

-Figure it out

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Traps are gay

hold on, apparently I'm retarded


figure this out *whips out dick*

There are way too many "a" letters in that sentence to make a clear, coherent sentence.
I tried all 25+ caesar shifts and there was nothing of significance. OP, please give me a hint, this is really pissing me off.

I think it has to do with a tidal wave of piss

going into your dick

Furthermore, re-arranging the letters to find a sentence is stupid because you have 85 characters. I don't have the program, nor time to develop a program that will give me a readable reconstruction.
(assuming you had a sentence to begin with and jumbled it up)

He is a nigger, though

oeztoih duenxai ejlfcpo ndwrbqw iqkmyqn lhttibs ljnowzt nyytuo

ive broken the code. it says i'm amoral slime who should be gassed.

ne habo yekada fakmoraka notekda femada yoku
!"Ёщщщщщщщщщщщщ вo втopник кaтя
нeнeнeнeнeнeнeнeн; нeнeнeнeнeнeнeнeн нa нa нa нa . . . . oщз yo вaыapeьeч -==ххххъъъъъззззззжжжжжжжээээээээююююююююююддддддддддд¿§?‚“““¿¿¿¿”””””¡¤!„„„„„„„„¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~~~~~~~~~~~¡„¤÷¡!” ª¬¬ ¥º $@$€ °°°» °°°»¡!°°°»°°°»¡₩ª₩ª §°¿¤¤¤221¬?!

aıı youг вase

hi fag

me-jaqo' ta-kad'a paknosaka moya'kla penad'a tok-u

all your base are belong to us



"When I get sick of being a dog" is a finite period of time retard

I think it translates to "OP is a faggot"

it's almost my birthday :o

happy birthday almost
