Michael Moore

The media got it wrong. The public pollsters got it wrong, so did the private ones. The Democratic Party got wrong. The Republican Party was wrong too. Five living presidents got it wrong. The betting markets got it wrong. The markets got it wrong. By many accounts even President-elect Donald Trump got it wrong.

One man got it spectacularly right, predicting not only that Clinton would lose, but where she would lose, among which voters she would lose, and why: the left wing documentary maker Michael Moore.

In a post on his blog that is undated, but published well before the election, he wrote, "I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November."

"This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, 'cause you'll be saying them for the next four years: 'PRESIDENT TRUMP.'"

Moore's thesis, which he laid out in detail and which has now proved to be spectacularly correct, was that Donald Trump would win four rustbelt states that Democrats believed they could not lose.


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why is this fat fuck still such a fat fuck?

based fatman accidentally made one of the best Trump ads

i think he has been saying this for months now but most people either refused to believe it, or just ignored it because "lel michael moore"

god moore needs to stop, he really does. he is pathetic at this point. i mean the only thing that would make him more pathetic is if he went transgender and cut his dick off.

why do come on Sup Forums if you know it's just shit?

He's not pathetic, he saw the truth.

He is right thou.

I don't get it. Michael Moore was always railing against American intervention and governmental corruption in the Bush years but then he just gave Obama and Hillary a pass on all that. He even campaigned for the latter. I get hating Trump too but come on.

The DNC ran a corrupt campaign with a disliked candidate at the helm, then it got complacent and didn't address the swing states properly.

The GOP let the TP rhetoric overshadow its usual gameplan, and then it couldn't get a decent candidate but instead got like 90 awful ones.

The 3rd parties aren't strong enough to run.

And the media handed out free coverage.


because I'm a idiot

It must really hurt him that his old white male fandom turned hills and voted for Trump in mass.

OP's link is dead, this is his the from his website in july 2016
he predicted the states will vote for trump that lead to victory correctly

but the media is biased as fuck

>During the decade-long debate over same-sex marriage, I often argued with other journalists about our openly slanted coverage of the issue, which amounted to cheerleading for the pro-gay side. Don't we have a professional obligation to tell the other side of the story? I would ask. Well, came the reply, do you think the media had an obligation to be fair to the Ku Klux Klan during the Civil Rights struggle?

>It was just that simple for so many journalists. We pride ourselves on being realists, but in fact we have a fatal weakness for construing the world as crude morality plays. This left many of us in no position to understand why people might resent the Obama administration ordering public schools to open up locker rooms of the opposite sex to transgender students, or why white people might see the Black Lives Matter movement as a racist and illiberal response to the problem of police brutality.

>The people who run newsrooms agonise over diversity. They will go to any length to increase racial, gender, and sexual diversity, but care nothing about viewpoint diversity. In one newsroom where I worked the only religious conservatives besides me were the African-American secretaries. Nobody there thought this was a problem. To the contrary, they believed that religious conservatives, among other undesirable demographic categories, were the problem.

>But yesterday, these undesirables, Trump's forgotten people, proved to be a majority of the electorate. If they believe that news coverage is - what's the word? - rigged against people like them, well, they're more right than wrong.

>Will this catastrophic failure of the media cause soul-searching and, dare I say it, repentance? Forget it. To do so would require the press to face up to its worst prejudices, none more deeply held than the belief that its members are on the Right Side of History.


>tells truth for decades
>"hurr juth thdop"

Is he, dare I say...

When will this fat fuck be deported to Cuba?

you gonna seriously trigger some people

Welcome to the start of the 8th Party System, it happens about every 60ish years or so. Like some of its predecessors, the shift started with complacency, corruption and populist dissatisfaction. The Tea Baggers and OWS were the first cracks in the ice.

It's funny how he could nail this so spectacularly, yet couldn't see what a snake Hillary was. Even if you hate Trump, supporting Hillary requires you to actively blind yourself to all the fucked up shit she has done.

So what do you think will happen after this? what kind of party fits in now. just curious.

GamerGate was right.

Never. He's..........


>Tells truth for decades
Bowling for Columbine is very light on truth. Half of it staged and the other half outright incorrect.

gotta hand it to him, he was dead-on

>because I say so
nice argument

Shh. No more tears. Only dreams, now. Michael Moore is /ourguy/.

He's a dirty socialist, he will never be /ourguy/ he can be cuba's guy.

yeah i heard the columbine shooting was all staged, just a massive prank

>i don't get it, why is a hopelessly partisan hack being hopelessly partisan?

I haven't seen Michael Moore but he looks terrifying now. Like some kind of melting fat tranny.

People who hate Moore are ultra-queers. He gave the speech that gave Trump the rust belt and for that he can make his little dumb movies forever in my book.

He doesn't piss me off because I believe ALL speech should be free.


Literally /ourguy/

Give it a year and the rest of these redditurds will spout the same thing trying to fit in

>He doesn't piss me off because I believe ALL speech should be free.
Nice strawman faggot. You can be annoyed at what someone is saying without also wanting to silence them.

>The Hillary Problem. Can we speak honestly, just among ourselves? And before we do, let me state, I actually like Hillary – a lot – and I think she has been given a bad rap she doesn’t deserve. But her vote for the Iraq War made me promise her that I would never vote for her again. To date, I haven’t broken that promise. For the sake of preventing a proto-fascist from becoming our commander-in-chief, I’m breaking that promise. I sadly believe Clinton will find a way to get us in some kind of military action. She’s a hawk, to the right of Obama. But Trump’s psycho finger will be on The Button, and that is that. Done and done.

I don't think he just gave them a pass like you said. Also iirc he was backing bernie

They shoulda listened to the dude. He's a fat fuck who spends all his day obsessing over politics, and he's been in this game a long, long, long, long time. He's been shitposting about politics on the internet since it existed. Over 30 years. He knows a thing or two.

They shoulda listened.

If anything Moore is just another side to the coin of Trump. He's always agreed the system needed to be destroyed by the working class and that's start of what we got today.

its just wordfiltered from s m h to baka

the democrats were ultimately victims of their own hubris this year

>One man got it spectacularly right
Yeah, Scott Adams did. He said it during the Primaries. That fat cunt just guessed, he was sure that Bush wasn't going to get re-elected.

Wtf i love Michael Moore now!

He says the NRA is essentially a subgroup of the KKK in the movie.
The bank that gave away guns never stored the guns at the bank or gave them away in person, he asked them to bring one there and hand it to him.
The scene with him leaving the photograph for Charlton Heston was staged.
The film spends some time focusing on bullying, when the Columbine shooters weren't bullied or unpopular.
That's a few off the top of my head.

I'm surprised anybody would attempt to defend Moore's manipulative trash in 2016, it's a cringeworthy relic of a different era.

Didn't he say Trump voters are terrorists?

That's a little bigoted

>lays it out straight and is proven correct
>needs to stop

I don't even know which side of the spectrum you're on. You're just dumb.

Not quite, Scott Adams predicted a landslide victory for trump.


he said they were legal terrorists. he daid their vote was like throwing a molotov cocktail at the system.

I should have paid more attention to scott adams. He really displayed the appeal trump had to even an educated white voter.

All the serious dems, myself included, have been taught a very hard lesson this election. I only hope they party learns the right lessons.

He updated his prediction, saying clinton will win but stick with his initial prediction that trump gonna win landslide for the sake of entertainment

Did you see Moore's 5 things to do after election
He said the party failed its people and any democrats who in the way should just leave, also calling for mass firing of all the pundits, predictors, pollsters who refuse to accept reality

>6. A new surprise revelation about Clinton that no one sees coming.
Well, that pretty much did it.

>8. Someone assassinates Clinton because of Trump’s 2nd Amendment joke.

wew lads

>All the serious dems, myself included, have been taught a very hard lesson this election. I only hope they party learns the right lessons.

I hope so too, but I hope we get a centrist like Hillary, and not Sanders.

>also calling for mass firing of all the pundits, predictors, pollsters who refuse to accept reality

The professionals will adapt, they always do. Its about time. We have two years before midterms. Shit needs to start now so we don't have time to waste feeling sorry for ourselves.

Economic populism is a winning message and the country is center right on social issues.

We need to drop them, they are costing votes

I can't really answer that. Both parties are facing their own internal struggles and the actions of both the elites and the masses will determine which way the parties shift, along with external forces like economics, war and natural disasters. There's no clear pattern and even some debate among historians about when the different systems began and ended.

Personally I think this most closely resembles the Fourth System, generally referred to as the Progressive Era. This was the turn of the 20th Century, a time of concentrating wealth and power, large economic upheavals, increasing military hostilities and a lot of populist anger. Independent parties gained a lot more traction, labor rights, prohibition, etc.

I think we'll see independent parties and candidates gain more traction and force the big two to compete for voters again. I think we'll see shifts in voting systems (gerrymandering is a big issue today as it was then) another major shift in immigration policies (another solid parallel).

But this all PURE speculation on my part, a lot about our social and information systems has changed. Ideas can catch on and die off much more quickly now. There's an increase in information, but it's much less communal and much more individually tailored.

We won't really know until it's over.

Yup. They basically thought it was Her Turn and Hillary would win the election because she was supposed to win the election. Well it don't fuckin' work that way.

Trump is a master game player. His skills were built for business, but he adapted them to to the political system and no one understood his game plan until they were dazzled at the very end.

To put it in terms that may be more understandable to a lot of people reading this thread you can think of it like a competitive video game.

What is the most effect strategy in many games? Some very dumb looking and counter-intuitive action that may take your character to the brink of death, but ends up breaking the game system and giving you the world in return. This is what Trump has done. On Sup Forums they called this 4-d Chess and the term is apt.

I remember a lot of people saying she was going to lose to Trump because she did so poorly in rust belt states during the primaries and well in states she had no chance of winning in November. Initially I thought they were butthurt berniebros but I guess they were right.

>the country is center right on social issues
If I'm not mistaken a majority of Americans support gay marriage, some forms of abortion, and some forms of gun control.

This. Moore is redpilled in the non-meme way.

EV counts not Popular votes.

You play the game available to you. Why keep harping on social issues, those people will not vote read.

Put it on the back burner and focus on economic problems. That will get the rust belt back

I feel the Democrats would hemorrhage the vital youth progressive vote to independents if they tried that. The only reason they did okay with them this round is because in their minds Trump is Hitler 2.0

>I feel the Democrats would hemorrhage the vital youth progressive vote to independents

You are probably right. I still think there has to be a way to package "liberty" in an effective way that appeals to both young progressive and older working people.

They both want FREEDOM, its a marketing issue. I hope

man, I love Michael but seriously, cut the hair.

It was just wishful thinking that happened to come true. Moore earns his living on shitty documentaries about the horrors of living under the Republican administration. Nobody gave a fuck about him after Obama got elected. Trump's victory is his second meal ticket, and he's hungrier than ever

I can really appreciate Michael, he made a fortune making movies appealing to 'sophisticated' teens. He's the George Lucas of Documentaries.


This. Trump has played the media like a fiddle during his entire campaign, to accomplish one of the greatest feats of any media figure and win against all odds, virtually no donations and the entire system stacked against him. Not only has he changed the way people view polling and influence but he's also changed the Republican party, making them more left on issues like gay marriage.

wow its almost like michael moore understands americans or some shit

He saw Jeffrey Tambor got 2 emmy and 1 golden globesfor Transparent, and he was like "nah ah sister, it's my time now"

i h8 trump but i understand why he was elected (i posted the thing im replying 2 but im just connecting what i didnt add originally)

It confuses me how americans couldn't see such a simple fact

Actually, and I'm sorry for the comparison, Trump did to postmodernism what fascism did to modernism in the 20th century (I don't say this is a negative thing, it's the genius thing to do from a political standpoint).
He turned aesthetics into politics, riding high on the spectacle.

>because I say so
nice argument

He was completely right though.

>he changed the way people view polling
It's called the shy tory effect. Try to keep up, burgers.

The burgers call it the Bradley effect.

At the end of the day, a lot of people are fearful because of his unpredictability and unstable. But who know, the thing with unpredictability is sometimes it could turn up to be good. And despite of what people think of the republican party, I myself don't think they gonna let him turn crazy and ruin the country, and if there were good things that he wanted to do I hope they will support it. The next 4 years could very well be the strangest period time of this country, or it could turn out well to be just another mediocre with an ineffective clown in the white house that left a bitter taste in everybody's mouth. Either way we can't give up now, because the moment people give up it will be truly over.

a blind fat pig finds an acorn every once and again

You're correct in a sub-set of what I was saying. What you're said is the strategy he chose, which is an unorthodox strategy.

The Bradley effect is similar to the Shy Tory but it's not the same thing.

Here in Sweden we call it Stockholm Syndrome.

>make him more pathetic is if he went transgender and cut his dick off.

Remember when Bruce Jenner appeared with long hair like Moore?

>Because I say otherwise
Nice argument.

1. In the movie.
2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowling_for_Columbine#Free_gun_for_opening_a_bank_account
4. In the movie. Common knowledge by this point that Eric and Dylan weren't victims of bullying and were fairly well-known and liked.


I could see the Socialist party making a real comeback in the US in the next 50 years. Now that hard-line communism is restricted to a handful of toothless dictatorships (let's face it, China's an authoritarian capitalist state these days) the old Cold War scare tactics are less effective. They'll never be a majority party, but they'd force the Dems to compete for their voter base again.

The Republicans might have a similar problem keeping the old Reagan coalition together, a growing number of Repubs are tired of trying to be the party of Small Government and Big Military at the same time but I don't feel like a hard Libertarian party would have a broad enough appeal across the voting landscape. I think what's more likely is that the Authoritarian Neo-Cons (the ghosts of the Dixie-crats) will once again split off and chip away at the voting block of their former party for a few election cycles.

people saying that the polls "got it wrong" are retarded, they just said that hillary clinton was more likely to win anywhere from 55% to 90%, some even said trump was more likely

if i said that it was unlikely to draw a single card from a deck and have it be a joker, and you did so, it doesn't make my statement wrong

trump can be unlikely to win and still win, the predictions were that trump was unlikely to win, you god damn mongoloid

>I could see the Socialist party making a real comeback in the US in the next 50 years.

I'll fight to prevent that from happening, A lot of people will. It's such a garbage ideology.

To be honest, I hate Moore, but he's one of the very few, if only, liberals who actually knew what was happening and what was about to come down.

He was so on the money Sup Forums repurposed his speech as promotion.

>tfw ready to WWIII

None of that changes the core message that Americans fetishize gun ownership and overplays violence in the media.

Hello, captain obvious senpai

Trump just proposed huge infrastructure spending. that is as left and socialist as you can get. Its old school dems wet dream policy.

He promised the voters jobs and he better deliver. If he fails the dems can destroy his coalition with a populist economic message from the left.

post frogs on Sup Forums

It won't come to that, i hope.
There are just too much stakes now and money flowing around all over the world from different places. It need to be some serious shit with drastic economic impact to get us to ww now

Any way that we can to stop it.

So if Trump really is "as socialist as you can get", why is he not popular with leftists? honest questions.

>old school dems

What happened to them?

Nobody needed a bad movie to tell them a country with their identity built on the glory of armed revolution liked violence and guns.

Michael Moore should stop wearing hats and Trump needs to come to terms with his baldness and stop with the combover

that is all

Thank you Sup Forums for enlightening me about more political aspects than I ever would have learned before.

and no, I've never touched Sup Forums, its basically just byproduct Sup Forums threads with some really intelligent posts that deconstructed the situations that made me able to follow all this.


Leftism these days is about massive uncontrolled immigration, globalism and recognizing more than 50 different genders.
At least according to the media.