is he our guy?
Is he our guy?
>eceleb shit
I fucking hate kikes
we all do user
I think he secretely voted for Trump, but can't be open about it to not lose subscribers
>calls out SJWs bullshit
literally ourguy
>hasn't been funny or relevant for a year
>voted for clinton
>voted Clinton
nah, literally pic related
not an argument
>middle aged jew who panders to the edgy 16 year old audience
Our guy is Barron
Ethan playing it safe to please his core audience episode
im not giving that dirty kike a view, even with adblock
But you have to be 35 to be president.
>kekekek look at me gais! im being politically incorrect out of spite XDXD do i fit in yet????
who is this?
its not out of spite
He's usually a clickbaity retard for kids, but this is dead on.
Exit polling shows people mostly voted for Trump due to things like his opposition to political correctness. The pendulum swung too far left, and regular people see the leftwing extremists as even worse than the rightwing ones, or at least more widespread and annoying.
Things like BLM, safe spaces, and identity politics were secretly the real driving force behind the Trump campaign. They drove the masses right into his tiny hands.
what's up with that?
seems ageist
he spits out nihilist shit every now and then to maintain his viewers, but other than that he is pretty balanced. i guess conversely his balanced nature could be to retain the viewers he has that are anti-SJW pro-Trump and he really is an edgy nihilist
Of course libs only focus on numbers that have no real meaning like "Hilary had the black vote" or "non-college educated white men voted for Trump more than Hilary" or "Hilary got the popular vote so she really won lel"
honestly kill yourself
when the fuck did people start thinking its okay to post this shit herer