Sup Forums whats your IQ
Sup Forums whats your IQ
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My IQ is who gives a shit
mine is 129
>My IQ is who gives a shit
NEETs with no proof of any worth give a shit
>>he honestly thinks online IQ tests are accurate and not a way for idiots to share their results and give more ad rev
I've taken two of these and I always forget what my score is. Postmodern dick measuring... meh
over 8 thousand.
top 1% psychologically administered test
You mean 9000.
no, it's actually 8 thousand you newfag.
Last time i checked, 116.
Living in the 3rd world makes it easy to stand out.
Read it and weep, tard.
>In most versions, Vegeta actually says "It's over 8000!" However, even in the Remastered Uncut FUNimation dub, Vegeta still says "It's over 9000!", now performed by Christopher Sabat. This change was made due to inconsistencies with the dubbing process, where 9000 fit the mouth flaps of the animation better. However, fans complained about the FUNimation version lacking the drama and energy in the original version. They also complained about Christopher Sabat's voice being too calm-sounding for the scene, unlike Brian Drummond's, which had a lot of anger in it.
138, was tested in highschool. classified as near genius.
99% of the time in any class i'm in, i'm the first to finish the test, not a straight A student though. Have some B's on classes I just can't bother to pay attention in.
Honestly I would say I don't even need to take that test to get a feel for where I stand in society, i think faster than most people I meet. I'm generally in the top 95th+ percentile in anything i do.
I also know for a fact i was not born this smart, I got held back twice in kindergarten and was generally considered way behind, my parents put me through intense tutoring and it literally forced my brain to start thinking faster in order to get the amount of schoolwork done my tutors were having me do.
>trusting wikipedia
spanish tard
>doesn't know what ironic means
Kai isn't canon
Still dont know what to do with my life..
it's over 8000 you retarded newfag.
Yup, keep saying it.
Not gonna make it right you know.
Mine is 144 but I'm still a NEET so it doesn't help in anyway.
in the japanese version it is over 8000. youre the one denying the facts.
My insufficience quotient is 100 %. Completely useless
Just stop.
By 2050 world iq estimated to be low as 87 I'm scared for this day. I'm no genius or brainlet pretty average but stupid people are dangerous
no. it's over 8000 you retarded newfag.
Stupid kid. Shut the fuck up and stop doubling down on something wrong.
No elo polaczku
what do you expect to happen when stupid people are kept alive by free food and water.
It's no longer survival of the fittest, it's survival of the biggest dong, largest ass and biggest tits. Sexual competition is the only environmental factor in our society that is determining who reproduces.
A modest 121.
160 or 130, I forget.
Where can I make the test?
Well, I'm here. Does that answer your question?
So basically this test just displays a person's spacial awareness.
140-150 checking in.
probably telling the truth
142 MENSA certified.
You honestly wouldn't believe me if I told you, and it doesn't matter anyway. There are loads of more successful people with lower IQs.
The only people who care about the IQ score are the people with nothing else to show for it.
Actually the average global IQ rises every year and isn't expected to stop. People are actually getting smarter with every generation.
Psychometrics test revealed 189 when I was 17, heavy emphasis on anarcho-primitivism in my belief system so I deny my thought process from succeeding in the modern world.
tl;dr useless genius
137 according to the IQ test during my aspie diagnosis.
if your IQ testing was not administered by a neuropsychologist, you can fuck right off. You autists are taking whatever bullshit you can find that confirms your idiotic superiority complex
Also, supply the scores of your subunits and type of testing administered.
type: WASC-IV
Perceptual Reasoning: 98th percentile
Verbal Reasoning: 93rd percentile
Working Memory: 72nd percentile
Processing Speed: 52nd percentile
Overall Score, Not statistically significant: However, it was 124: 93rd percentile. But again, since it was not statistically significant its pretty much meaningless.
more important than your score is actually the estimated function range. Scores are not exact, after all. My overall ranking was "superior" so I'm fine with that.
my neuropsychologist put great influence on the fact that scores above 160 do not exist on ANY measurable scale, and that all values above about 130 are not statistically significant and therefore do not matter. After all, IQ testing is designed to detect cognitive deficiencies and other abnormalities... and not for pointless dick swinging.
Tl;dr, you're either lying or were lied to.
the MENSA test is not based strongly in scientific evidence. Their claims to test such high ranges are not supported by scientific evidence.
140-150? Are you fucking stupid. What's your subscores? What test were you given?
same for:
Online tests are not real and you're fucking stupid for believing them.
it's more likely that over time the genetic influence on intelligence came to fruition, while the importance of environmental factors diminished.
I took the actual test, not some webpage bullshit
same as it was when I was in HS
to be fair you have to have a very high iq to understand rick and morty
So many "people" using the same clearly outdated and shitty test from a strange a.f. website.
When you go, it asks you to enable flash and then autodownloads a flash object.
Smells like... virus to catch autists. I approve, OP, but not enough to not call you out.
142 -- I am a posh teen and know the hack for absolutely everything. I go out all the time and have a wide social circle and active social life, despite being really fucking intelligent. Catch me on a night out in full hustle and you'd learn all my posh teen secrets.
all teens are faggots
satan speakin"?
since it was kinda outdated IQ test done in the army so i shouldn't even consider it a real score, but it was something around 139 if i remember correctly.