North Korea Just endorsed Trump

Let's welcome them to the Trump Train

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Trump, Putin, Kim Jong Un - The Nuclear Triad: Electric Boogaloo.


If they are supporting him, it probably means they don't want him to win.
Why though?
Is Trump planning on solving the NK problem? Making SK and Japan pay for their defense may be just a negotiation tactics to get them on board with something...

Post yfw Trump reunites Korea

Source pls.

sending americans to war to reunite korea would be a neocon action. trump doesn't give a shit about korea


> war
Implying he won't be able to do it Reagan style

>nuking everyone is best policy

spoken like a true tumblrina

>If they are supporting him, it probably means they don't want him to win.
That's really not how diplomacy works.

Nobody in America gives a fucking shit about Korea except for gooks with citizenship in this garbage country.

>sending americans to war

It's not like they're drafting people anymore. The soldiers are doing their jobs. It's not like they're sending them into the meat grinder either (anymore).

The US could defeat NK militarily with a single aircraft carrier. Its large land army would become disorganized and unsupplied. But everything would turn to shit within NK. Maybe that's why he needs SK and Japan? For the mop up operations and the occupation. The US military already had to do it for more than a decade in the middle east and their people must be weary...

That's how elections work though.

Hey America, I really love you, but war isn't the only way to 'unite' countries.

How is this a good thing?

North Korea want America nuked into orbit.

Trump will tie the world in peace. Leftist shall destroy it.

They support Trump because he'll pull out US forces from South Korea, leaving them defenseless.

"Kim Jung Un isn't a bad guy. In fact, he's kind of a good guy. He really cares about his cou- listen, he's a guy that came into power young. That's a good trait, taking on responsibility your father left you young. I can relate to that. In supporting me and being a good, supportive guy, I'll gladly accept his endorsement."

North Korean is extremely delusional.

Nope. There is no way in hell the US is losing SK. Trump isn't letting that happen. Bernie isn't letting that happen. Don't fall for the memes that they are literally retarded. They're not. They won't cause the end of the world.

If they pull out of SK and let NK invade, it would be by design. They would FINALLY have an excuse to invade NK. But it would be a horrible way to do it. Tons of SK people would die. There would be lots of damage too.


>The "war" candidate
Already respected and endorsed by every enemy of USA

>North Korea Just endorsed Trump
Wow, that's why I'm #TerminallyHill.

>war candidate
Seeks to better US/Russia relations

You people do realize that South Korea alone would slaughter the North right? The only reason why they haven't invaded by now is because the Norks have enough artillery aimed at Seoul to level it in hours. North Korea is a paper tiger. And they would never use nukes because that would guarantee US intervention.

spoken like a true cuck.


Gundam Star just endorsed Trump too


Rocket tractors may look hilarious but you underestimate them and their numbers.

and the will of the norks

Wow, just wow. If all of our enemies support Trump then what does that say about him? I'm afraid I've no choice but to vote for Hillary now.

>tfw Trump vastly improves relations between USA and Russia
>tfw Trump brings North Korea into the civilized world
>tfw Trump unites the entire world so we can finally manifest destiny the stars and gas the ayylmaos

>despot of orwellian dystopic hell-hole
>endorses despot-in-waiting's designs for an orwellian dystopic hell-hole

Every nation that's currently an enemy of the US (Russia, China, Iran, NK, etc.) wants Trump to win because Trump being elected would mean the dismantling of the globalist hegemony (Jews) which are the people in control of the US and are the actual enemies of these countries as well as the American people. The American people for decades have been tricked into thinking any nation that doesn't jive with the establishment's banking/military power scheme is an enemy. Russia and China are not enemies of the American people themselves.