Latina / Hispanic thread. No caca skins, those are natives

Latina / Hispanic thread. No caca skins, those are natives

SJWs, reviZIONists and cultural deniers gtfo.













>caca skin




gb2 hispa negro




























>replies: 40
>images: 38
>posters: 6
This is the saddest fucking thread I’ve ever seen. And it’s made everyday now....



What great threads are you making?

Cute pits




Deer in the headlights look on her in that pic




Sieg fucking heil is what my dick is saying.

Post moare!


>caca detected


I'll caca you!


why no caca skin OP they need love too


Not right now

lot of caucasians


Trips of Truth. Witness the digits my latina goddess worshipers.


whats the difference between any of these girls and white girls. you might as well call this a white girl thread. faggot

boi u ugly






Do you honestly expect people to read that shit?


don't reply to him you goon

Learn to write like human being and get paid for it instead of being a cunt.


Some people need to be taught to write properly.


lick my huevos hoe

so just white girls from Spain and Mexico... Because those are totally different than any other white girl now aren't they?



got a problem with that nigger?


I just don't see the appeal, since they are just like yknow, any other white girl out there, they just speak spanish


What are you doing in this thread then?





it may be going along the lines of a fetish, not exactly but somewhere on the spectrum, you know like look at that girl from a latin country but she is white, that's not common. maybe???


wondering why people even make these threads when clearly, they just want to look at hot white girls...