>television and film you have Sup Forums and /news/, go shit them up instead
Colton Hernandez
notice they're all mostly west coast urban centers, a few outside of that but they're only tearing up where they live in small groups.
Same reason nobody gives a shit when black people riot, 9 out of 10 times, they're burning down their own businesses.
Jacob Stewart
How is this Sup Forums related faggot?
Evan Kelly
this is fucking weird. I don't think there's been this kind of electoral butthurt since Lincoln
Joseph Roberts
It's on the news and is a huge event just like the elections last night.
Ayden Collins
I didn't vote Trump, but I love all these lib tears. It almost makes his victory worth it. And I just know they are the same people who would be posting on fagbook and twitter making fun of white people if they showed any emotion over a Trump loss.
Jaxon Cook
>lol look at the Republitards thinking they can use their guns to have a revolution, like they could win against the government. Only th police should have guns >What's that? Donald Trump is president? VIOLENT REVOLUTION NOW!
Jackson Foster
>Democratic vote >Democratic election >The one you didn't vote for wins >Use your democratic right to protest to try to overturn the democratic vote in your democracy
Kayden Cooper
judging by the >Who will direct the inevitable film? it's related just like all the other off topic trash being left up today
Gabriel Mitchell
What the fuck were we supposed to do, let Hillary win? Let these shitheads run around fucking everything up? I don't want to live in world where my way of life is shit on and my beliefs are scoffed at by the mentally ill. For goodness sakes we won! Soros and Hillary lost!
Nicholas Wilson
>mass arrests of even white people >burning flags is it finally happening lads?
Hudson Cook
>Dallas >St. Paul >Chicago >New York
I know we deserve most of it, but not everyone in the West is retarded. Hillary only got 60% in Cali and we are like 40% Mexican.
Alexander Perez
The literal Commies that advocate for mass violent protest and revolution are not in favor of gun control.
Get your ideologies somewhat correct before you spout nonsense pls
Grayson Hall
I don't really like Trump as a person, but he might be able to curve some of the SJW shit destroying America, whereas Hillary would give them a blank check, while accepting money from Muslim countries that kill gays and see women as actual objects.
Levi Fisher
how else would frump get elected
Isaac Brown
Commiefornia wants out
What does this mean for Hollywood?
Benjamin Price
I want the race war to happen as much as the next FUCKING WHITE MALE but this shit will be a footnote within three days. No one gives a fuck about these people. I saw them today and they're literally the same smelly subhumans that were protesting during OWS. At least I got to see Jeff Mangum perform live in Union Square for that. This is weaksauce.
Hudson Ross
>officer at dispatch just requested for keys to the armory in oakland
Chase Jones
>we are like 40% Mexican
Reason #55542352 you and everyone else in that shithole should be 100% dead.
Brody Price
how is this tv related again?
Andrew Cook
This is the lamest riot I've seen since Vancouver.
Hudson James
I fucking love all these liberal SJW tears! They can fill an Olympic swimming pool and I'm motherfucking Michael Phelps in it, swimming and giggling like a schoolgirl on cocaine! I'm making sweet love to these tears man, I'm spanking that shit and I feel like I'm on top of the world! I'M MOTHERFUCKING MICHAEL PHELPS(not an actual one), BITCH!
Dylan Lopez
>tv and film
also now that the Republicans are back in power, shouldn't the internet start becoming left leaning like is was back in the day? I'm exited to see Sup Forumss breakdown once this inevitably happens.
Brayden Hernandez
Landon Cruz
This happened back when Bush won.
Rather being inspired by nationalistic or econonic reasons its by fags in LA or SF who hate that democracy means sometimes you don't win.
I would totally vote for it, we have a population larger than Canada and are like the 6th largest GDP in the world the US is holding us back.
Hudson Jenkins
how is this or 80% of the threads currently up?
Austin Perez
Except you're a fat loser with zero physical ability and he's an Olympic hero and you had nothing to do with the thing you're so happy about.
But yeah, you guys are pretty much twins.
Leo Watson
It's the best reality tv of this century, live telecast, too.
Brayden Garcia
Maybe we should be 90 nigger like in the South? Beaners can basically become white if they stay out jail.
The Irish used to be hardcore libs now a lot are conservative. I have hopes. Thats assuming trump actually stops the illegals from getting in
Carson Rodriguez
You don't get to do shit before New York does, and then gives you permission to do it too.
Everyone knows LA is nothing but a glorified crew.
Nathan Cooper
>& War
Someone should tell these faggots that Hillary would have started one with her no fly zone shit.
Joseph Powell
well meme hustler?
Carson Bailey
Dylan Johnson
Loving all these white female tears
Cooper Stewart
Thats fine, its the adult male tears that I find alarming. I fucking hate my generation.
Adam James
Because I can be you fucking oven dodger OH YOU MAKE ME WANNA SMOKE!
Andrew Edwards
Adding in more tears to my swimming pool. Thank you.
Jeremiah Cox
Noah Evans
>Implying I'm crying
Just pointing out the truth, oven dodger. You're a fat Jew neckbeard and Phelps is one of white God's ubermensch. To compare yourself to her or Ledecky is to laugh in the face of Christ and I just won't allow it.
Lincoln Rodriguez
correction, the shitty part of california (the coast) wants out. The rest of the state is fine. The coast should secede, and the rest of the state gets their guns and weed as the state of Jefferson t. californian.
Henry Brooks
Delete this
Jacob Davis
Better now while whites are technically the majority in 20 more years they'll be minorities with none of the privilages.
Lucas Miller
People love democracy, but only when it goes the way they want.
t. eurofag
Angel Reyes
SD is coastal but we are pretty chill. We are like what Cali was 20 years ago when we were giving the US Raegan.
Its just LA which is beaners and out of statters trying to make it. And San Fagsico which still thinks its the 1960s.
Anthony Bailey
Just llike how blm died so easily huh
Brandon Allen
Nigger what shithole do you live in where you see en masse BLM supporters like there were for OWS? Because I live in NY and I see like ten of those fucking scumbags a day. Shit, I see more Black Hebrews than I see BLM protesters until huge shit like this happens. This is nothing. Three days and it's gonna be a blip on the radar.
Thomas Campbell
Asshole. Stay mad.
Blake Morris
God why do they have to protest in dallas? UTD and SMU arent even liberal schools. we are a fucking red state.
Cooper Howard
Why are white men so pathetic? Muhhh race war, man shut up no one cares that much about you guys. Constantly blabbing about us, get over yourself and move on. The only reason this election turned out the way it did is because of pathetic white people and them being fueled by racism and xenophobia.
Nicholas Long
Okay? lel fucking retard.
Blake Parker
You know I read that over and over at least five times and all I could decipher was "OOGA BOOGA BIX NOOD OOGA BOOGA YUM YUM EAT EM UP WATERMELON OOGA BOOGA!"
Josiah Taylor
Why is everyone where I live and my age such fucking ugly yelling sheep demons?
Jeremiah Sanders
nice argument fag boy
Brayden Russell
Is that what he meant?
Charles Price
>white person holding up a black power sign this is really rumbling my black matter
Noah Ward
>White girl with a Black Power sign
Oy vey.
Charles Bennett
Sebastian Moore
what argument? I am just upset my peers are this messed up. I cant relate to anyone on either side
Aiden Adams
What did he mean by this?
Adrian Thompson
>tfw pussy will never grab you
James Cook
Too many people in our generation go to college. Which you might think is good, bit not really we have a bunch of kids majoring black lesbian studies parroting whatever they read but not thinking critically about it and literally throwing tantrums when people have a different view.
Best way to save America and the debt. Only give loans to those going to vocational school or studying STEM. Then more people are working.
Liberal arts has always been for the upper middle and higher classes who can waste time and money on it. Not for people who's family makes 40k a year and will never find a job.
Samuel Walker
Yeah I fucking believe you
Jose James
inside job lads
David Diaz
Is there anyone else here who's not really into Trump but just loves laughing at the breakdown from celebrities, journalists, and SJWs?
Zachary Campbell
>tfw my stepdad hosts an alt-right podcast and him and his buddies are in the basement right now yelling about how it's gonna be legal to kill brown people next year and the racial holy war has begun
Wyatt Turner
about as pointless as occupy wall street, the millennials really suck at this and I expect it to fizzle out soon
Matthew Hernandez
What does that mean?
Blake Lopez
Yep. I hate Trump and everything about that kike shill faggot. Love what's happening though. Who knows, maybe he accidentally WILL make America great again.
Benjamin Collins
its all part of the plan even trump is in on it
Owen Price
Juan Rodriguez
Yo, I threw my vote away on Johnson in the hope that they could get %5 and receive federal funding next cycle.
But people freaking the fuck out is priceless. Also meme magic is real
Bentley Walker
Me, I'm a liberal but not a diehard. There are bigger problems with this country that the government cannot fix
Owen Hughes
I wanted Hillary to win because I wanted to see Trump and his cult get taken down a peg.
But this is fine, too.
Isaac Lewis
signs are now a fashion accessory
Bentley King
The Dallas one is specifically from the Next Generation Action Network. The same group that got 7 cops killed in July and wanted to protest again less than two weeks afterwards. Their leader was convicted of having injured a child and whined when the black police chief said that if you want to make change than sign up to be a cop.
Problem is the shitty condition of humanities in america (and europe to some extent). On one side it's treated like a second class field of studies denying fundings to develop ot further; on the other hand too many fucking idiots run it to the ground with retarded currents like for example gender studies, which is so obsessed with muh genitals that every single fuckingthing has to be seen as a conflict between cocks and vaginas. They created their own cultural lager, whike the whole point of humanities should be developping critical tought.
t. Humanities graduate
Kevin Morris
Juan Green
But that is a great argument, if you think police do not understand your community that it is policing, then more blacks in police force would help a lot. We always seem to be either short on cops or budget.
But see that actually takes work and being a cop is dangerous so there ya go.
Lucas Clark
Have we started the fire?
Leo Stewart
Yes, the fire rises, its going to be a great fire, a huge fire. Alot of people are talking about the fire rising, and its going to be great.
Jaxson Morgan
You know what's really gonna be funny? When people find out a wall isn't going to be built.
Wyatt Jenkins
>WHY CAN'T HE GET THROUGH TO THESE PEOPLE ????? >trump head on a stick
the butthurt is so great. Literally just NYC, LA, and hipster places like Portland.
Benjamin Murphy
I hate Trump even more than I hate Hillary, but the liberal outrage is pretty funny. It's not that people are concerned, because I don't blame them, but who and how.
Ethan Clark
Reporting. I don't like trump but I fucking hate hillary.
Benjamin James
Remember when the liberals and the liberal media kept lecturing Donald Trump to concede peacefully, and demanded his fans behaved appropriately and didn't cause a fuss just because they lost fair and square?
Isn't it funny?
Samuel Powell
I don't really get it. He won. That's it, it's over. I'm not happy about it either but it's not like you can change it by protesting. Are they hoping he will see the protests and change his mind on some issues or something? I just don't see the rationale.
Ryan Long
Republicans are scared. They know this is probably the last election they will ever win, the future belongs to millennials who overwhelmingly voted against Trump.
Connor Richardson
That still doesn't really solve the problem of most people under 30 majoring in lib arts, racking up debt, and going out into the job market 4 years later with no skills. And then going to grad school to postpone growing up and actually getting a job.
But yeah the humanities need to be drastically reduced so do all the free concerts and parties, and the huge administration. That would at least make college more affordable.
Carter Evans
link for the podcast pls
Adrian Allen
I know right? And it's not really like he's gonna be able to do half the shit he said.
Christopher Martin
1. I like watching the complete hypocrisy and lies of the left - These riots are a perfect, spot on example
>proceed to riot and be violent while simultaneously claiming you are "terrified" of right wing death squads
2. The mainstream media is my favorite. Fucking hell, what pieces of shit they are. Watching them throw the last vestiges of professionalism and intellect out of the window today and just have complete, hysterical, juvenile breakdowns in public has been glorious. They lied and lied and lied and hyped and hyped - and it failed. So now they're just doubling down and making it look even worse.
Thought the Democrats would have learned their lesson by now.
Isaiah Fisher
return of the city states? would emperor trump allow such a thing?
Isaac Carter
>pol is red >tv is blue
drumpftards and drumpfspergs get the fuck out of my board!
Wyatt Collins
Just like Hillary had a 98% certainty of winning this, would landslide with the women and educated voters and crush with the Latinos.
Oh wait...They fucking blew it on all counts.
Gen Z is coming up, and they're going to backlash so hard against the left it's not funny.
Ethan Hall
I can only assume these clothes were special made, and yet that shirt is STILL too small