So Musk plans on having a million on mars within the next 100 years, if you could afford it would you go?

So Musk plans on having a million on mars within the next 100 years, if you could afford it would you go?

Why yes. Please sign me up to become a feudal peon on an airless desert planet.

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

Who knows, most likely mars in 100 years will still be a worse shithole than here, provided global warming does not fry us.

I mean there would be no beta males because everyone has to work out so that is a pro

Global warming wont do anything other than maybe make it a little warmer and melt the ice covering Antarctica

this ^^


If the gulf current stops we are fucked

Due to Mars' lower gravity your farts may provide a form of levitation.


Or he could heat up the planet...

We would need the chinks because they are smarter than us and they know kung fu

I think I saw that SiFi, The Day After Tomorrow.

Living in Mars sounds boring as fuck.

Only if I could bring my computer

This is a fucking brilliant idea , send all of the rich people to mars where their wealth is useless and they can no longer exploit the working class.


>tfw you realize all the rich would leave, leaving only the proletariat
>tfw you realize that space travel means massive restructuring of wealth due to no ruling class
>tfw you realize having no ruling class means nobody can stand up to a new rise of communism
>tfw earth will be transformed into a doomed communist superstate as a result of the upcoming space age

Earth is amazing why would we need to go to mars

I think it's a trick to get rid of people and convince them that they are super special the right stuff astronauts. They think they are going to mars but really they are going to mars.

Fuck no. For however long Earth is a more habitable place than Mars, I'll stay on Earth.

If the universe has any sense of divine justice, the human race deserves to be trapped here and ride out whatever scenario it's set in motion for itself.


Do they have three-tittied hookers?

Why is this sentiment not more common? People just want to hop on the Elon Train without realizing that if he succeeds, all we'll have accomplished is finding some other planet to start shitting up.

No they only know reverse engineering, and we should emp asia soon. They afe fucking up this global warming thing for everyone.

Nigger, what you smoking?

The first million on Mars will be 100% expert technicians/athletes. What are they going to do with a rich fuck on Mars?

>current stops
You're all retarded. Currents shift, continents shift, the world is literally constantly moving. The fact that you can't cope with the cyclical nature of change on this planet shows how out touch you are with it all.
