So which do you prefer? 1962 Lolita or 1997 Lolita?
So which do you prefer? 1962 Lolita or 1997 Lolita?
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Neither. I think a remake should be done with a 8 years old to really shock people.
I've only seen the 1962 version. Is the 1997 version worth watching?
1997 Lolita by far. This meme that Kubrick's is better because it's Kubrick's is beyond retarded.
>ennio morricone
>less censorious
>better shot
>bestest scored
>jeremy irons
>did i mention the score?
Lolita is like 12/13 mate, and Humbert is a lover of nymphets, not a pedo monster
I forgot, Frank Langella as Quilty is basically inspired.
Both are decent but they both seem to kind of just missed the whole point of the book.
Though I will say I like Swain better then Lyon
and I prefer James Mason to Iron's Humbert
Iron's Humbert feels more like what Humbert wants you think what he is.
1997 but 1962 has one of the greatest opening credits ever
1997. Whereas Kubrick's one got crippled by sensibilities and standards of the time. It's almost farcical. The tone is kind of tongue in cheek, and the sexuality of their relationship is only vaguely implied.
Kubrick was a hack so the remake.
but sue lyon is best-lolita
It's decent but at times it takes itself a little to serious and doesn't have enough black comedy.
Also the love scenes are nice
97 version is outstanding. The opening music completely and totally captures the general tone of what's happening. It's very beautiful and innocent with undertones of sinister . You'd never get a film dealing with these issues made these days and that's probably why the problem is getting to epidemic proportions. When people can't talk about things they act them out.
While I kind of agree with you, I don't. She's too on-the-nose pin-up for me to believe Humbert can see things any man cannot. Plus she's way too old; again, I think she's plenty fuckable to pretty much every man on the planet.
Maybe Kubrick is playing with the idea of Humbert as an unreliable narrator; since the book is his confession and plea to a jury (the reader being a juror) the visual of Lolita as pin-up model makes it easy to empathise with him. Perhaps she played him and he is a victim.
The 97 version is more realistic I feel. Dominique Swain is very convincing as a sexually precocious tween.
Kubrick's by a little bit, but I like both.
the russian version
1997 at least gives me boners
1962 was way too hammy even though Dominique Swain phoned it in in the remake, she could make my peepee happy. The original girl was too old.
The version that is my life.
Compare that to
I like this better, it plays with expectations. It's equal parts deeply sensual while still being innocent on it's face. After basically eye-fucking her she gives him that goofy smile. I can't watch this scene without feeling something. Kubrick's does nothing for me.
braces were a nice touch
I prefer Kubrick's. It was more comedic. Watching James Mason in that role was awkward, which is where some of the humor came from.
Sue Lyon is just a little bit formal to be Lolita.
Swain pretty much just a slutty nymphet but I think she does it well enough were I found her annoying 'quirks' charming.
directed by quentin tarantino?
neither, i prefer this version
>Kubrick's does nothing for me
i'm sorry, but i got news for you...
Great kino lad
Why was Dolores such a cunt?
She was raised by a terrible mother and was kind of a slut.
97, but both versions are very watered down
the world isn't ready for the definitive version of lolita yet. maybe in 25 years.
I remember reading an erotic story years ago that was very Lolita-like, with a young girl running away from home and meeting a trucker I believe. She called him 'her eagle' or something like that, and it had a sad ending.
I never saw it again, but does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Split the differences, make her 10, and have it feature some real nudity and pedophilia.
I rather we just get a good film adaption of Ada or Ardor then another Lolita adaption honestly.
That has more a chance of getting past the censors then lolita.
Kubrick's version has really nothing to do with the book. It's more like Seller's movie than anything else. It's like they knew that they were going to be restricted in terms of what they could get away with, so they wanted to focus on the comedy. But instead of the sly black comedy of the book, Kubrick just let Sellers do his shtick.
At least the 1997 version is some kind of adaptation, for all its inadequacies
you've gotta be 18 to post here
I don't particularly like either, the book is fantastic though
>tfw it's on fucking youtube
1955 loli
I want to get back to reading again. Which Lolita publisher should I choose? Is the Penguin Books version good?
not anymore, some bastard reported the account
I just checked the vid. Still there.
I've got the Penguin hardback, it's good
i prefer the 1962 one. i like the humor in it
why was it okay for a press image to sexualize a 15 year old?
It was a different time.
you want the movie to make money or not?
Kubrick because Sellers is truly appalling in it.
Times were different back then user.
Why are you implying it's not ok?
pretty baby > all other ______core
Go back to your grave Louis Malle.
wait these were actual movies?
i legit thought they were just pornos for creepy old guys
The 1955 version
Don't watch them. Go read the novel. It's really good and not at all erotica.
The younger one OP. Every time.
isn't the actress like 20?
the score reminds me of this
I like the Lolita (2017) with Lexee Smith.
Best version ever.
1997, i generally like kubrick but his Lolita is bad.
How'd the 97 version get away with showing a naked 15 year old?
I've finished Lolita and plan on reading Ada ou Ardour next.
Any Nabokov recommendations?
She is now.
Pale Fire is great. You should check it out.
cheers m80
Will do when I finish AoA.
the thumbnail tho
underrated post
>Will do when I finish AoA.
Good. Also AoA is honestly better then Lolita.
I'm still waiting for a film adaption of it too.
>Mom catches them in the act
>She cries, girl runs off
>Cuts to dude sitting there with some papers, probably ready to leave
>They all go outside and talk
>Can't even hear what they're saying over shitty flash hentai game music
>Cut to threesome with daughter riding dude and the mother getting her tit sucked
Fucking Russians man
when does that happen?
At the end. Mom is walking home and catches her daughter riding the guy.
1997. No question. Next!
truly the perfect ending
maybe you are more interested in the Peter Boil version?
You better never know.
Just imagine....
>Lexee Smith as Lolita
>Idris Elba as Humbert
>Director: Woody Allen
>Ejecutive Producer: Donald Trump
Why not?
>mfw someone was spamming Siberian mouse on danbooru
wtf is siberian mouse
a 'cheese pizza' production company
fucking euros are so degenerate it's honestly disgusting
What Doonboroo is?
I need that link.
so they make videos about pizza or something? why is that so bad? im not one to judge so if a pizza is what gets you off then go for it
why the fuck would anybody be stupid enough to do that
it's none of your motherfucking business mang
I need more information
is this kino?
Why are you all speaking so cryptically? Partyvan isn't going to go after you for just talking about it.
Danbooru is a basic hentai/r34 site. Last week someone was posting CP there. Obviously they were banned and pica deleted.
So, is danbooru famous in the otaku society?
kubrick's lolita is terrible as far as adaptations go, he completely misses (ignores?) the point of the novel. humbert humbert is not a nymphette hunting sociopath but a man who reluctantly gives in to circumstance, lolita is not a young semi-compliant victim, but a teenage co-conspirer, the film is about self-repulsion and claustrophobia and temptation and the book is about obsession and objectification
BUT as a dark psychological comedy, kubrick's lolita fucking works. clare quilty is perhaps the most bizzare, inexplicable, unwarranted change from the book and peter sellers pulls it off
god bless
I just don't get it.
Real porn doesn't even get posted on boorus, no shit cp was going to be ousted almost immediately
1962 for cinematic merit, 1997 for masturbation.
And Invitation to a Beheading.