Everyone's equal, user, you're just not as smart as the rest of us

Everyone's equal, user, you're just not as smart as the rest of us.

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Then everyone in Africa must be really retarded, say who's the majority in africa?


Why is there not a monkey brain on this diagram?

this is true tho

nobody is equal to anybody

>everyone's equal, user, except you
so is everyone equal or not?

think again monkey

Found the sjw

>how are iq tests made: the post



shitty bait


I don't even care about the findings/data, but why do these charts always look like they were put together by an angry 14 year old?

You are now aware the "mongoloid" skull is flat in the back because they strap their children to a board.

Its standard infographic format bruh

in soviet russia i heard too, that everyone was equal, it was so much fun back then, i love the stories from my parents or grandparents what a fun life it was, too one of my grandpa died too soon before i could ask about his trip to gulag camp for 5 years. On a serious note there is no one is equal, everyone one is diffrent, there's no identical people

>These facts aren't presented to me prettily enough, I'm going to ignore them
Sure, kid.

But that's racist

crime stats shows we are not equal

Probably because the more lucid and artistic methods of putting together an infographic cause people to "lol tl;dr". You have to appeal to the LCD in order to spread information these days. No one cares about the information, they only care about the entertainment.

stay mad princess


It's 2018, do they still do that?

Yet they are all biting

Trips of truth.

I am a sjw. I want to share my white legacy with black people. Because i am nice

Pic has zero foundation in reality lol
Whos dumb now?

what white legacy?

>we all equalz an shiet
btfo retarded nigger

>doesn't realize this had a lot to do with land holdings and available resources

wrong. niggers are just stupid and lazy

It doesnt say african monkey? It just says african


>Africa doesn't have resources

Im a sjw and im shocked of your picture!!!

Ban handguns NOW!!! The pic is racist because it shows a black person in a bad position.

you think to much about others. think more about yourself.

Niggers are no humans. They are animals and for killing a nigglet the punishment should be adjusted. Pay 5 dollars to the white community

i was just speaking about that one image, the extreme flatness is because of that.

think about eating my ass

>a person who won the nobel prize in the 50's was racist
>shocked surprise


Black people are wonderful. Im jewish and i hope one day the goy will be strong like a white boy and smart as a black girl. And lets get rid of China because they are the real threat to us jews. We jews must remain the number one merchants in this world.

>Doesn't mention Egypt 5000 years ago
>Doesn't mention India 4000 years ago
>Doesn't mention Mesoamerica 500 years ago
>Doesn't mention fucking Great Zimbabwe 1000 years ago

Your archaeological knowledge a shit.

There's a book called Guns, Germs, and Steel. Give it a read if your IQ allows you to.

Non of those civilizations were build by niggers you fucking moron

Just don't forget...It's ok

Still not comparable

>doesn't realize the real reason is because sub-Sahara Africa has had a fraction of the rest of the worlds population for most of human history

>Great Zimbabwe was not in Africa and was not built by black people.

There's a fucking country named after it you mongoloid read a fucking map.

>Great zimbabwe

>America than
85% white
>America Now
56% white



I mean come on man, it was spelled right for you in the image. The average white person, today.

5% AYYs living here in 2060


Because they always struggled with everything. Just like today they eat shit and multiply like rats thanks to UN food drops.

Niggers are just vermin

Be the goy strong like white man and smart like black woman

look at the collective intelligence of each area
european (pretty much created everything cool about the modern world)
asian (pretty much created everything cool in the ancient world)
african ( good for slaves, and sometimes they have big dicks) still living in fucking huts and starving

i'd rather have a micro penis than be a retard

malaria probably had something to do with that fam

And what have you done with your life? Your white skin is your only acheivment. You're a pale jobless fat retarded penniless autist living in your mother's basement spewing hate.

More like it's a harsh environment of disease infested jungles and killer megafauna with no domesticated animals. If you were living in Africa 1000 years ago you were pretty much a hunter-gatherer or simple horticulturalist and not much else, there isn't anything else worth doing there. Even Zimbabwe mostly existed as a trading hub for Indian Ocean merchants.

What does it feel like to be a literal brainlet?

no one is equal...
Saying everyone is equal is like saying 1 = 999
Are you retarded?

this but unironically

Good goys have offspring with black people for a better world. Mongoloids are our true enemy. Mongoloids are no human so we should regulate them and repopulate the world with more mulattos. Be a good goy now


Your dumb fourth grader's way of classifying everything ever made by man into "Europeans made cool modern stuff, Asians made cool ancient stuff, Africans lolol slaves". It just shows that you've never actually read anything about human history seriously yet you think you are qualified to make broad generalizations about all of it. That's why you are a brainlet.

Name one thing niggers contributed to civilization. CMON DO IT NOW TELL ME






"The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace and plenty, Pax Judaica, and our Race will Rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain Mastery over a world of Dark peoples."
-Rabbi Rabinovich


I mean that question right there is part of why you're a brainlet. This isn't some kind of potluck where everyone just throws in their "contribution" to modern society. This is the real world, people do stuff and solve problems so that they won't die. A hunter gatherer in Africa is just as smart as anybody else, try surviving in a desert for more than 3 days with only the things you can find there. It isn't fucking easy, it requires a lifetime of education and culture.

If you want to talk about Africans and African Americans in the modern era the things I can name off the top of my head are steroidal drugs, the refrigerator, traffic lights, and the calculations that sent men to the moon.

grr i hate blacks because theyre skin is darker than mine grrr

I agree with everything but the last brain. Education and vocabulary as a child dictates intelligence, more wealth means better education. Most racists have had negative interaction with lower education types. Due to persecution and racism of blacks they tend to have a lower standard of education across the board.
Forgivness on both sides and unity of education would solve the worlds problems. The real issue here are the fucking jews that run geopolitics and wealth distribution around the world.
Look into wars in the middle east and there is jewery (USA or Israel) behind it.

The last tiny brain should be lack of education as no matter the race if that happens then you get the same result.

Asians - indonesians, fillipinos, rural china etc

Whites - rural russians, eastern europe

Blacks - everywhere aside from the rich ones