The best horror film since the 80s.
The best horror film since the 80s.
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Did you watch a different movie or are you just fucking retarded?
>Japanese people are demons
We 1940s now? Invest in US Steel!
>the dueling rituals scene
true kino
It was not a duel though.
your mom's shit slit.
rec is the best new horror kino which proves u dont kno wot u talkin bout
I liked everything about it except the sudden tonal shifts.
For example that cheesy zombie scene came out of nowhere and returned right back to the intense stuff.
The juggle between humoulr and tension in the first half was quite balanced, second half not so much.
Still loved it.
Rec was very good, but nowhere near the masterpiece level of something like Exorcist, Shining, Thing etc. Wailing is.
>missing out on kino
Rec was great HORROR those movies are more like thrillers.
watched the first half hour and it was really shitty
On the contrary, I felt it added to the slow shifting between fantasy and slice of life. For a good 45min, I was, same as the MC, wondering who the fuck believes in ghost stories.
>cheesy zombie scene
One of the worst moments I've seen in film for quite a while. This film was all over the place stylistically and ultimately made me not give too much of a shit about what was going on.
I didn't really understand the whole thing, like the monk dude was evil the whole time because of the pictures and vomitting at the 'good' white ghost lady? Except during the ritual both the little girl and the demon were getting destroyed or was the demon dude trying to move himself into that other dead dude's body or something?
Beautiful visuals and atmosphere but that plot was something else.
they look drunk...
It was as clear as capeshit if you're not a complete retard.
Thanks, that explains so much I think I get it now
Film is shit. I usually love asian horror, but this was fucking horrible.
I actually stopped watching it halfway through because it's too hard to take them gooks seriously.
Korean murder mysteries with bumbling cops are the capeshit of the arthouse
Here's the shot of ghost girl spying on Japanese demon guy praying in that little waterfall. I assumed she cursed the waterfall.
Started off amazing, carried on really great
then, when it came time to seal the deal, they pulled 3 consecutive fakeouts that felt like they were literally just there to desperately try to provide the viewer with something they weren't expecting, but all it ended up doing was rob the film of any weight or value it had built over the first two hours.
finished at 2.5/5 for me, literally shyamalaned themselves into a piece of shit innefectual conclusion.
true but i like it
I like how it blurred the line between horror and fantasy. It played out like a dark fairy tale along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth, which I really appreciated.
i like when you think of it as a critique on south korea's hatred of japanese and outsiders, throws it right in their face.
i also like that the plot didn't spoonfeed you everything, but there were long stretches of the movie where i had no idea what was going on. can't deny i was enjoying the ride though
I'm so glad that we don't need to pretend that imported chink shit like this is in anyway impressive in our new uncucked world.
I loved it. The whole point of rural incompetence and ingenuity, plus the really hard point of chosing to trust one side. I liked how while we saw the pictures in the Jap's house, during the ritual you feel bad for the man's suffering, and then while you know there is a evil people harming the other, you just want everyone to be ok.
I liked it too
3.5/5 for me
The whole dialogue about the demon fishing was pretty unsettling when you really think about it
I appreciated that it wasn't a case of revenge that was suddenly tied to the MC from childhood or family special shit to explain "it was personal", like in other movies.
That's what really made it spooky, it's not that bad things happen to bad people like every other korean movie but that there are bad things out there that just don't care who you are.
Hard to interpret what the ghost lady was saying at the end though, that the father was paying for his sins but I think the sin he commited was judging the japanese man before knowing the truth (even though his suspicions turned out to be right). But his daughter was infected by the demon way before he confronted the japanese man so I don't know.
Any other good kinos like this one? Epic kind of modern horror, foreign or not. Haven't seen anything like this in a long time, quite enjoyed it.
having aaid that aside from being a bit too long i really like the main chsracter and the biblical allusions were neat. Wouldnt call it the best horror tho
Haven't seen either of this dudes other movies either: the chaser, the yellow sea. Were they any good?
Yes, it was hard to understand. But the MC actually murdered and chased an old man, and before he even killed a dog just for the sake of being spooky. He was lazy and don't really commited with his profession and his own people until his own girl was possesed. He was kinda selfish? Fuck, he was a police but behaved like a criminal.
It was an unsetting movie. Ever been in a rural village? Things got unsetting there and not really because lol supernatural, but because you are surrounded by stranges with different ways of behaving.
>I assumed she cursed the waterfall.
That doesn't make any sense; wasn't she the good guy? She was the one setting up the trap, and warn him it'd fail if he crossed it. And it did wither and fail as he did.
>mfw that scene when the two cops are sharing their murder theories at the station
I honestly one of them was pulling a prank on the other then the camera shows there was actually a naked woman outside
fucking great movie it gave me the chills
Why was the shaman trying to kill the japanese man if they were working together?
Yeah. I dare Sup Forums to give me one reason why this scene is not the purest form of kino we have ever seen.
1) Both were performing rituals at the same time. Shaman to harm the little girl, oldman to get the zombie.
2) This is other theory that suggest shaman was a good guy at first, but he made a warning to MC to not interrupt the ceremony because it could fuck up really bad. Well, MC stopped the ceremony, and shaman was possesed by the oldman.
The Witch was better. Not a minute too long, the style was more consistent and less cliched, and it was genuinely scarier.
But it was popular, American, and didn't go to Cannes, so everybody will write it off
Why did he wanted to get the zombie?
both are considered high-top tier korean crime thrillers, neither are super similar to the supernatural elements of the wailing though
I think the shaman was evil all along and didn't want to the girl to die but wanted the father to feel responsible for the effects of the curse.
Like why would the bad guy want the possessed demon girl who was going to murder a whole village to be the only one that dies instead of just making the girl feel so much pain that the father feels forced to stop the exorcism even though he's told that if he stops it everything gets fucked.
Still not sure why the jap dude made the zombie though, unless that's how he killed all the other villagers the cop was investigating before?
Very confusing movie, I think the translation I had was very loose too so that didn't help.
Awesome. Yeah neither looked. Very supernatural but the chaser sounds very interesting
The evil was changing of vessel because he knew people already had jap guy as a target.
>Still not sure why the jap dude made the zombie though
because they want to include a zombie in the movide just for the fuck of it
it is a nice movie but some of the stuffs just seem drag on for too long and unnecessary
probably a subtle advertise for train to busan
It mostly what the shaman said, the evil take a body that is already dead. Jap guy was prpbably dead before arriving to Korea. The jap guy we see is already a vessel of the evil, and he works with the shaman from before. Remember when the MC saw the guy dying in the hospital? He was having the same stroke MC saw in his daughter, so te ritual was one of the stage for the devil to took a person. But after MC, his friend and the priest find out his place, he knew his facade was in danger, and probably planned to get a new body.
I kind of like that it felt like a fairy tale where it didn't all quite line up.
Towards the end, the dad even had that line about how he was being punished from the start for a decision he hadn't made yet, but I liked that element. It was all kind of beyond a clear-cut set of rules and that made it more horrifying, kind of like The Thing.
first act is good as heck
second act is a little gooby, but is fun to watch, it starts to build your opinion of the world etc fun stuff
3rd act is nuts super cool hell yeah
I think the ending is supposed to show you that there is some real 'magic' that is against the bad dudes evil magic that is real at the end
the chick was the village guardian, pretty common theme in asian folklore
not that part, the part about him swearing to protect his daughter as he dies. that is the good magic human magic etc etc
wrong pic
There hasn't been anything like this since Angel Heart or Hellraiser.
The Chaser is also a 5/5 film, the best film of 2008.
The Yellow Sea was great, but a bit nonsensical. 3.5 / 5.
The Witch was a British film.
Well, actually a UK/Canada/USA co-production, but mainly British.
>I think the shaman was evil all along and didn't want to the girl to die but wanted the father to feel responsible for the effects of the curse.
I don't buy the "Shaman was evil and working with the Jap guy" -theory. Even though the ghost girl said it in the movie. It just doesn't make sense.
Why would he be suddenly surprised to learn that he didn't kill the Jap guy, and that he thought the girl was the bad guy? He was just a showman shaman, who didn't know where he had got involved.
>Still not sure why the jap dude made the zombie though, unless that's how he killed all the other villagers the cop was investigating before?
Something like that. Remember the guy from the beginning of the movie? He was in the sort of zombie state.