YFW Clinton almost won

YFW Clinton almost won

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It was a landslide for Trump

Ok. What. The. FUCK is this?
Goooooodamn, I fucking shivered that's so fucking gross.

>record scratch
>freeze frame

>yup, that's me, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

I lol'd

for once i am actually wondering

my mfw

thanks for enabling webms on all boards jewt

>webms with no sound

disallow gifs and have webms with sound ffs. you're way behind the times hiroshimoot

[it aint me]

Jesus christ

He looks like the kid from Westworld

How does this happen?

Are his eyes fucked and they're using maggot therapy to remove the dead tissue? Because he looks like he's not enjoying it, and it's supposed to be fairly painless as a debriding method.

>my feet hurt
>its late already i'm tired
>heh can't wait to shitpost against hillary in the morning MAGA
>i hope my unban petition got through though

its a dead body and the maggots are making him move

christ, i think you're right

i live alone, i will probably be like this when they find me.

was it autism?

He's going to be a chad when he grows older

he already has good cheekbones

wtf i love this meme now

What did he mean by this?

looks like he's trying to hold in a yawn

Or sucking on a sour candy

trump got over 300 electoral votes and many more states were a hair away from going to him as well. it would have been a reagan landslide if it wasn't for that pussy tape

He's actually alive

There's also Gary Johnson who *stole* much more voters from Trump than he did Clinton