Be me, 20

>be me, 20
>outsider since i joined my class, no real friends or anything (because of anxiety and depression)
>improving myself
>start socialising
>the "cool ones" invite me to come over to one of their places tomorrow, drinking and stuff
>not 100% sure, say ill think about it until tomorrow

guys, this is my chance to finally stop being beta as hell...
how do i not fuck this up and what should i tell them tomorrow?

Have a drink or a smoke and don't try too hard, trying too hard to socialise is awkward

Go there to enjoy yourself. If you are enjoying yourself, nobody will think you're weird. The less you try the better you do

just make small talk and dont have expectations or try to be the center of attention

Be yourself. If someone offers you weed or booze make sure you watch them drink or smoke it first to make sure its not laced. Have fun and dont be a faggot.

Just go. Play it safe to start, listen more than you talk and look "positive" and open. Feel out what kind of people they are and what they like to do for fun. If it appeals to you, join in and they'll invite you more. If not, politely decline. There's almost no chance something will go wrong if you do it this way. Don't try and get paid, either; there will be plenty of time for that once you know the crowd better. Also, try and do at least a little eye contact with each person.


Relax, don't think too much if at all. Seriously best thing is not to think. If your not used to weed only take two tokes, but it's important that you do smoke cause you don't want to be lame. But you don't want to get uncomfortably high.

should i rather tell them ill accept their invitation from yesterday or wait for them to approach me about it again?

Dumb advice. Weed and booze are never laced like ever. Maybe that 0.0000.1% of the time, the dude ain't hanging out with Glenn Quagmire.

Tell them about your fedora and katanas, chicks dig classy men.

Tell them you're coming.

Try to make them laugh as much as possible. First you want them to respect u and that's how u do it. Then you want to make yourself seem better than them so tell them all the cool shit you did and if u don't have many stories make shit up they won't know. Remember to drink smoke more than them so they get nervous. Don't ever let them get a word in. Steal the show. Once you're nice and drunk start breaking some of their balls, insult them they'll go along with it since you are already the established alpha male. Leave the party early so they'll want more.

>friends for life

dont get drunk. listen more than you talk.

Go and take some hard drugs with you, like coke or LSD.

If you've never had booze, whatever you do, don't drink before smoking. It will be the hardest trip of your life. It doesn't work after the first time. I did it and I could literally predict exactly what people were going to say and how they would say it before they spoke. I shook uncontrollably for an hour and a half and couldn't move. I know it wasn't laced because I smoked the same weed next day and it didn't happen again, and I've drank before smoking since then and have never be able to recreate it.

Surely though even a no friends loser has gotten drunk or high before? Right?

its not like i never had friends, just really awkward when its about "new" people

only was able to beat my depression and anxiety by completely ending contact with all of my past friends tho, so i dont really have any friends right now

don't be a faggot op

Seriously OP ... just go over there.
Have a drink, don’t get fucking hammered. Even bring something to drink. Beer is a safe bet ... just don’t bring PBR (Papst Blue Ribbon) cheap as fuck beer.
6 pack is fine, maybe 2.

You’ll find a common ground to talk about things. Don’t sperg or geek out.
Look around to see if you notice something that you know around their place, art work, video games, movie posters etc ... something you know and can talk about.

Bring snacks too just in case you guys smoke some and get the munchies.

Don’t be quiet and don’t be obnoxious. Even if you only make one friend there, you won. Don’t try to please everyone and sucker up to them.> >



> Tell them you're coming.

That. Just go and chill. Don't try to impress people. Let them talk and listen and chip in occasional comments to keep them talking. People love talking about themselves.

This is a surefire way to make friends, yes. I wish I had some coke/LSD friends around here.

I would add that if you are new to this setting, don't over do it. Bringing beer are chips is a less good idea then bringing more of one thing (to share).

Get a 30 rack, PBR is good. Rolling Rocks too. Share the beer. Have fun bro