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>mfw when I called her a pussy and twitter and linked this article
>the retractions begin
Every fucking time.
Is it because they realized that Canada has massively high taxes and they'd lose a bunch of money if they operated under the Socialist dogma they claim to love.
Not really, we save a lot of money by having the us be the military
Well Sup Forums?
What a pussy.
What about Mexico's?
>Fat Rich Hypocritical Woman
Well damn, I didn't see that coming.
At least Luna Dunham and Miley Cyrus will be the right and thing and GTFO right?
Huh. Well that made me think.
canada is difficult to immigrate to
unlike the us
damn.... I can't believe their hyperbole wasn't genuine and hey had no intention of backing it up all along........ whom could have nowkn................
she can't leave because no one wants her to look at her worthless fucking pig face any more than we do
I don't really get it.
I also don't get why they always threaten to move somewhere that is MORE white with HARSHER border controls.
They do this every fucking time.
Why not threaten to move to Mexico or Brazil or something.
And why even bother saying it, if you won't follow through - As you said, moving to fucking Canada? You can DRIVE across the border and be back in the U.S.
You're rich enough to fly in to New York or L.A. or whatever whenever you need.
What a lazy pig.
Boy, these celebrities are looking foolish right now. I live in CA and people are pretty fucking pissed, and I'm enjoying every second of it. Naturally I voted Trump, but at least kept everything else liberal.
I'm really happy Trump won, Democrats need to suffer for not unifying behind Sanders.
Not a single one will leave.
I would have said the closest would have been Miley Cyrus, since she's married to an Australia or something, but I seriously doubt she'll go.
Samuel L. Jackson might go to the U.K. or something, maybe. But lol Brexit.
Jon Stewart to Israel?
The fat sow is so unlikable she literally hurts the sales of products she advertises.
It's more hilarious if she stays in burgerland to be humiliated even more.
If only they all moved to somewhere with Sharia law, with loving, peaceful Muslims.
This uses the term "celeb" very loosely.
But user, Sanders wouldn't have had a chance. The only reason Drumpf won is because All White People (and nearly 40% of Latinos) Are Literally Hitler
>be CA voter
>have 20 propositions and measures increasing property, sales, and income taxes all pass
convince me to keep working a job and not just go on welfare
Every time she gets on stage, someone is going to yell;
Her stuff is just as offensive.
Because they're massive hypocrites.
It's never to a place like Mexico or Latin America where the people they claim to sympathize with.
It's always a place WHITER than the US.
Half of these didn't even say that
Someone would have to buy tickets for her shows for that.
It doesn't worth the sacrifice.
>being a Bern-cuck
>Democrats need to suffer for not unifying behind Sanders.
fuck off, Sanders and socialism are a cancer. I'm glad he didn't get nominated.
Pester her every fucking day for four years.
i sooo wish this started trending.
i so wish everyone tweted this picture to every liberal celebrity talking about leaving.
fuck them... fucking two faced cunts.
yeah, talk about going to "white, first world countries" talking about racist trump but not daring puting one foot in a place like mexico
>living in commiefornia
Literally what did you expect?
You called her a pussy and a twitter?
Name one who didn't.
>Living in Commiefornia when you aren't rich with Daddy's money
Why? You're literally just making life hard for yourself.
Definitely worked with hannity and waterboarding...
Realistically though, her not moving to Canada is the same as trump not building the wall. No one expected this if them even though they said it
>The fat sow is so unlikable she literally hurts the sales of products she advertises.
>Hating California but liking Bernie
Bernie literally wanted to turn the United States into one big California.
Based master of dick
Which half?
Her and Seth Rogen did some beer commercial. It caused the beer sales to plummet so they pulled it off air.
It was a SJW Muh Misogyny Message - To seel beer to working class males.
Genius move.
>Bernie literally wanted to turn the United States into one big California.
Try Cuba, or Venezuela. He's a fan of both countries and their successful application of socialist policies. Oh, and breadlines are great according to Bernie Sanders.
Not him, but the ocean is why I'm still here.
Stupid fat bitch. If these people like Sam Jackson had an ounce of dignity they should put their money where their mouths are. Fuckin shameless pussies and jokes.
But we have a military here. We only join war if we feel like it.
Jon Stewart straight to the oven
Oh man what a fucking shock
>tells a joke
>it wasn't funny
why am I not surprised?
>We only join war if the USA ever tells us to.
Well, that's disappointing
Not unexpected mind you
Snoop Dogg won't go anywhere that doesn't have legal marijuana because he's a fucking junkie who has lost all of his talent and relies solely on his persona as the guy who smokes and raps about marijuana all the time.
SLJ will definitely not be going to South Africa, he'll definitely stay in the US and continue to have Tarantino sucking on his dick.
Jon Stewart might go back to Israel like the fucking kike he is but then he won't have his shitty TV show, and it's the only way he can stay relevant so he'll stay in the US to keep his """career""" afloat.
The rest of the males are literally who and can kill themselves since no one will care.
And the women will never, ever, leave the United States because it's the only place where people will care about them, and shield them. If the women want to move to a non-English speaking country then they'll return within a few weeks after they realize that they cannot adapt to the country's culture, and the language barrier will be too much to handle, even if simple hand gestures is all it takes. They've been spoiled by the simplicity of America.
American celebrities are fucking pathetic.
Australian here - It's not even subtle.
>Sitting around doing nothing
>U.S. bombs some mid east shit hole
>Don't even have to wait for the phone to ring - Just get your gear on and whine about how we should just cuck for China instead since all they want to do is fill up our universities with their kids and make hapa babies
>Snoop Doggy Dogg
>the rapper who made a career and culture of misogynistic lyrics
>national outrage over private dude talk Trump had
Do liberals not understand hypocrisy?
At least when SLJ lied, he lied bigly. No; "I'm moving to a white first world country" meme for him. Straight up "I'm moving to the rape capital of the planet".
This. Snoop Dogg only smokes marijuana when it is legal.
We're America's biggest bitch. I don't see why we feel the need to owe them so much.
If we don't suck the gangrenous, festering cock that is the U.S., Indonesia and China will invade us. It's as easy as that.
Sea Lanes bruh.
Back in the olden days we sent our boys to fight and die for Britain, in exchange their navy kept us open for business and safe.
After WW2, the Americans took over the job.
Now we is foooooked because we're stuck between Daddy America and our Chinese Automaton Overlords.
lmao they are like kids throwing a tantrum
>im gona run away from home mom omfg!1!1
>get to street corner before turning around
Oh yeah that's right, Britain told us to fuck off when we needed help in WW2, so we had to go to the next best thing.
>Sam Jackson actually going through with going to South Africa
Fucking bullshit that greedy motherfucker leaving his Marvel money. He going to be complaining the entire time about how he's getting held down by the white man while making millions.
>anyone carrying about Cher, beaner Lopez, faggot Raven, any of the bottom 3 , no career Miley.
An does anyone actually give a shit what Sharpton,Snoop, Whoopi, and Jon actually do with their lives?
normies, and 12-14 year old males
Pretty much.
In addition the U.S. demanded we give up some real estate for bases. Dat der force projection.
Bit of a mess, getting so into bed with China.
Stewart doesn't have a show anymore Sup Forums-kun. I know it's scary to know about anything other than sneaky jew tricks but you gotta keep up with the times better than that.
>Although Cameron had resided in the United States since 1971, he remains a Canadian citizen. Cameron applied for American citizenship in 2004 but withdrew his application after George W. Bush won the presidential election.
Based Cameron.
Not kidding please come back.
We refused Iraq. Some did volunteer as militia.
Trucuck also toned down attacks on ISIS because he and his party legitimately think attacking ISIS is Islamaphobic.
Lives over here in New Zealand too
>because he and his party legitimately think attacking ISIS is Islamaphobic.
not really, it's just putting Western troops on the ground or doing bombing guarantees blowback years later when people associate them with being an invading force. There's a reason the US is the Great Satan over there and as much of a cuck as Trudeau is, he's right in trying not to send us down the same path
>White men are ruining this country I'm leaving!
>So you're moving to a black or brown country? Maybe use your influence and wealth to help them?
>Oh no. GODS NO. I'm moving to an even whiter country, one that is arguably more racist.
>Can you imagine living in a poor dirty country like Mexico?
Sounds like you got your wires crossed Sup Forums
Wow, that picture of several frogs proved me wrong.
this makez me so warm and happy kek
>I'm not classified as disabled
>but I want to be
Like its a fucking accessory or something
These people have such a fucked sense of identity
Well if you are able bodied you have privilege and are responsible for other people's suffering. So the less privileged you are the better.
It could be for bennies.
>canada doesn't accept disabled people
Bullshit our prime minister is mentally handicapped
Other states have a coast. Nice ones, even.
bennies are great I'm getting around £1200 a month on them with just autism, sucidal impulses and psychosis
He's not an immigrant. You have to take responsibility for him.
>It was a SJW Muh Misogyny Message - To seel beer to working class males.
I never saw the ad. How did they manage to turn beer-adverts into SJW propaganda? I am legitimately interested.
More to the point, bombings create rapefugees. It's the same reason you shouldn't blow up a septic tank, really.
>cousin most powerful democrat in dc next year
>thinking she'll leave
people are this stupid eh
She doesn't like flying any more because they make her buy two seats.
>But we have a military here.
Let's be honest here: It's not one of any value.
If the shit hits the fan, you're counting on America defending you.
Just like every other NATO member.
It also happened in the philippines, except in the US these people are actually capable of leaving the US unlike nonworking, non-voting, spoiled brats here.
welcome to the 2016 election
>Sup Forums, where anonymous users come to discuss foreign military relations
Sanders isn't wrong though.
Its better to keep people fed then just let them die off.
What did they mean by this?
That's a doctored image and those articles actually have different writers. I don't blame you. The low intellect of Sup Forumstards makes you guys easy to fool.
Black people can't be sexist, shitlord. Go back to Sup Forums.
stay and fight
If you don't want to starve, get a job. that's the beautiful thing about capitalism.
He's literally saying breadlines are a good idea to be implemented.
People don't starve to death in North America, only if they do it on purpose (ie. not doing anything about it).
So it's ok for the editors to approve of publishing two contradictory and hypocritical articles?