Hello, my comrades! I live in Russia and I'm here to talk about Vladimir Len... Wait, that's not why I'm here

Hello, my comrades! I live in Russia and I'm here to talk about Vladimir Len... Wait, that's not why I'm here.

If be more serios, I decide find english-speaking friend (I prefer girlfriend, but it's not that important). I hope, you help me with this.

I registed in all social networks, so you can give me your contacts and we will talk :з

Пoшeл нaхyй oтcюдa, cнeжный ниггep.

I am an American woman looking for a person to help me study Russian, actually.
I'm definitely interested in talking with you, user.))

Ok, I can speak with you, and you can also teach me English language.

Where we will talk?

Heкpacивo oбзывaтьcя нa нeзнaкoмых людeй :c

It's up to you. What social media do you have?

I think, facebook will be more convenient for me

Sorry. Where are you from?

Can I give you my email, and there we can exchange names?)

Pennsylvania, USA

No problem

Oh, my mistake, OP. Thought you were asking me.

Email is [email protected]
I look forward to talking you you, user.)

Its allright now show your titis

I can't, user. I'm in classes.(

I sent you a letter

Do you heard shooting?

Do I hear shooting? I don't understand, user, but I got your message.

I'm waiting for a message from you

I sent it.

Hm, I don't see.

I am not op but i hope he send.

I didn't recieve a message from you. Maybe you answered someone else?

I got it