Well Sup Forums, can our memes outperform Sup Forums?
The next potential US Presidential Winner of 2020
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So how many times does this happen before we stop this shit?
Kanye west is Sup Forums since Sup Forums became our sister board thanks to reddit
>"according to hollywood sources"
Kanye publicly said "I'm running for President in 2020" not that long ago. Why are they making it sound like they've uncovered some secret?
Trump has MAGA.
What will be Kanye's phrase?
Trump won because rural white voters were pissed. They don't give two shits about this negro
"Girls Kissing Girls, cuz it's Hot Right?"
He'll lock up the gay vote months ahead of time.
>kanye beats trump running for reelection
do you know how much of a shitstorm that would be?
God It'll be hilarious watching that fucking tard get BTFO
Then again Americans are stupid enough to elect him.
It's just a stupid meme right, he's not actually running is he. I mean Americans aren't fucking braindead
"Black Skinhead"
"Genius Voice of a Generation"
Something with the word "west" in it, that's for sure.
>Bill Clinton
>Barack Obama
>Kayne West
Damn. Glad to see another negro trying.
It is a stupid meme. He might try to run, but it's even sillier than Trump. Kanye West didn't even graduate college, is a terrible public speaker, has almost universally bad PR, and has never done anything in his life that remotely resembles running a country. He would get the black vote, but nothing more.
>Ayo me and my niggas going to change this country. I feel like Kobe running this bitch, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh my first lady Kim in this bitch oh and every child gets a Adidas shoe from my shoe line paid by taxpayers!
I don't even think the people that hate Trump right now would vote for Kanye
Down with the Down's nigger.
>Kim Kardashian as the First Lady
Bailey Jay 2020 when?
>Kanye vs Trump
It would be the ultimate meme-off
I'm not going to be happy until we get;
>Democrat Ticket: Kanye West, V.P. Amy Schumer
>Republican Ticket: Hulk Hogan, V.P. Angie Varona
>1st Debate - CNN
>2nd Debate - Rape Battle - World Star Hip Hop
>3rd Debate - Tag Team Match - WWE
Make it happen America, we're counting on you.
>Makin' U Rich
>We All Rich Now
He's just going to get up on stage, make it rain and yell about how he's gonna give everyone a million dollars and a blow job from a spare Kardashian.
All Lives Matter
>I'm a unifier and sheeeit.
>We All Rich Now
Stop user. My sides.
First debate, Kanye starts rapping
I don't even like him as a rapper. I think he's absolute garbage compared to Kedrick Lamar. But if he rapped in a debate I'd vote for the first time in my life.
>Rape Battle
now we're talkin
>Yo, Imma let you finish Donal, but you don't care about all people
Who do you think his hype man for the debate will be?
He's got to secure the latino or white suburban mom vote, remember.
>Kayne rap claiming himself a God
>Trump bring out a hyperrealistic hologram of Tupac
>"You were saying?"
Kanye could easily seize the millennial vote, like what Obama did
I am half expecting this guy.
>tfw the Democrats lose in a landslide thanks to the V.P. Mud Wrestling Debate between Varona and Schumer
Kanye has a bigger ego than Trump.
>a rapper is sillier than an ex reality tv star
Nah, meme it up.
Frank Ocean.
He'll grab the younger audience thanks to the Kardashians.
Have you seen Pitbull have an actual political debate?
It's fucking hilarious.
Does Neil DeGrasse Tyson count as A-List?
Except for the graduate college part, he sounds like Trump
im literally better than jesus and if you dont vote for me you're going to hell
He actually is.
A lot sillier.
You could only get sillier if they run Hulk Hogan.
Which is going to happen, unless he dies.
>has almost universally bad PR
so did trump up to the election. if anything, trump making headlines sold him into office and kanye's ability to replicate that will do him well when he runs.
That would be the pinnacle of human history. Nothing before or after could come close in the sheer amount of keks had by the fat, ugly aliens watching us.
The one and only.
Fuck forgot this faggot is Canadian
Would there be a meme civil war between Sup Forums & Sup Forums and Sup Forums if this happened?
this. what is happening right now? memes are breaking into real life. what a glorious time to be alive!
thats exactly why
Sup Forums's supreme leader getting taken down by Kanye West would trigger them so greatly. The salt mounds from those neonazis would almost be worth four years of Trump.
Is he joking, or does he really not see how easily that could become a dystopia?
>He would get the black vote
You could pick the worst person on the planet and as long as they're black they'll get the black vote. They're suicidal loyal to skin color.
Maybe so. Sup Forums worships Kanye and Sup Forums will do it to pissed off Sup Forums and have an excuse to post more BBC. Sup Forums might try to join in.
The funny part about Kanye is I can see him having a meltdown as the votes came in and he started losing every single state
The thing is, if you go back and watch old Trump videos, from when he wasn't trying to get bumpkins to vote for him, he's fairly normal and makes sense.
Kanye on the other hand...
Kanye won't run with Schumer. It'll be 'Diamond" Joe Biden.
maybe you don't view reality tv like I do and maybe you don't realize that the kind of people who enjoy reality tv are the same ones who listen to Kanye...
Sup Forums would crush them.
I don't trust Sup Forums anymore. Their is some spoopy shit going on with them.
The CIA/NSA thing and the U.N. study thing make me want to stay far away.
"How the West Won"
do tell. I can't go to that board.
I've never seen Trump's show. I'm old enough to remember him as being famous from before then, when he was just a billionaire.
As stated too, Trump actually has a long list of being involved in economic policy, where as Kanye...Well the civil service would probably get awesome uniforms.
Then trump supporters would respond #PutWestToRest
I am fully expecting President WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump to make an appearance at this year's Wrestlemania.
Not him, but they become mainstream and gotten the attention of those agencies.
Jolie actually seems pretty likely.
This sounds like Trump 2.0.
how many layers of 'awoken ancient Egyptian chaos gods' are you on?
>I've never seen Trump's show. I'm old enough to remember him as being famous from before then, when he was just a billionaire.
Same here. SNL definitely used to have someone else doing that impersonation. Shit, I don't remember Trump being a bad guy until very recently?
I never paid too much attention to him but I listen to Phil Hendrie archives and there were definitely several news stories about him talking about running eventually during Obama's last term. He's been planning this one for awhile I think.
For Kanye, money isn't an issue. They're one in the same in my eyes. There's no reason it wouldn't work. If this can happen, anything can.
And I say that as someone who didn't have an option to vote for in this election or the last. There's no fucking point. But whatever, it'll keep happening.
A lot of Sup Forums and redditors use archive.is to avoid giving clicks to news sites they don't like.
Someone from Sup Forums noticed that a particular style of poster would post a link to a news article in a particularly b8 worthy or more inflammatory than usual thread, but when you hit the archive.is page, things would load really slowly, and a .gif would load with a loading-time message, which didn't usually happen.
They pulled the code apart and the .gif was loading remotely from an intelligent university that specializes in counter terrorism and cyber warefare and works with the CIA and NSA. It would send back I.P.'s of people loading that .gif
When the news spread, the archive was scrubbed of those links.
The U.N. conducted an 8 month study into Sup Forums hate speech and memetics. They logged and monitored millions of posts from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums. They claim they have found a way to identify and track Sup Forums users via this study, so companies like google can shut them out of youtube, etc.
That makes sense. What bout the UN study thing?
>tfw he brings effigies of the Liberal Media into the ring and has Hulk, dressed in a suit of lawsuit cash, body slam them.
>tfw maybe if we're lucky Trump uses an executive order and they actually body slam real Liberal Media owners like Ted Turner
>implying I believe you
>The U.N. conducted an 8 month study into Sup Forums hate speech and memetics. They logged and monitored millions of posts from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums. They claim they have found a way to identify and track Sup Forums users via this study, so companies like google can shut them out of youtube, etc.
I... I'm kind of okay with this.
>and Sup Forums.
so does the UN know about ledeckyposting ;DD
Trump was just a typical billionaire. He'd bitch about the government, so people would say;
>You do it
And he'd bitch some more and say someone else should. Back then he bitched pretty much only about economic policy.
So now people wonder;
Was the whole thing a con so he can get elected and then focus on that - Or has he just got dementia and he really believes all his nutty shit.
Yeah I would like sauce.
Found this?
I don't know credibility of that one though so [citation needed]
What are the chances of him just playing this character just to get into the office and not doing much of the things he promised like the wall?
>Was the whole thing a con so he can get elected and then focus on that - Or has he just got dementia and he really believes all his nutty shit.
considering how much he's flip-flopped on policy and clearly has no idea what he wants to do economically (just look at him changing his mind about minimum wage 20 times over the campaign) it's probably the latter.
Being surrounded by yes-men and always having money and connections to bail you out of mistakes probably helps convince him he can do no wrong too
I'm convinced Trump didn't actually want to be president, he just started the whole thing off as a publicity stunt
Then he realized oh shit, people are actually voting for me and ended up being president
Google it nigga. The U.N. Study isn't a secret. There are normie articles on it (about how good it is).
The other one - the more Tin Foil are like; "OMG CIA ARE COMING FOR ME", the less tin foil (Sup Forums) believe it's more likely students from the university practicing techniques or whatever.
>I'm a retard who watched zero trump rallies or videos or anything of the sort
I think it went like this;
>I want to be president to fix the economy
>I'll have to like an idiot to get nominated
>Fuck, this is so stupid, I don't want to do this anymore - I'll just go full blown super retard and then they'll dump me
>Oh shit...I'm winning
Then his ego kicked in and he's like;
>Damn, I guess I'm a god. Why not just run the free world then. What's the worse that could happen?
>the less tin foil (Sup Forums) believe it's more likely students from the university practicing techniques or whatever.
that's where all of the pictures of people studying memes in class come from at least. They get routinely panned as "why the fuck are they teaching that at school!?" out of context, but when you realize that 90% of them are from marketing courses it makes perfect sense
>tfw no pepe brand soda
>Figure 13: The most popular image on Sup Forums during our collection period, perhaps the least rare pepe
The U.N. was a mistake.
Yeah, Sup Forums fags believed the technique was far too crude to be professional. And because it was a University doing it, it stood to reason that it was something slapped together by students to maybe test out ways to deanonymize users, etc.
But the /x/tier fags started bugging out and looking for black vans.
>I'm convinced Trump didn't actually want to be president, he just started the whole thing off as a publicity stunt
>Then he realized oh shit, people are actually voting for me and ended up being president
if you believe the leaks from his earlier campaign managers, that's exactly what happened. He wanted to raise his profile, get some attention on the national stage, and shift the direction the Republican party was going by running an outsider campaign, winning a few states once the primaries hit, and then using his position as someone with decent support to play kingmaker and back a different candidate in exchange for whatever
but then it got out of control and his ego took over and he figured "if all of these people love me, I must actually have some solutions" and ran with it
That's the study. Google the authors/etc. It's covered in MSM.
What really happened:
>ancient egyptian chaos god awakens
>memes trump into white house for shits and giggles
>was far too crude to be professional.
they were just adapting our own method of 'pretending to be retarded'
ITT: retarded eurofaggots
Kanya has no education nor can run successful business on his own, nor can do successful PR and no one gives a shit about him
Also like I just briefly posted, criticized impromptu on national television "George Bush hates black people" a decade ago
>Gen Z put Kanye and Kardashian Family in the White House
honestly i can see it
George Bush don't care about black people
*jesus wept
>Kanya has no education nor can run successful business on his own
And Trump is the first president-elect with 0 political or military experience. We're breaking all of the barriers holding people back!
everyone was saying the same shit about trump
"trump has no political experience, trump has been shit on non-stop by the media, trump said he would torture and kill terrorist families on national television"
>yeezy's face when he loses the presidency
>There are more secret treasures hidden in the white house
>the only way to reach them, is to get elected president
Well who really know anything about who Trump is as a guy except those around him. Part of why I hate voting. I don't know any of those people. Not even the local people in my state. Why the fuck would I get behind complete strangers and what they have to say?
Also, those were not the things I heard. They were news stories about him just actually running. Phil did a bit on it but his site is subscription based and I love his show so I pay for it. Plus he's done a damn good job of keeping his own work to himself, so he's not exactly popular enough to pirate. So I can't really just give you sauce even if I went looking for those exact shows, would take me quite awhile too.
Considering that WTF podcast with Marc Maron where Obama straight up just said it was a job and it takes fucking forever to get anything done, yeah, I think that's very likely.
thanks mate.
literally idiocracy
>he fell for the wall meme
I refuse to believe that anyone is america is stupid enough to believe the president could literally make mexico pay for a border wall.
I hear this stupid shit from my god awful redditor coworker. Like I'm really not just trying to yell reddit at you, but I work with normies who go there and they definitely say shit like this.