Hey Sup Forums I need some advice...

Hey Sup Forums I need some advice. This is probably going to be a disaster but I can't think of anywhere else I could post.

I have been with my fiance for three years now, we have our wedding in the summer and until recently everything was going great.

However she has now confessed to me that her Dad molested and fucked her from the ages of 13 to 17. I long suspected something of the sort, she likes to be all submissive and call me Daddy in bed, but I tried to dismiss it as just a kink. She wrestled with whether to even tell me but finally decided she didn't want any secrets between us.

She has said that she doesn't want anyone else to know ad she doesn't want to break up her family and still partly blames herself.

I want to respect her wishes but we see her family a lot and I am so angry with her Dad I can barely stand to be in the same room as him. It's going to get even worse when the wedding comes around. He's giving her away for fucks sake.

How the hell do I deal with this gentlemen?

tell the popo

"she thinks its her own fault"
nobody should think like that

break that family up nigga

Ask him for pointers

Respect your fiance and her wishes. If you even let on you know it will destroy her family and ultimately make your relationship with her so strained it will end. It will fuck her up royally if it's out in the open, you will be dealing with a woman who is confronting her abuse while simultaneously having to handle family blowback.
It will probably all come out eventually. But let it happen in its own time. Don't be forcing that shit mate.

Is he rich?


Is he rich? Increase the dowry for tainted goods.

im not a crazy bitch like you fiancee. But i would ask her what her mother would think about it. and if she had any idea. i think if the mom would be okay with it or ignored the obvious. if she wouldnt be okay with it, then you tell her what your wife said, of not then you shouldn't say anything except passive aggressively fuck with her fathers life. superglue all his keys together. pour sugar in his gas tank. watch him suffer. wahahaha. i think i would say something no matter what.

Breed a daughter with her and repeat the cycle. Don't brake the chain or your mother will caput tonite.

Thanks for the advice mate. I think that it's the best course for now. Still feel like telling him I know though. I won't but seeing him realise his little girl told on him would be extremely satisfying.