Why is it still so good?

Why is it still so good?

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Because he is the music maker.

And he... is the dreamer of dreams.

I dunno but it's my favorite electronic album.

>post-african repetitions

select 1 (one)

You can hear stylistic elements on this album (made before he was even 20) that have persisted through his entire career. He never had to hone his craft. It was just always there. He’s a modern day Bach or Beethoven, a musical genius.

>never made anything musically worthwhile ever
>criticizes actually good musician

I think largely because it's intentionally repetitive and ambient. Don't get me wrong, I adore the album, but vibes and ambient sounds, especially mellow ones, don't age like the sound/melody palettes of conventional music.

The post-african repetitions remark was directed towards the track Didgeridoo, which indeed sounds like an african drumming track.

whats electronic

whats post-african repetitions? care to clarify?