First days of release

>first days of release
>Sup Forums dubs it true capekino
>fast forward 1 week
>now plebbest of capeshit
>don't know what to believe
>won't be in theaters much longer

Literally facing the biggest dilemma of the year right now.

Go see it, the visuals need a big screen.

>won't be in theaters much longer
Literally how? It's like only a few weeks in around the euros

It's good, Sup Forums just got bored of bane-posting for a little and decided to rile up some people by spreading false information on a solid film.

The mcu's first really good movie since civil war

It'll be in theatres at least 5 more weeks easy

I mean winter soldier, the cap one with redford

And Scarlet with long hair. Unf.

>he watches children's movies

>He posts on a Japanese posting board

What does the Staff of the Living Tribunal do?

Go see it. It's good. DCucks are not fooling anyone with their asshurt threads about this movie. Kek.

It's very mediocre. Tells a lot that it lost more than 70% of the domestic gross after only one week.

go watch a fucking good film instead you mong. Nocturnal Animals is out in the UK and some of Europe. Hacksaw Ridge is out in the US.

Fuck me, you idiots with this "theres nothing good out, best go pay to watch capeshit"

>getting your opinions from this daycare board
>being an obvious retard
>capeshit thread
Fuck off.

You can hit people with it.

Cumbercuck is awful at delivering quips in an american accent. Marvel/capeshit just isn't his setting. Don't know what he was thinking.

That goes for literally every movie that comes out around here. Once the honeymoon period is over they shit on everything. Just watch it and decide for yourself you faggot piece of shit.

>we got some leftover quips from Guardians of the Galaxy, wanna make a movie?

Visual effects - B+
Story - D-

The story falls apart because Doctor Strange gets the ability to fix every problem he faces half way through the movie and just doesn't do it because he's a selfish prick, or retarded.

The story falls apart if you use your brain. If you turn your brain off it's just like watching a worse version of Iron Man (2008)

>Dormammu scene
Someone explain to me how resetting time does not reset your memories.

It's good for what it is, a children's movie. Don't expect mind-bending philosophical themes. It's really fun and the visuals are awesome... only two or three times during the movie. The highlight, for me, is its trippiness. The scene where Strange travels through the different dimensions for the first time is pure lsd-infused capekino. Shame it only lasts for two minutes, but that scene and a couple more make the 3D ticket worth. The ending is also pure weirdness but it works, it feels new and fun. No wonder it's already a meme.

All in all, it's just a weightless flick. It will remind you of the best parts of Harry Potter, with a little Batman Begins and Ant Man-style quips here and there. Don't expect kino.

I like Marvel and I like DC. I don't like when DC tries to be Marvel (Suicide Squad) and I think Marvel is best at its most serious (Cap 2).

not really. the quips should have been removed from the movie. it didn't fit the theme and it didn't fit the scenes. Wong Adele, Wong laughing, the cape and thor scene at the end are literally face palm moments

People like to criticize the action of Man of Steel a lot for being drawn out. The half way point of this movie begins as a chase and it doesn't end until the credits roll, and a lot of it seems inconsequential because Strange has the McGuffin on his neck and refuses to use it for no reason at all.

It was a great film visually, but that's all that really stood out.

He shouldn't have confronted dormammu at the end, at least save the dark dimension and showdown with dormammu for the inevitable sequel.

At least it looked great, cookie cutter marvel otherwise.



won't be in imax much longer

the movie was shit though

>Nocturnal Animals

>Someone explain to me how resetting time does not reset your memories.

Obviously it makes exceptions, that's how resetting time has worked in every single source of fiction, otherwise it truely would be an infinite loop.

Infact the other wizards warn him about this when he fucks around with controlling time on his own, since if he doesn't make an exception he truly will be stuck in a time loop and fuck himself over.


dude just turn off your brain lmao

Oh fuck off. It's garbage quip shit. 'Dr quip will see you now', 'it's doctor xD', 'is there a doctor in the house, dr quip is in the house and ready for a dose of magic', 'bargain? the... strange kind of bargain'.

Fucking garbage writing compared to DC.

The movie was way better than most with the quipping, confirmed for not having seen it.

Thus sayeth the Living Tribunal?

It's clear from the first time he casts it that it doesn't effect the caster. I would say maybe he can cast it in such a way that a targeted other person doesn't get effected either, but we actually get two decent explanations right before the Dormammu scene: He can cast a special something that makes you work perfectly fine inside the time spin, and the Dark Dimension has no time anyway, so Dormammu may be immune to any memory fuckery.

What gets me about the contrast, and this is their solution to something Marvel Comics has struggled with since the 60s, is that Tony Stark is a violent alcoholic womanizing arms dealer who's the most lovable character in the entire franchise and Dr. Strange is a genius surgeon who saves probably dozens of lives a day and invents and pioneers techniques that will save thousands more for years to come, yet he's the single most hateful, cruel, despicable person in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's the only non-House doctor who could save a man's life in such a way as to make it a sick burn.


Here's how it works:

1. Some new plebshit comes out.
2. Plebshits swarm Sup Forums from other boards and reddit and circlejerk about how great they thought it was. Au/tv/ists have their dissenting voices drowned out.
3. Plebshits leave after a week. Au/tv/ists can now talk amongst themselves about how terrible it was.
4. Newfag notices this change and is confused.

Nigga, I saw it day one. Ask me anything about it. It's a bad movie.

more like

>movie comes out
>Sup Forums loves it
>movie gets popular
>Sup Forums hates it

every time

>Saves Wong
>Doesn't save the Ancient One even though she has a heartfelt astral conversation with him and says it's ok to bend the rules
>doesn't turn Mads into a corpse at will or a baby
>doesn't save one sanctum but saves the other with the eye

Doctor Strange is a hack

back to plebbit

>first days of release
>/marvelshills/ dubs it true capekino
>fast forward 1 week
>Sup Forums dubs it plebbest of capeshit

Fixed it for you.

Visuals have their moments, but the CGI is garbage. It's your typical capeshit, with more forced humor and forced romantic interest.

It's pretty shit. Go watch Hacksaw Ridge or Arrival instead you fucking pleb.

Very much this. It's just so incredibly bland. Not going to lie, the visuals were nice, but the characters are so shallow that it's sort of like looking into a kaleidoscope - visually entertaining but not exactly an emotional experience.