What bong time is her show tonight? Thinking of staying up.
What bong time is her show tonight? Thinking of staying up
she was good when she was on the daily show, but i just can't take 21 minutes of her
Do you really like this show? I can't stand her, but I'm definitely biased.
out of the shows that came out of TDS, hers is the only one that feels like the prime daily show, to where I suspect she was the main writer for all of johns jokes. The "woman angle" is obnoxious though, mostly because of how unnecessary it is.
Normally I can't stand more than 30 seconds of this woman, but I want to see the meltdown.
Agree with the overall sentiment:
She was funny on The Daily Show, got her own show and immediately whipped out the vagina card and has played it ever since, and the show is shit as a result.
Every commercial I see is the same whiny tired jokes with the maple leaf sticker on the briefcase and the full body pointing.
I don't even think I wanna watch, there won't be a meltdown, it'll be the same shit that happened last night on The Daily Show. More whining, more sentient cheeto jokes, more of the same delusion shit despite being proven wrong.
>seeing Colbert slowly let his despair engulf him, until he was a blubbering, befuddled, and broken man
I only wish Jon Stewart was with him
How the fuck did you dummies run an empire?
it's hip to fuck her
I wonder how she's going to spin this shit. A meltdown would be too much to hope for.
Same thing the rest are doing
>white people
>muh vajaiiiiina
come again?
Maddow seems like she's gonna have a mental breakdown.
truly disappointed.
Was hoping to see one of the faithful eat a pistol live on screen.
oh well
I really hope. She put literally everything she had behind Hillary.
I meant the female "comedians." Conan and Colbert were proving why they're the best with actual jokes and sincerity instead of chicken wing jokes and woe-is-us crap.
She was trying really really hard to stay smiling and not freak the fuck out on Chris Matthews and the others last night.
maher has the biggest chance to do this, he actually owns a pistol and isn't a woman or canadian
I wonder if they'll even keep paying to keep her on the air anymore. There's no need to shill for Hillary any longer.
Is it bad that I kinda want to fuck her?
I think I want to fuck her.
There's a stronger need to shill to liberals now since Republicans control the government.
So far there have been 8 confirmed Clinton suicides.
Just because Sup Forums said so doesn't make it true.
>just because Sup Forums said so doesn't make it true
you haven't been following the election have you
Why does she stand funny, I'm always worried she is going to fall forward through my screen
this election has revealed the opposite you cuck. Sup Forums confirmed for king maker.
Based Conan.
She was literally saying this today