What are some movies about a charismatic but evil dictator coming into power by convincing fearful morons to support...

What are some movies about a charismatic but evil dictator coming into power by convincing fearful morons to support him?

Alfrid in Lord of the rings: the pre sequel part 3


Breathe it in, that's fear

What are some movies about someone coming to another site from Reddit and needing to go back?

Hollywood is working on them.

>Next 4 years will be filled with "let's fight fascism guise!" movies

Passion of the Christ

>Harsh times breed strong people
>Strong people bring forth bountiful times
>Bountiful times breed weak people
>Weak people bring forth harsh times

Fifty-five years of being treated like utter dog shit by both Republican and Democrat governments, OP, since Eisenhower warned us of the growing "military/industrial complex" has bred some very strong people. People who were sick of the latest Democrat government doing exactly the same thing and stepping on the very people who are the backbone of America.

The workers.

We voted in somebody who isn't a politician. Why? The very same reason I'm replying to your thread right now.

Fuck you, that's why.

what are some movies about buttblasted liberals?



People don't care that he's not a politician. The majority doesn't care that hes uncouth, rude and offensive.
People care because hes a moron and its clear he has no idea what's going on in the world.
But he has a lot of money and charisma, and that's all it takes to get elected in America.

>i speak for all Americans

fuck off faggot

Triumph of the Will

Your fear makes us stronger

Enjoy the next 4 years, you fucking cunt. Better start getting strong like us workers are, and stop being a limp-wristed pansy hipster latte-drinking faggot.

Do you lift? I bet you fucking don't. Better start, fairy boy.

What are some movies about the world almost going to shit but the heroes win at last second?

Resorting to petty name-calling doesn't make you right. You "workers" just fucked yourselves over because you're stupid and gullible. Do you think Trump cares about you?
Good job on cramming as many ad-hominems into a sentence as you did.
>People who are different are scary and therefore bad

But Hillary lost

You know what the best part about it, is? I don't give a FUCK about whether Trump would be a better President or not than that lying, corrupt, murderous cunt Hillary Clinton. I don't give a fuck that I might lose my job and I don't give a FUCK that I might die prematurely because of it.

I voted that cunt in to spite you fucking pansy, poncy, pantomime, limp-wristed pillow biters. And the reasons? FUCK YOU. THAT'S my reason.

Now, how does that make you feel, trust-fund universibabby who doesn't lift? How the FUCK does that make you FEEL?

we fucked over liberals too. totally worth it

>convincing fearful morons to support him
you sound like the guy who is fearful desu

Now is not the time for fear.

> How the FUCK does that make you FEEL?
flattered that you would ruin your life just to get my attention tbqh

Imagine you had a retarded friend. One day your retarded friend said,
>Friend, I want to buy a gun.
You'd say, "I don't think that's a good idea. You might shoot your dick off.
But your retarded friend buys a gun. And then he shoots himself in the dick. And he texts you saying,
>I shot myself in the dick to spite you, you fucking pansy, poncy, pantomime, limp-wristed pillow biter.
That's how I feel.

I'm not retarded and I've never shot myself in the dick. You're going to have to live with those two facts for the next four years.

Now get to fucking work and start lifting, fairyboy.

A metaphor is a thing used to explain a concept to someone who can't understand the actual concept.
Sometimes the original concept is too difficult for certain people to understand, so it's necessary to explain something simpler that has the same idea.
Earlier I asked if you think Trump cares about you. You didn't answer, so I'll provide the answer with this attached image.

>>le People who are different are scary and therefore bad meme

These people should be shot and kicked into mass graves.

That "article" has been proven to be false

i hope Trump starts a war and drafts all hillary voters

>Malcolm X

For real though, I can't think of a flick with your specific example, unless it's just background story, like V For Vendetta.

>He's a moron

Funny that the smartest men in the room all got fucking destroyed by a moron.

That's a worry.

>All it takes to get elected in America

That and telling the public what they want to hear.

Maybe the dumb bitch Hillary should have thought of that.

>let's vote in someone who has a long history of screwing over small businesses, hiring illegals, and fucking his workers for personal gain
>that'll work out great for working class America!

Yeah, except he's going to shoot your dick off too, so it's probably worth it.

>what is capitalism?

>"muh safespacers" trying to call anyone else "fearful"

you lost, deal with it. call it payment for all the trash op-eds to vomited out into the internet.

>let's vote in someone who has a long history of screwing over small businesses, allowing illegals into the country, and fucking the workers of America for personal gain

Wow. It's almost like they're in a position where it doesn't fucking matter who they vote for.

>libtards are actually this gullible
ayy yo she the most qualified candidate evah

>it's OK if Trump used every dirty trick to make money over the last 50 years
>he's totally going to do a 180 and change everything that helped build his business empire, sacrificing to save America!

Of course, he's a good and loyal christian family man. Family values and good morals guide him.

its the nature of man. kill or be killed. makes no sense to sit around and complain how cruel the world is

>Sup Forums can't take IRL banter
>Sup Forums can't handle reality tv
>Sup Forums can't handle reality

This is from a board that memed a famous scene into reality.

Wow. Just.. wow.

Thats deep. Truly a noble world view and life philosophy. Something to aspire to.

this desu
impressive that he cares so much about the opinions of the uni age liberals

>i cry for nigger children in africa