Who else is going to boycott Jimmy Fallon?
It's time for a new Tonight Show host.
Who else is going to boycott Jimmy Fallon?
It's time for a new Tonight Show host.
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You come at the King, you best not miss.
I'd support it, but only cause Fallon is an unfunny dick rider.
Christ, what happened to late night tv? Only a few years ago, we had Fergeson, Letterman, Colbert Report and Conan at his peak.
Now CBS is a joke, Colbert lost his bite and basically became Jay Leno, and NBC's shows are painful to watch.
wtf i love jimmy fallon now.
or at least i don't dispise him so much.
Fallon was the only late night host that didn't demonize him. His ratings are the only ones that aren't shit too. Fallon truly understands the silent majority.
I hate Fallon more than I love Trump.
>a huge threat
wahhh a white president waaahh
I doubt he made any actual difference in the election.
And guess what show the new US President will go on first?
HINT: Not Colbert's!
oh noes a presidential candidate was treated like one on tv! rape!
Fallon made the right choice. I mean Trump could have been and now is the next President, why would Fallon not treat him civilly? Because of twitter?
Everyone decided to retire within a 2 year span leading to an influx of shit tier comedians taking over from big league guys.
I can't stand Fallon, but I kind of understood him from how he treated Trump. He's inoffensive, not liberal PC "inoffensive", literally inoffensive and apolitical; he honestly does not seek to antagonize anyone. That's part of why he is so unfunny
With social media everyone became thin-skinned as fuck since it was them on the line in the face of the world.
A joke that you could laugh with your family/friends about 10 or more years ago is now a joke at offends a massive audience at the drop of a hat.
It's why all the big comedians of today play it as safe as fucking possible which isn't funny. The bite. The raw satire. You can't really do that anymore.
It's why Fallon is so big and guess what? He was nice to somebody his primary audience didn't like. Now it's not funny anymore. He can go and do it with Tom Hanks or Obama and it's funny. Do it with Mr. Bad Guy I Don't Like and now he's a Nazi apologist.
Alex Jones?
Did anyone else watch Stephen Colbert's Late Night live on Showtime last night?
They were so sure Trump would lose that the majority of skits were anti-Trump, and they even had a panel at the end that had a radio shock jock and a female comedian.
Throughout the show you could see them break as it was revealed Trump was going to win. It was glorious.
I think I'm going to watch based Fallon tonight. And change the channel before Seth "Vote for Hillary" Meyers takes over.
What a disingenous little creep, talking about "poison" and "mistrust", yeah I wonder where that came from Mr. "Literally draw Trump as a cartoon character."
Jimmy Fallon is literally responsible for last night. If he just shot Trump when he was on his show, none of this would've happened.
quints confirm
I felt good. He was so smugly sure the whole race. I'm not even a huge fan of Trump, I voted for him, but not in the primaries, but the talk show hosts getting BTFO'd is glorious.
This is why Fallon is the ratings King. Fucking Colbert just couldn't resist acting all outraged.
Me too.
this basically
>a huge threat to millions of lives
So what are these people going to do when 4 years go by and literally nothing bad at all has happened to them?
Kek, stay mad hillshills
When will Spoony appear on Fallon?
You've just been recommended for the quint star for your valor and braveryin the face of overwhelming odds in memetic warfare.
>The show needs me.
Dear Jimmy, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'...
Do they not realize that it was them treating him and his base like scum that turned moderates and undecideds against them?
I boycotted fallon from the beginning
He is trash
I dont need some politics horse hockey to do it
Trump was LITERALLY. L I T E R A L L Y HITLER! you fucking bigots don't know what you've done. you fucking racist MISOGYNIST PIECES OF GARBAGE. How fucking DARE YOU VOTE FOR THIS RACIST, XENOPHOBIC PIECE OF TRASH!
>yfw this is the actual mindset of every liberal atm
I actually wish I could witness a reality in which Trump loses, just to see if the Trump people reacted in a similar way, though I doubt they would have honestly.
so what are you guys looking forward to watching? this weekend Dave Chappelle is hosting SNL. just imagine, an outspoken black comedian with a cast of people who have been trying to sour the country on trump for over a year now are going to do a live comedy show. it's going to be fucking hilarious.
anybody know if Colbert and Seth Meyers are going to have new episodes tonight?
we need conan back
of course not, the way they see it basically half the country is just evil woman hating nazis
Unless you're a Nielsen household that does literally nothing
These faggots act like there's going to death squads on the streets some January.
I'll always watch Dave Chappelle, he's hilarious even post-Africa.
I'm genuinely sad about how crazy these liberals are. I know the person who tweeted pic related. They talk about Trump's hate speech, but he's never said anything this hateful.
Fuck off, tripfag
Can't believe Kimmel is the best late night host, Kimmel, fucking Kimmel.
This is a myth. Most cable companies send anonymous DVR statistics.
Its a way to gauge who is watching what, and what is being recorded.
it was super depressing to watch because everyone on it was choking back tears. I wasn't a huge hillary fan but it still kind of bummed me out.
>horse hockey
wait a minute
horses play hocky??
u fuccn canadians i swear lmao
What do you mean?
People are definitely overreacting.
It's the medias fault Trump got elected because they never took him seriously and constantly made him the underdog. The media always turned a blind eye to the deplorable shit Hillary did while people were getting alternate sources of media that weren't obviously biased/corrupt as fuck.
>being mad at the vocal minority
Its the same way most normal trumpfags arent klansman yelling to kill obama.
Shit is dumb
>demonize anyone who doesn't condemn Trump
>gee why are the polls not accurate
Case in point:
People unironically watch this guy. He's bordering Alex Jones paranoia without the entertainment and water filters.
Wait people actually like him and watch regularly?
I thought the whole point of his show was to generate noise to drown out sex sounds.
What makes trump a threat to millions of lives exactly?
They're so far gone into their own narrative that they aren't even in reality anymore
the difference is that person isn't president... I'm not a huge fan of having a statesman who can't keep his mouth shut when it's not appropriate, that's diplomacy 101. He's also said stuff about killing the families of terrorists as a deterrent, whether or not he actually means it, it's still dumb shit to say.
so low energy, this guy needs some supermale vitality
Not even 30 seconds in and he's infinitely butthurt
This is delicious
I don't know about "minority". This is all I'm seeing from my few friends on twitter and facebook. They're pretty normal.
I agree. People are just acting like we elected Adolf Hitler Jr. when we just elected a loud brash guy with a few good ideas.
Can you imagine the first panel interview Trump does? Invite the NYT, CNN, Fox, etc... Then he only answer a question from Alex Jones, another one from Breitbart and then he goes away, with no material for the MSM.
A wide selection of households nationwide have a set meter attached to their tv and ratings are determined by how many of these households are watching. Some households are simply asked to keep a diary.
And then there's the pro-torture stuff. Is this going to be the golden age of American war crimes?
C-c-check em
What good ideas are those? And please don't say something like 'fix the economy' because that's a goal, not an idea.
I have boycotted NBC since the Conan debacle.
>we just elected a loud brash guy with a few good ideas.
You elected a guy who has allowed the house, senate, and supreme court to be controlled by establishment republicans.
Thats a gigantic deal for anyone who cares about global warming, or gay rights, or abortion rights, or any other number of social issues that people care about.
he's literally stopping an entire religion from entering the United States. Even innocent ones, which is most of them.
if that doesn't ring a bell then wtf fám
How mad are these people gonna be when Trump goes through 8 years and doesn't open a single concentration camp
his supporters will be pretty mad I bet.
>if that doesn't ring a bell
It doesn't, they're not the same thing
literally not true, only LITERAL retards actually believe this
Deescalating tensions with nuclear powers.
Not banning firearms.
Closing tax loopholes.
Repatriating money held by businesses overseas.
Well, maybe nothing particularly original to him, but just a smaller government in general. That's something I very much support. Also he's at least more pro-life than Hillary, and that was the main deciding factor for me. Hearing her defend late term abortions so strongly convinced me that I had to vote Trump. He's got lots of problems, but fewer than she does.
it's his campaign promise. it was literally the first thing he ran on.
similar not same. still bad because duh.
there is too much fear mongering on both sides, the government has a system of checks and balances, and regardless if you think that system works or not, its not going to just let trump do whatever he wants, he is in a new arena now, he isn't just swindling plebs out of money anymore, and there are still plenty of republicans that dislike him enough to block anything that is too far out there from getting passed.
I for one welcome all the new comedy, and don't actually think trump is going to be the second coming of hitler, besides he is 70 years old, probably won't get relected and what kind of damage can he really do in 4 years, it takes almost more than 4 years for shit you put in place to even have any kind of effect.
>global warming
Not real.
>gay rights
You still have them.
>abortion rights
It's murder and should be done away with.
>you actually believe this
holy shit, i knew you shildogs were despondent but this is hilarious.
I really hope you kill yourself/
>similar not same.
I fail to see how "not letting foreigners of a certain religion into the country" equals "murdering the adherents of that religion"
>Hearing her defend late term abortions so strongly convinced me that I had to vote Trump
99% of late-term abortions are done because of birth defects or health reasons. No woman decides to go through 8 months of pregnancy and then get an abortion just on a whim
I don't think you should be able to abort because of birth defects. To save the life of the mother is one thing, but they want you to be able to protect the "health" of the mother, which in practice can mean anything, including "mental health".
Im not going to fight social issues with you.
Im just saying that Trump isnt at all anti establishment. He did nothing but bring the establishment with him.
yes I agree. his campaign promises that you fell for ARE hilarious.
I won't even argue with that. I just think he's better than Hillary.
>I don't think you should be able to abort because of birth defects.
Why do you want a bunch of waterheads running around ruining the family life of its family?
Do you enjoy paying disability and occasionally welfare because the mother cant go out and work?
And for what?
So something that cant live a normal life can sit and wallow with health issues for 35 years?
>I don't think you should be able to abort because of birth defects
so what, you should force a woman to give birth to a child that's going to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks, rake up tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills, and then just die anyway?
>To save the life of the mother is one thing, but they want you to be able to protect the "health" of the mother, which in practice can mean anything, including "mental health"
yes, and there's a huge range of grey areas between "absolutely life-threatening" and "minor health inconvenience" but that's between the patient and their doctor to decide
I thought you said you were in favour of small government. Since when did small government mean having Congress micro-manage an individual's medical procedures?
The media was incredibly biased about Hillary. Why else do you think they kept calling her emails a scandal even after they were proven, twice, to be completely benign.
Meanwhile they just kept sucking Trump off and spreading his bullshit over the air 24/7.
Your post is equal to 34.
>Since when did small government mean having Congress micro-manage an individual's medical procedures?
The same time that it was going to create an illegal immigrant task force, and build a giant wall, and go around and rebuild infrastructure, and fund the police more, and rebuild the military, all while cutting everyones taxes.
that's just what the liberal media wants you to think
>people still think Donald is in charge
pretty much. The media's gotten to the point where they think being balanced means just letting both sides of an issue talk and never correcting or fact checking them. Trump was given miles of leeway to make shit up and was barely challenged on it because they didn't want to seem biased
The mental gymnastics some cuckhold conservatives go through to believe this shit. The last time Trump ever said something not hateful was the last question of the second debate. Everything else he has ever said this campaign was to the effect of the world is blaming and (insert ethnicity/religion/minority) is responsible for it.
If you consider the mishandling of classified information to be benign, then yes, she did nothing wrong.
Except for the constant fact checks done on every fragment of Trump's speeches.
Someone post the Bleach Bit one.
>millions of lives
No lie, I'm literally posting while I'm standing in line for the ovens with my Mexican family.
I dig small government, but I think murder can still be illegal.
I don't think that's true. Trump was fact checked all the time by all the major media outlets. There were websites dedicated to fact checking and Trump always came off worse.
His electorate just don't care.
>stupid email shit comes out just in time to tank clintons campaign
>then the emails are handwaved as a non issue
lmao rigged shit as always by the right
We need to outlaw condoms and other contraceptives
>Trump is a monster!
>Hillary is literally a reptilian
>the media was biased against Hillary and in favor of Trump