I thought the AV club was the serious part of the onion

I thought the AV club was the serious part of the onion

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I thought this was the Television & Film board.

Their hatred is just so delicious youtube.com/watch?v=s1SaD-gSZO4

I gotta say, "Love Trumps Hate" was a real misfire for Clinton because it kept Trump's name out there.

The Sad Liberal Liberace joke was kinda funny. I can't watch liberal clap comics anymore though it's not 2004 people

They're right tho, the Internet isn't that funny, too many unfunny cunts think they're funny because they have an Internet connection

does she do those faces and hand gestures on all her shows it is really annoying

God it's only a day after the election and already that blame-whitey identity politics sounds so stale and off note.

It's going to be super cringey in a decade. People will look back at all these white people shitting on white people and think they were half crazy or something.

we should just kill all white people desu


It's AV Club. They're a bunch of clueless cucks.

It started funny, but then it devolved into "lmao white people you suck"

how can the internet be "eerily quite"?

>Jews write jokes. And they're SCARED.

It's like being extremely left wing lets you be ironically racist.

avclub is full of dull milquetoast people who would never dare think of being a regular part of the "hateful" Sup Forums community that originates all the memes that they like to talk about and adopt down the line.

they don't know the shared frustrations that create these memes. they stand on the sidelines and just grab whatever seems "fun" and "new". but memes are born from more than that. they simply don't care about this, though. they talk about pepe and wojak like they actually get them.

they are obsessed with this outsider culture but they will never be on the ground floor for it. not by our choice. by theirs. they think themselves above it.

where memes are concerned they are culture vultures, which is both ironic and amusing when you think about it: they appropriate this culture and don't care.

Every article they've uploaded in the past two days has been anti-Trump.

The misfire is having love in red making it look like a Trump slogan

Why are they swearing in an article?
Does journalism lack all dignity and professionalism now?

Aww thank you for posting this! I was waiting all day :)

Cuck "journalists" under 35 write how they speak.

they are half crazy, more than that

"White people. Am I right?"

Except white people like her, of course.

I like Av Club

The real mistake was trying to make see the world 'trump' a verb when the overwhelming majority of people now associate it with the President-elect


random roles is my shit. in depth career interviews, often with fantastic character actors? they're great.

>guys, the entire internet is silent because of one country's election

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm racist much??

It's just a bad slogan
Not only because it keeps your opponents name in the minds of the people you're trying to reach out to, or because of the coloring, but for the simple fact that it could very easily be read as "Love Trump's Hate",as in "Love the hate produced by Trump"
Considering she spent $1.3 Billion on advertising, it's amazing that they couldn't come up with a better motto