Bored Colombian guy here

Bored Colombian guy here
ask me anything related to drugs. I study in a public school

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¿No debería estar en alguna protesta, comunista hijueputa?

que drogas haces?

su mama malparido hijueputa

nah mi pa, voy a votar por Ivan Duque

op es marica

vivo en Medellin. hay marihuana, perico, popper, krippy, cocaina. gran variedad

no u

Ah, todo bien mi perro

Qué diferencia hay entre cripy y marihuana?

aparte de la edad promedio de consumo, se obtienen por distintos procesos. los efectos son mas fuertes en la mari

How does being colombian make you an expert in drugs.

Ffs I am now in Bogotá waiting for my meat to unfroze looking prepagos.

Claro, porque lo que quiero hacer con mi noche es hablar con un pobre.

Culo con queso? negro verga grande
taco burrito tortilla nacho

Estas en los barrios sucios, marica dios te bendiga

Im from Medellin, the land of Don Pablo Escobar Gaviria ome and school teaches us of drugs about being carefull and all that shit

que Uribe lo protega mi pa

no, more like
Paisa with coca, negro malparido hijueputa
arepa con queso y chocolate con queso

Don't reinforce stereotypes, Manuel. Colombia has a LOT more going for it than drugs. You gat a fucking cathedral in a salt mine, man. You got the world's only invasive hippo population. You got the world's best painter and sculptor of really fat people.

Don't sell yourself short.

Vivo en la comuna 11 por el estadio guevon

Tras de pobre bruto.

Shit, now I am craving arepas and some ajiaco soup.

I would love to talk about the wonderful things that Colombia has, but sadly we have the "title" of only giving drugs and all that shit. And many people here only care about that

Someday i will create another thread about that trust me

no me habia dado cuenta mala mia D:

ademas, felicidades por los trips

This and colombian women ( and putas)are fucking hot.

Your comment was so nice and beautiful that I started to cry, I'm not kidding...I'll never stop thinking that my country, Colombia, is pretty much a pile of shit but this was so nice to read that made me cry.

Viejo, esos sí son trips? Segun tengo entendido, lo que este de por medio no cuenta.

Puede que si, yo los tengo en cuenta casi siempre

Hey man



Then You are either a Petro comunist or a Uribe Facist. You guys all suck!!

No, viejo...estoy casi seguro de que tienen que ser los primeros dígitos, de verdad creo que estas mal.

él el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was Bob Peck

Gracias por el dato Mijo, siempre es bueno conocer nuevas cosas


I've been there 4-5 times, everybody treated me very well, never had any problems. One of my favorite places.

a los colombianos en el thread, como conocieron Sup Forums? yo conozco muy poca gente que sepa del sitio, vivo en bogota.

Qué tan fácil es conseguir coca sin cortar?
Cuanto cuesta una prostituta de calidad en USD?

quads spotted, narcolombiano

parce, le cuento la verdad? no me acuerdo un culo de como conoci Sup Forums... creo que un amigo me hablo de el cuando estaba como en 7 en el colegio, salu2 desde Medellin

>Qué tan fácil es conseguir coca sin cortar?

depende donde viva, lo que cambia es el precio y la cantidad.

>Cuanto cuesta una prostituta de calidad en USD?

300 o 400

No hay problema, viejo! Es con gusto.

Viejo, me salieron de pura chepa y muy oportunamente.

por qué hablan en tercera persona y siempre dicen gonorrea? acaso tienen retraso mental o algo parecido?

A good 30 for 30, the two Escobars.

It's really nice to hear that...I mean, I really like it because that's something that I want my country to preserve, of course not everyone it's a nice but I feel like we always try to look for each other, to be noble. The point it's that I'm glad that you had a good time.

esos no son trips maldito autista

Viejo, así de mucha grima...lo conoci por Dross, confieso el pecado, y me quede porque el sitio me parecio interesante; a ratos me puedo relacionar con algunas personas de aqui.

mamaburra hijueputa

Viejo, hagale con cariño, no nos tiremos así...

Viejo, donde?

> pile of shit

Man Colombia is beautiful

perdón amigo, me ganó la emoción

pues en colombia mamaburro


Damn! Columbian chicks are attractive.

Comprendo, normal, lo unico que queda hacer es reconocer el error, disculparse y tratar de no volverlo a cometer. Desquitate con los que realmente esten haciendo un mal u ofensa.

Colombian that is.
She's so hot I fucked up the spelling.

It depends of where you look at it...I see people dying in the streets from drugs, kids who also die from hunger, girls who are barely 18 selling their bodies, sometimes a person stabs his own brother for money. Much of it isn't our fault, our liders try to tear us apart, that's how I see it.

if jimmy has 2 bags of cocaine and give juan 3 how many fingers is javiare going to cut off?

Sounds like Detroit.

javiare is going you kill his whole family.

Si usted cree que todos los Colombianos hablan igual, que toda Colombia es una sola jerga, un territorio sin divisiones y no me puede dar pruebas exactas de donde escucho ese dialecto...que pena pero él mamaburro es otro. Aqui termina la conversación.




I know and I'm not trying to say that these problems are something new for the world, but that these things also occur and more often than what you think it would, most part of the country it's at that state.

Es de todos conocido que absolutamente todos los colombianos hablan en tercera persona, dicen gonorrea, consumen drogas de manera habitual y tienen un altar en honor a Pablo escobar en sus hogares. Las cosas como son.

I know what you mean, we've been through all kinds of crap here in the states as well.


Brothers killing brothers here in the states is pretty wicked and what we've been through.

What did you do to get things better? What could we learn to get out of the chapter that we're right now?

A complicated answer to that question, but live by laws I think is the basic answer.

Why do we do those things...?

Try to not do a civil war.

And if the laws are wrong? Can they be wrong?

>ITT: Colombianos intentando aferrarse ciega y fervientemente a la noción de que su país de mierda es remotamente salvable y/o tiene algún valor objetivo.


It feels like it could happen at any moment...

Yeah they can be wrong, we have to go with federalist papers and our constitution.
Declaration of independence. There are others as well.

We try to prevent that, that would be most nasty thing that we've ever done. Civil wars are the worst wars and the most nasty and bloody.

So...are they one of those things that you can't change?

Only insane freak jobs would want a civil war here in the USA.

We change laws, it takes some time and it's meant to take some time. Unfortunately some laws have monetary stuff and then federal funding behind them, those are the difficult ones to eliminate.

Once there's some stupid federal beuracracy behind some law then it's really difficult to eliminate that law even if it's stupid.

Is the average bag of coke you get from your average dealer very pure since it's produced in Columbia

que tal estas con mis hermanos venezolanos?, los estas linchando?


Only dumb niggers buy the "average" bag of coke.

The fuck is a parakeet and a krippy op?

Kea attacking cars

So, what is happening with the invasive hippo population? I heard recently that the government has decide it is time to kill them all.

It’s just weed and cocaine, op why did you say both twice? I call BS

En un tema diferente, por quien hay que votar en estas elecciones?

AMLO 2018

no votes por comunuistas de mierda no quieres termina como cierto pais hermano

Comunista de mierda asqueroso primaria trunca

Lo sé, puedo creer que haya gente que este pensando en votar seriamente por FARC.

So you're saying Keas don't attack cars?

Dubs de la verdad.