ITT: genuinely scary characters.
ITT: genuinely scary characters
Scary how?
total lose cannon.
>"get your shinebox"
and then just goes apeshit.
plus Joe Pesci is just a scary looking fella. despite his size
What do you mean "despite his size"? Is he a midget, is he supposed to NOT be scary?
what's scary about me eh? i'm here to frighten you? what am I some kinda o ghost eh?
ya know, how you talk, youre a scary guy
Yeah but scary how? Scary like what, like a spider or some shit? Scary how?
>literally beat a guy to death for squeaking
scarier in casino desu.
Like a clown.
>cries like a bitch when he gets arrested
You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm scary how, I mean scary like I'm a ghost, I frighten you? I make you scream, I'm here to fuckin' frighten you? What do you mean scary, scary how? How am I scary?
manlets have less mass and therefore are less physically intimidating. it's nature, im more scared of a big thing than a smaller thing
I don't know you're scary.
You're a scary guy.
wouldn't wanna piss this guy off
super creepy too
The original "Big Guy"
nice trips bro
Scary? I dunno I think he's pretty funny, he's a funny guy
any negro shown as they truly are.
another one
holy shit.
whites - brutal & hostile for thousands of years. they decide to cool it for 2 hundred years and suddenly everyone else is misbehaving and you all are so above it.
the ego on you people.
Learn to type with proper punctuation or I might dust off some of that hostility chimp.
nobody'll believe me but I posted all of the dubs on this thread. somebody do that trick where they call out same-posters bc they'll discover that all theseare mine
oh right... i can do that
can I play?
Check em
>literally hearsay
i bet you voted for hillary clinton too
heh ... yeah
Man that clown meme died off fast, I was hoping for a Million Clown March on Halloween.
>implying whites have been around for thousands of years
I know you don't read so good Tyrese but there must be someone with a nice white education who can tutor you or something, this is embarrassing
So do you get more intimidated by a bunny than a spider?
i said worthwhile ya twat.
This is the best one in the thread because he literally has nothing to lose. Even the one guard that didn't treat him like complete dogshit got traumatized specifically because he felt like doing it. He gained nothing from hurting people and in fact suffered madly for it but still just kept doing the same thing over and over again.
Even OP's choice was able to recognize on some level that he shouldn't do something. Yeah he killed shoeshine guy but he only fucked with people when he felt he was being fucked with.
You mudafucka
If i were you i'd head to the nearest casino, put it all on red
Say what you want about the film (I loved it) but PSH was fucking creepy as the villain.
R-rated Smithers
I like MI3 a lot too and he is fucking great in it.
Does anyone else get excited when they see dubs/trips outside of Sup Forums? I saw trips on a license plate today and got excited without realizing why for a second.
first post best post
> being scared of a manlet
S-Snoke tells me i'm sc-scary!
Step aside peasants
Well fuckin played user lmao
Check these lads
My great-uncle knew Charlie Bronson in prison
I was really drunk and watched Fargo (steve buscemi movie) and there was this guy in it. I don't remember his name or motivation but he'd just up and kill you without a word and move on, no sparing, just sees you, shoots you in the head
super scary. that's what the jewish mafia does
Fuck the live action version, this nigga was scary
So ugly one gets scared to death.
>see Nightcrawler
>it's okay
>bring it up sometimes
>girls always say he's ugly and creepy
what the fuck, I thought he was dark and brooding and that chicks liked handsome fellas
when ONE scene from a movie represents the entire movie so well, you know it's great
>at the end of the movie he shoots the screen
WHAT THE FUCK were they thinking?
it wasn't cool, it was stupid, and totally killed how sorry I felt for Henry
Be honest. You'd be shitting your pants since we all know white people inherently fear thuggish darkies and spigs.
They do, that's why they didn't like nightclawler.
4real for a kid's movie this nigga was hardcore
>____ boy _____ boy
its tickling my autism
he's creepy af, can only imagine what kind of a creep you are if you thought that
I know he's weird and plans out too much shit, like he's on the spectrum, but I was trying to look at it from a supple girls perspective. They don't care how a guy is or acts (love letters to charles manson thing) just that he's got a 11/10 face
How did he get those scars?
How did he get those dubs?
We have been around for several thousand years you ridiculous cunt
Well good thing Nightclawler's gotta 1/10 face then.
...there are different types of girls, m8. The girls who send love letters to Charles Manson are fucking insane and you wouldn't want them. Most girls definitely care how a guy behaves, treats people, and lives his life
This motherfucker right here. This was the first R-rated movie I ever saw, and holy shit did it fuck with my ten-year-old mind.
Is that Ethan Bradberry?
le ironman
Good thread potential ruined by shitposters
Sorry OP
Not meme-ing
He's the only scary thing in the show
Hes da joka baybeee
My roommate loves that show and I just told them to him. You should have seen his fucking face