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Stop posting these fucking crybaby faggots.

Post a Hillary voter like who is actually fucking based:

I had to stop after 3 minutes, I find it more shocking that this talentless cunt has his own show than that Trump became president

Oh fuck off with your Gay reaction videos shit


>didnt even watch the video
stupid mong

hate him so much

>h3h3 productions

couldnt give a shit about pleb humour

WHY is it so importante having a female president? WHY?

the point is his reaction to trump winning is better than these shitty talkshows

He was a head writer on SNL why is it so suprising that he would be given his own shown, no matter how god awful he is

The particular point with Laci was spot on, those type of people just are unable to see it, they are just too far up their own ass.

>those comments


Honestly I think its more merciful just to gas them at this point

Because fuck you, RAPIST! That's why!

how the FUCK are people still falling for the wage gap meme

I am having a blast. All these smug cunts get what they deserve. It is fucking glorious.


Life comes at you fast.


still pushing this gender politics bullshit. Can't wait till liberalism stops being "cool".

Colbert had the only good response to this out of all of them


Trumptards are just as smug cunts tbqph. I will admit I am enjoy watching all the celebs get BTFO who should stay out of politics though


>makes a career mocking half the country
>meekly calls for less poison when he gets BTFO

lol no.

because snl is shit, because he is shit, because you are shit

This. Truly can't stand the guy.

Pretty good actually, I say as a sad liberal.

I hate liberals. I hate them so much.

this smugness was earned though

Not really tho. Everybody in the media laughed at the idea of trump winning. "trump suppoter" was used as a syonym for nazi. all this shit. But the people have spoken and who is laughing now? We deserve the right to be smug

>Helps create a massive divide in the American population.
>Gets bent over and fucked like a ittle bitch
>"Hurr, we must put this all behind us. Unity amirite gais!!!"

Fuck this kike

And you know every comment was one of pic related (a TRump protest in Oakland)

all this scum needs to vanish

>a man gets elected president
>Haha, I hope he's a shitty one :^)

Any word from The CuCK yet?

see the post literally above you. Morons are memeing hard on the "you called us le nazis and now we showed you, you did this" when what actually happened (same with Brexit) is the people voting for it didn't give a SHIT what people said, including experts and namecallers and did what they want.

forgot pic

You're delusional if you don't think there's people who voted for Trump just to spite the PC culture bullshit

>this idea that liberal fathers are telling their daughters to be sad right now

This is why white men are the best

If any white men sucks we don't see him as a representation of all of us.
Every other race and women can't get that shit into their stupid inferior heads

it's not even a comedy video, ya big dink

Nobody said that people voted just because they wanted to piss off the people who were in denial to the end. But it is still funny. They didnt see it coming and now they are claiming that half the country is just [buzzwords]. Its fucking hilarious

TYT had confetti ready to go and they had to cancel it like Hillary's.

I'm sure there are people who change their vote to spite PC people, but those people are contrarian faggots (therefore they probably post on this board). If you have no other reason to vote for something other than some people are calling the voters for that thing naughty names then you're an absolute fucktard and a waste of oxygen.

Alex's face during the night has doubled my reaction folders size.

not as bad as john oliver
it was garbage, but still better than i expected

I wish there was a separate board for politics

We should take bets on whether John Oliver will double down or backpedal on his next show


cry more cuck

Your controlled opposition reaction folder?

>is the people voting for it didn't give a SHIT what people said

Because what was being said to them was endless character assassinations. There is a reason why
became such a big meme phrase. It represented a hyper-antagonistic liberal contingency that didn't even want white men to have a voice in any conversation. And reveled in the opportunity to silence them and demonize them whenever they could.

Before you sperg out at me over this I'll say that I'm not even white. But this is how white men felt and frankly I think there is something to their frustrations.

remember those screeching crying libtards? those are his writers
he is going to go super sayian

>that time Stewart begged Trump to run so he could make fun of him failing
>that moment when Maher and his audience laughed smugly at Ann Coulter when she said Trump would win
>that episode when Oliver begged Trump to reveal his run was a sham so he can say he pulled off the greatest troll in history

Oh boy, the humbling has begun and it is beautiful.
Eat crow you smug condescending cunts.

Now there's a saying I will enjoy seeing again. Somehow these hardcore liberals (represented online by the SJW movement) took complete control of the social circle, and over the past year it has been flipped so hard on them their heads are spinning.

Here's where it gets more complicated though. With Brexit and Trump, you had experts and crazy left wing people going "MUH RACISM" and the public ignored both. Every time the pro-Brexit campaign made a claim that was false the Remain campaign explained how it was false and got shouted down as "left wing luvvies" and "champaign socialists". I'll give you that the American election is a bit more complicated, but Trump was caught out lying a RIDICULOUS number of times in the debates - just flat out lying. And the public didn't care, cause "muh biased media".

>biggest country in the world

>Trump was caught out lying a RIDICULOUS number of times in the debates - just flat out lying. And the public didn't care, cause "muh biased media".

source: hillaryclinton.com

>Pretty clear understanding of why my Jewish friends are literally terrified right now

Literally everyone wants to get in on the fear mongering and playing the victim card.

What threat are Jews under?

This stood out to you as particular dumb? in all this retardation?
Are you a geography teacher? kek

Trump didn't say he supports Israel enough times

Everyone has their pet peeves user.

>the media wasn't biased against Trump
Next you'll tell me Clinton isn't a criminal either.

Maybe there were a lot of "out of spite" voters. But thats not as shallow as many people think.


>but Trump was caught out lying a RIDICULOUS number of times in the debates - just flat out lying. And the public didn't care, cause "muh biased media".

Possibly the worst example you could've ever used here. Donna Brazile literally stepped down from her DNC position because she helped Hillary cheat at those very same debates.

And if you want to go further Hillary lied to the entire nation about her email fiasco blaming it on the Russians. She was perfectly fine with raising Russian/American relations to boiling point just as long as she was fine and stood to reach her final goals.

And if you want to go even further Hillary lied about having anything to do with Bernie getting fucked over and sabotaged by the DNC. Which she was one of - if not THE MAIN - people orchestrating. Again, she was completely fine with lying as long as she stood to reach her final goals.

There might be a lot of genuine angles to criticize Trump in favor of Hillary -- lying and subterfuge isn't one of them.

Oh I understand my man. Nothing wrong with that. Just thought it was kind of funny

>the people won
>by letting the republicans in full control

o i am laffing

you guys are in for a rude awakening

>lets instead elect a woman whose every decision is decided by the highest paying corporation

>hey you guys are pretty bad

every time

The media/celebs/sjws and the far left alienated the moderates to the point where they voted for Trump.

DNC rigging the election for the most corrupt and unsympathetic candidate with a shit record also helped.

I agree with this, were I American it would be why I voted as well.
There's something to be said about changing the non-physical too, the atmosphere of discourse.

Because Hillary would have for sure been the people's champion.

>>lets instead elect a woman whose every decision is decided by George Soros


White men won.







Not all Jews are Israeli or are even remotely concerned with Israel's politics.

The fact is with the rise of discrimination by white people from around the world, the Jews are naturally fearful that they will be targeted next - last time this happened 6,000,000 of them died.
Trump getting elected shows that white supremacy and fascism is coming back to the West. Anti-semitism is soon to follow.

Read the other responses to your post to see exactly how cucked you are. The retarded opinions you have on who was "lying" in this election just proves that you get all of your political info via comedy central.

If someone (((else))) had more money she'd be taking it from (((them))) instead

well no shit dumbass, it's a fucking two party system and people aren't going to suddenly vote third party en masse

>last time this happened 6,000,000 of them died.
[citation needed]
>Trump is fascist because he was democratically elected

>o i am laffing
I bet it is nervous laughing to hide your sadness.
Just accept the election already

The left uses that logic for voting for Clinton, why can't we for Trump.

It's not our fault that liberals just chose to ignore the fact that Shillary is an actual criminal. Sane people can't ignore the thousands of emails being leaked and the complete lack of coverage or even interest from anyone.

That is just fucking beautiful

are you fucking serious with this post

>Those 2 kneeling hags

Good lord you just know they are unbearable irrational cunts who unuronically write ''white boys" as a derogatory term.

This has to be satire lmao

>fascists are never democratically elec-

he sounds like a fag but it's true that trump supporters believe in global Jewish conspiracies

You still have to prove trump is a fascist.

Or is this how liberals argue? Hitler until proven otherwise?

Catches a lot flak here these days but that's my nigga fo real.

Face facts: far right movements are gaining more traction. We saw it happen with the Brexit and now racist political parties are getting support in otherwise amazing places like Germany and Sweden.

Trump is just the American continuation of this phenomenon. Racism, sexism, islamophobia, bigotry and general discrimination have reared their heads again in the West.

Every Liberal I know:
>Trump is a fascist, revolution now!
>Government, take our guns please!

he's not a fascist because he doesn't give a shit about policies, he's a demagogue whos cult of personality and appeals to paranoid nationalism got him elected. now he's going to kick back and let pence run shit

yep this is bate

>and now racist political parties are getting support in otherwise amazing places like Germany and Sweden.

You went way overboard, 2/10 best I can do

Is one of these tweets yours?

far right nationalist candidates and parties are sweeping across eastern Europe as well.

Actually had me going for a second there.

I'll give it a 4/10

It's well and truly over but I still want to personally thank you for correcting the record.


>revolutions have to be violent
Not since 1917. The modern Left is peaceful and will fight with words and protests, not guns.

>in otherwise amazing places like Germany and Sweden.
Germany and Sweden are the worst countries in the west.
Germany is literally the rape capital of the west.

Right parties can't save these shitholes.
They need a nuke.

every conservative I know
>science is a liberal conspiracy
>education is a liberal conspiracy
>government is controlled by the illuminati globalist corporatist
>it can be fixed by cutting taxes for the rich, privatizing everything, eliminating the separation of church and state and threatening armed insurrection
really makes me think!