What do we think of florist?

What do we think of florist?

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i hate them just from looking at them

lets see what twee bullshit they can squeeze out

cool, more limp dick crap for people like me

Do they play the fruits?

They look like cunts but they probably make great music

i can already hear how generic they are from the band pic


good stuff

to me, they stand out in a genre where a lot of stuff sounds the same

Meh better than I expected it to be atleast

i dont know who the fuck these people are but i feel like i could walk into a room and snap all of their necks steven segal style

Do I need to be on hormones to like them?

They make my peepee soft

oh look another effeminate petit bourgeois indie band from brooklyn that makes bland and forgettable jangle pop music and looks like a walking irl tumbler.

What i wouldnt give for like some danzig looking motherfucker who lifts and sings about murder to punch them in the face

Wow dude you're so hardcore

>family guy gif

call me a bigot but i will never give a band like this a chance, out of the sheer fact they look gay and like they have never worked or broken a sweat in their life.

on look another family guy gif

he listens to Danzig, too

I think I could beat them all up.

>What i wouldnt give for like some danzig looking motherfucker who lifts and sings about murder to fuck my sweet tightness while we listen to h2o

go to bed jb
