If a virgin fucks a life-like sexbot, are they still a virgin?
If a virgin fucks a life-like sexbot, are they still a virgin?
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no they're real enough to be real
I'd say he still is.
I like his stance.
whats it called?
No, it feels exactly the same so it should be classed the same too.
She was really hot and funny as a vampire in True Blood, bitch loved Yahtzee
He's a robosexual masturbator.
>feels real
Fucking a sheep probably feels "real" too but it would still make you a virgin.
>hey user tell us about how you lost your virginity, who was she?
The sheep wouldn't be a virgin anymore though.
do you sluts always ask strangers about this the first time you meet them?
>"Well, I uhh.. haha, killed and raped a bunch of Mexican women at this theme park I went to haha. Don't worry they were only robots!"
Yes. You're always going be one OP
>people spooking themselves into thinking virginity matters
enjoy ruining your own life because you can't get over the retarded ideas of society
how euphoric are you right now?
Only if it's sentient
you all hate plebs and normalfags but you are the same, Sup Forums is truly the worst board
literally only virgins give a shit about virginity and losing it.
nice job outing yourselves, keep working towards wizardry!
t.faggot virgin
every single post in the board
he's a big guy
Sex while under the effects of shrink rays is not real sex.
Normies count fucking a piece of rubber wrapped around your dick for protection as sex and losing virginity, so why wouldn't this?
Yeah, definitely
If you have to ask, then yes, yes they are.
Could they, say, shrink my dick only 90% so Maeve wont laugh at me when i fuck her?
Same reason why you are still a virgin for having sex with a prostitute
only if they knew it was a bot
your mom lol
how do you shrink an atom to 10%?
can a ladyboy in westworld be an actual lady robot with just the added penis(feminine)?
also it isnt gay being with a male robot right? you could make it act really girly or w/e
Normies count lesbian "sex" as losing virginity too, which is even more absurd
That's highschool level physics.
Yes, nice try OP
Wouldn't robots be genderless? Like if you put Dolores personality on Teddy. "It" would act the same, just on Teddy's body.
So, if you took Dolores. Strapped a 9inch dick on "it". Changed "its" personality to that of a futa so that "it" doesn't freak out from having a dick. That wouldn't really make you gay, just that you enjoy a little assplay when "It" plows you. Would be the same as having a dildo.
That's how I see it anyways.
27 virgin here.
I uh don't remember because it was such a long time ago.
27 sexbot here
why is she so stunningly gorgeous ladfams?
and why do girls always look so much better in character than they do in pictures on the red carpet or whatever.
random 30 year old trailerpark-esq girl with a kid that i picked up at some bar when i was 18
I lost my virginity to a rather expensive escort.
Of course, I would never tell my gf, family or future wife this.
But damn, it was totally worth it. I have a thing for prostitutes, the more expensive, the better. I think it's a power issue.
well, she just looks terrible with short hair. she has a rather manly face, which is not really bad, but she needs to accentuate her female features by having long hair like Dolarable.
*picked you up
Tell us more
Did you lick her minge?
Wouldn't you be more interested in what I've learned since?
Fucking LMAO. Fucking white kids.
Virginity is a concept exclusively for women.
Get your dick wet.
Does simply penetrating a vagina devirginize you or do I need to ejaculate in/on her?
It looks powerful
>ywn fuck qt trap bots
You have to ejaculate in her. And no, a condom doesn't count.
yeah. I had a feat on that pussy.
In hindsight it's kinda gross to go down a prostitute. But then again, she was that kinda of escorts that does all checks on you before even starting the date. So it was probably cleaner than the average pussy.
Good experience. I don't have as much money now as I did back then unfortunately.
fuck, meant to reply to the best part was the looks I was getting. she was this tall blonde dressed in a nice classy dress. either everyone knew I guy like me HAD to pay for an ass like that, or everyone was wondering how the fuck I even managed to be with someone like that.
So Teddy and Dolores start every day at the beginning of a series of story forks. Some days they meet when Dolores drops the can, some days they don't. From what we've seen, some days they make it all they way to Dolores's home, where they are raped and killed by guests. But there must be some days when no guests show up at the homestead. What do Teddy and Dolores do? Is it bizarre that a story writer would be creating a scenario that involves robots interacting but no humans?
yes but they are no longer embarrassed about it because they now realize sex is overrated and vaginas are disgusting
Isn't that the question of the day
Did you just assume..
Just wow
Did the same thing a few weeks back
I thought I would have regrets over it but strangely enough its built my confidence up a bit and I haven't had much of an urge to fap as much either will probably see the same girl again soon though
No because virginity is just a dumb label.
The only people it's remotely applicable to is women, because it involves breaking the hymen, which could have already been broken during anything strenuous or toyplay.
It's possible that we just haven't seen that result yet, maybe they have a quiet dinner.
Although it was established that her dad hates Teddy and would likely shoot him. Also Teddy doesn't quit the job if the guest decides to leave. Remember he got hacked up by the cultists, but he could have just left with the guests.