump-thump-thump thump.

Sound familiar, Saxon voters?

>tfw no transgender companion

He's a big guy.

I think one of the reasons the Doctor travels is so he doesn't have to put up with shit like choosing which psychotic bastard he'd prefer to fuck him in the ass for four years straight.