Has Patton oswalt posted anything funny today?
TV and Film people's political opinions
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I always thought xenophobia meant being afraid of the alien from Alien
I fucking hate Hollywood libtards fuck off.
thanks OP, saved for derailing waifuthreads
i love how they just snuck homophobia in there for no reason. not that the other things aren't lies either.
Both sides are guilty of hate and prejudice sweetheart.
First she turned into a whore then a liberal. What's next?
wait MSNBC said all Midwesteners should be banned from entering the country?
poor MEW, always participating in flops
Underrated kek
Literally the reason I saved the picture lol made this thread because of all the footfags blowing her all the time
if he's not racist and misogynistic why is Sup Forums celebrating like this is the greatest victory against darkies and women ever?
>tfw you can't follow actors or musicians on Twitter because their lies put your life in danger
Movies for this feel?
Roasties BTFO
>The most shameful moment in the history of our nation.
Mai Lai says different... Fucking libcucks.
Calling hardworking American citizens "deplorable" and implying that the whole lot of them are uncultured morons is just a little insulting. The smugness of the left is really alienating people.
I thought she was a classy girl...
who is zack
>he didnt see the thread celebrating minorities last night
Remy got fat, of course she is a hillshill
the lego maniac
Pffft this is a literal prostitute. Does she have a husband or boyfriend?? Hahaha
lmao who cares neo-Sup Forums
Aya Cash is the worst.
Trump is pretty racist, xenophobic, and misogynistic, but I don't know why he's called a homophobe.
congratz to the lads on Sup Forums btw
how long has her account been on lock?
>butthurt pornsloot literally ate dick after dick during obama's presidency thinks she has any place telling others anything
Her boyfriend (no joking).
I want these stupid faggots to be remembered in 10 years when the democratic party fixes the USA. I want them to be remembered for their lack of patience, and their lack of understanding that this election was about fixing the democratic party above everything else. Because of what happened last night, the democratic party will probably NEVER shill for a corrupt warmonger ever again. It also means that this stupid "New Democrat" bullshit will die off, and Americans may finally get a true liberal candidate that can fix their mess.
If Clinton had won, you guys would've not learned your lesson, and you would have continued to go down a road of cowardice and violence. By electing Trump, you're killing everything, and hopefully, you can start to rebuild in 2018, and elect a good liberal president on 2020.
Fuck Clinton supporters.
Especially from this.
that's only talking about the core of the Trump base, retard. Don't forget he did have the endorsement of the KKK and dozens of white nationalist groups, it's not like it came out of nowhere
Everyone knows most people vote Trump to keep Hillary out as it is
Fairly recently, like less than a week I think. My shitposting twitter account follows her though.
Wait, Trump said all immigrants should be banned from entering the country?
The inevitable fear of xylophones
Taylor Swift hasn't said anything since her post about voting
She voted Trump 100%
Go back to /biog/.
Oh wow the Templar Knight cosplayers endorse the candidate that doesn't want the country to be invaded by roving bands of Muslim rape gangs, this totally invalidates the gays and blacks that voted for him.
mate I'm Canadian. 5 years ago our Liberal party had a string of shit leaders that had awful support and stood for nothing other than business interests. Just before the election the party self-destructed and handed the Conservatives their largest victory.
And now 5 years later they still stand for nothing, are still controlled by business interests, but now they have a meme politician with a famous name and a face that gets the women wet, and they used that to get themselves a majority
A party being destroyed at the polls doesn't mean they're going to reinvent themselves and become better, it means they're going to hire better media people and PR their way to relevancy again.
The dumbest thing is the whole celebrity blackout Twitter pic thing, don't these idiots know that they have zero political influence and saying shit like #revolution and #lovetrumpshate isn't going to do shit. Did this election not teach them anything
Well she's off my all time top ten list now.
The KKK can endorse whom ever the fuck they like. I'm sure they have endorsed every single Republican candidate in history.
this election should have shown people that the media is blatantly and overtly biased and out of touch with the populace if not deleteriously corrupt and that the two party system is a fucking MISTAKE
I didn't say it invalidates the whole 4% (kek) of blacks that voted for him
I said they were referring to a certain incredibly vocal core group of Trump supporters that feel his message really resonates with them
>the most shameful moment in our nation's history
That offends me a little that someone could say something so stupid.
well that's homophobic, it's only okay to kiss other men dressed as women if you are a real faggot
that's faggot-face!
Predominately white precincts in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan which overwhelmingly went for Obama in 2008 and 2012 went to Trump in 2016. Somehow we are to believe this is because they are racist? How does this logic work?
coalburner shouldn't have been on there in the first place, mate
Chris Pratt has only done this tweet as well
100% he voted Trump
Kek. Rekt
>How does this logic work?
They voted Trump, therefore they are racist. Not that difficult.
I don't get it. These people "elected" a certified moron twice and now they're acting like Trump is the end of the world? Bitch, we survived Dubya, Trump got shit on him.
Liberal is a mental disorder
>Tea Party
>now Trump
the GOP's strategy of running retards seems to pay off as long as they don't have vaginas
Leftists just spout buzzwords without actually knowing what they're talking about. It's all they know how to do.
I'm Canadian too, and if you don't realize how the new Libs are difference than Paul Martin, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying they're perfect, but they're better.
And it's not like you can compare Paul Martin to Clinton. What gets me most angry about the democratic party is that they had beautiful leadership for quite some time. If you watch these debates/speeches by some of these democrats in the 20th century, there's a certain authenticity and a desire to fight for the weak that is now completely gone.
Where as Martin may have been corrupt, Clinton was a fucking warmonger with many oddly conservative ideas that the media never reported on. It's kind of like if Harper had run as Jack Layton's successor, and then the media made him out to be some progressive.
Clinton was scum, and I really hope she and her shit family are never involved with politics ever again.
I don't get what your point is. Link retarded youtube "news" outlets as proof that all liberals think all Trump voters are racist is as dumb as well, thinking all Trump voters are racist
Everyone had their own reasons to vote for the person they did, you don't have to reduce it purely to us vs. them like the people you're criticisizing
You just won a supply of gorilla vaginas delivered to your door, courtesy of "Hollywood libtards." You win. Being racist has made you the winner of the lifetime supply of gorilla vaginas. You are the greatest. Tell everyone your great ideas for the future. Everyone loves you.
fucking this. the left claims to represent the little guy, but patronizes the everliving shit out of the actual working class. its appalling.
Has Patton Oswald posted anything funny ever?
I only ever watched her solo or girl on girl stuff. I'm not really big into porn(especially professional), but Remy is really cute imo and that ass. Plus with her actually having an education and being somewhat cool, I thought I liked her. You raise a good point and yeah, I was wrong.
voting for Hitler isn't a mental disorder?
I knew he sexually assaulted women!
Yeah, his wife's tombstone.
That tweet of him burying his wife in the casket made me chuckle
>letting my wife down one last time
Post-mortem wife.
All Trump's followers are racist, homophobic, and dangerous. It doesn't matter as he will be judged for riling them up and causing the violence. You cannot dodge the responsibility. Look at how long we hunted nazis across the globe. Be warned.
Are you a parrot? That's what I said, the nazi party lost.
Fuck man
People this ugly have some nerve reproducing.
What are you gonna hunt them with? Your Guns?
MEW is a hottie so I respect her opinions.
Well, it might be if it was actually Hitler and not a highly offensive appellation designed to paint a picture that has basis in reality. I find it deplorable that the libs/sjws compare Trump to Hitler. It's offensive to people that died fighting that regime.
Trump hasn't done anything to harm the BLT community but his vice president wanted to put tax dollars towards gay conversion therapy which is draconian.
hip dubs man
i understand where you're at though, i do, was sad to have dropped her myself because like you said she got dat ass and seemed alright, but she's gone out of her way to show she is not pornfu material, such a shame but that's the thing about porn sluts user: a newer, better version of what made her good will come along eventually, they always do, and take her vacant spot, and you'll be happier for it
In fucking 2000. Obama was against gay marriage even 8 years after that.
>the BLT community
fucking kek
Yeah I mean you're pretty much exactly right. Thanks for making this personal top ten transition a bit easier for me lad. Much appreciated
I think the fact there are American parents who'd name their kids Matt and Patt are far more shameful.
you're talking about people who are declaring trump's election the most shameful moment in our history, these aren't exactly professors of the past or anything
>This is our President and Attorney General
I can't help but just laugh. God bless Murrica