Why do the RLM guys even hang out with this fucking crybaby SJW?
Why do the RLM guys even hang out with this fucking crybaby SJW?
Because RLM are insufferable capeshit watching manchildren?
Watching him wince, fake laugh, be genuinely shocked and offended at some of the stuff they say is what is truly amusing in their content we he's present.
Who's twitter account is this?
Beardfat from RLM
I don't even know which one this is, but I'm going to assume it's josh. Nobody likes josh. Not even josh likes josh.
Yeah he's the worst one. Generally people who air their negative emotions of social media are gigantic morons.
The most disturbing part of that is he likes sleep. I pictured him listening to queen while he fingers his asshole
Does this shapeless, sexless, bloated, entitled, balding, hideous manchild even have a job or do anything or do I also get to deal with the fact that my taxes are keeping him alive as well?
Does any have the Pro-BLM/Anticop twitters Beardfat posted ?
Josh is a sperg.
Everyone makes fun of Jack, but he's just an idiot... Josh is genuinely mentally defective.
The dude creeps me the fuck out. If he picked up an axe one day and murdered all of them, or they found a bunch of children's corpses in his freezer, I wouldn't be surprised.
>Beardfat identifies as genderless
Walking meme
he runs a comic book store
I bet he did that because he's still a virgin but he diseperately tries to come up with shit like that at an desperate attempt to give a reason why he hasn't had sex yet
>Jack so mad about Trump winning that they cancelled the Wednesday stream
I wanted to see those delicious tears.
Where my Wisconsinbros at? Let's go to his store with Maga caps and ask for The Art of The Deal
>friendzoned by liz
I bet Mike voted Trump
For a moment I thought this was a thread about Max Landis.
>that bottom tweet
I mean on several levels.. what the actual fuck?
Who the fuck is Liz and why is he bringing her crying up out of no where?
Its like he's such a total fucking shut-in loser that he's only had like a handful of actual human interactions in his life to pick from as anecdotes, and hes like "I feel sad... feeling sad reminds me of that time my friend was sad..."
Does he only get on twitter when hes wasted drunk or something?
What. The. Fuck.
>I'm genderless, fuck your labels
>I'm also asexual because women shouldn't feel threatened by my presence
I can even imagine him saying it in his scratchy voice
nice music choices. Cucks always like good music
I know usual "muh sad feels" you get from lib faggots.
This guy makes AIDS Moby seem like a genuinely funny guy
>Jay: I hate Trump, I voted Hillary
>Mike: Really? I voted Trump
>Jay: Weeeeeeeelllll.... I don't "hate" him, actually he's a pretty good guy
>Mike: Well it's either him or a literal Bilderberg-attending mass murderer/warcrime criminal who gets off because she has friends in FBI or higher up
>Jay: Well, actually I did vote Trump
Im not making a new image, so you get what I got.
Gillian was on like 1 episode.
But I understand your need to vent the hatred.
She was on a HitB and a BotW
How fitting
Gillian showed up twice. Len showed up once. Why are they included?
>colin that low
I dunno, I didn't make the image, I just filled it out.
Of course he fucking does
>Belives in gay conversion camps
>Is a religious zealot
>Trump's head of energy is a climate change denier
>Trump will likely surround himself in his cabinet with yes-men and other corporate billionaires
But the guy said "MAGA" and "Being politically correct is wrong." so you guys gave him your votes. Fucking children visit Sup Forums. I swear to god. No adult would ever be so petty and stupid.
we're pretty close
Still 100x better than fucking clinton.
Didn't the person he named his twitter account after, neko case, block him or something?
There it is, was looking for the BLM cuck twitters he did
Thats cool
I really wish mike would rile him up every so often.
Those points you brought up. They don't matter at all. The fact that you so heavily object to "gay conversion camps" where homosexual Christians and other people go for help out of their free will, is quite silly.
>Trump will likely surround himself in his cabinet with yes-men and other corporate billionaires
The corporate billionaires who all hated and spoke out against him and donated to the Clinton campaign? You're pathetic.
Yeah. His ranting either during the club shooting (it doesn't matter that he's muslim) or the Milwaukee riots (everyone is racist) caused a block or at least an unfollow.
>sexless [...] manchild
inb4 you say you meant intercourse
>Climate change isn't real lalalalalalalalalalalalalala
he was a self-hating closet case who was fucked in the head thanks to his dumb religion... but his dumb religion has nothing to do with it... whatever.
im pretty liberal.. but i fucking hate these retarded islam loving liberals. they have no problem pointing out all the problems with christianity, but the second someone with a different skin tone talks about their religion they suddenly want to be "respectful".
>Jim ranked less than Collin
Why bros?
>Climate change is real
the simplist explanation is usually true
>implying climate change even matters
>len still replies to comments on the ninjas botw
I wonder if his dream is to be invited to do regular work with RLM
democracy isn't perfect -- sometimes the people are wrong and tyrannical
smb needs to add Trump to those
So this... is the face.. of Trump supporters...
>Fucking children visit Sup Forums
Unlike mature gentlefolk like us right, good sir?
>where homosexual Christians and other people go for help out of their free will
dont argue dishonestly like a liberal
the fucktard christian parents send their fag kids there AGAINST their will.
they have absolutely no scientific or medical merit.
im sick of hearing about them and all the other religious bullshit every "small govt" fucktard wants to shove down everyones throats all the fucking time.
let the dumb fag kids be themselves and grow out of it like normal human beings.. stop repressing them and making them turn out to be pedos and furries and serial killers and shit.
Why would you picture that? Are you some kind of faggot?
Nigger we'll be dead by the time it matters and by then the rest of humanity will be in space so who gives a fuck
i remember laughing at him when he was doing it like 2-3 months later.. damn.
never underestimate the power of autism.
and he worked on space cop
>I voted to ruin our planet because I'll be dead by the time it happens so it won't affect me.
Words spoken from a Trumpfag, everyone. I too wish to destabilize the planet because the mooslams are bad grrrrrrr! Oh and pretending to give people jobs when said jobs are already being replaced with robotics.
lesser of two evils
Holy fuck. Reddit detected. Fuck off.
He's genuinely autistic.
I talked to him on FB a couple of times. Really nice guy. Posts tributes to his late mother at least once a week. Felt bad when he was getting a divorce a few months back. Him and his wife hadn't been together for that long and did have a young child I think so it's all a bit sad.
He's IRL friends with Jasmine St Claire and she liked some of my comments :3
please cry more cunt. please tell me about your tears. im erect and i need more.
this win is the greatest thing that could have happen to get rid of assholes like u
Choose your fate libcuck
Did you miss the second half of my post
Because he reminds me too much of myself.
Its like watching myself hang out with the gang and just fuck up jokes and act like an quiet autistic tard.
I do like the guy.. but I can't rate him any higher because of the cringe factor.
I fucking hate how regressives will bend over backwards to tolerate horrific shit when someone has a different skin colour to them
>The only counterarguement Trumpfags have is "cry more libcuck" and memes.
Wew, this is a whole new level of desperation. But hey, keep spamming memes I'm sure you'll affect someone. :^)
>has a cartoon character as his avatar and name
>thinks his opinion of politics and real issues matters in any way
LOL! fucking manchildren
I'm never willingly voting for a woman to run a country, let alone a woman backed by progressive safe space needing liberal dogs
worrying about climate is a privilege of those who do not have to struggle for daily bread. Whatever environmental saving measures you take china is just going to piss it away. I do thing some excesses need to be limited(mostly in packaging industry and such) but some resources need to be used if we are to ever make it to space or find alternatives. Retarded solutions like making everything from biodegradable hemp and showing together just shows peoples lack of understating about the scope of things and how things generally work. all the while idiots sink money into environmental kickstarter scams instead of opening a book
because mexico is a shithole. wait, do you think it's because of...? who's the racist?
people on Sup Forums hating on aidsmoby, but seriously jack is 10 times better than this fat fuck
>Rich rated highly
You've obviously never watched a pre-rec stream
The salt
We already won.
0/10 you're just butthurt.
>he thinks putting a man in a big white house is going to magically make all his problems go away
youre as fucking dumb as those ghetto niggers who thought obama was going to pay all their bills and buy them a fucking phone.
is a shithole... we.... need a wall... against for...........duhhhhhhhhhhhh
fucking retard
jesus, who the fuck told him it was a good idea to shave the beard
also he looks like the next serial killer from one of those northern states
>If you oppose Trump you are a Hillary shill.
I don't get it. Why is it one or the other? Why are Trumpfags so delusional?
The weak should fear the strong
i wonder if i've witnessed this large of a gap before between something said by someone with no stake in/knowledge of a subject and actual information
What's the matter, why are you so salty?
Bernouts are just as bad, if you were a bernout you'd have voted for clinton
we stopped hillary and her evil plans
we fucked the media
we fucked with the globalists.
we said fuck u to sjw and political correctness
words like racist and bigot are meaningless
well, yeah actually. having someone like trump will definitely solve our sjw problems
Rich is awesome on pre-rec, he calls out all you dumb faggots.
He is to autistic man children what Donald Trump is to feminists.
He gives no fucks.. its fucking great.
What I don't get is why does Sup Forums think Trump is a good choice?
Introverted manchildren who spam memes and jerk off to anime all day will be kicked out faster than any mexican around. I'd rather take some illegal asshole who atleast works and tries to scrape by for a living, instead of delusional fatsos who screech about which opening to K-On is best.
all of that remains to be seen
he hasn't done shit yet
but you keep waiting on your trumphone, nigger.
im sure its coming any day now.