ERW ships Willores edition
W/ Westworld General
azor whorefu
I hope they end up a happy hollywood couple that lasts forever.
That would be a comfort if the show had some tragic ending.
this woman is crazy, isn't she?
Aren't all women?
I really wanted for them to fall in.
What's the song playing at the start of ep6?
DarĂ¼ber - Sandstein
how do they shrink ants? wouldn't they be like bacteria sized after going onto the the srhink oven?
Hopefully this meme will die within a few episodes.
neat a waterfall. i was getting bored of generic frontier
do you think its gonna be a "dolores taking a skinny dip" scene
Imagine the kids.
Nice dank meme.
Thanks, took a while to make it up. Feel free to use it.
square jaws with rat faces?
Looks like you responded to the wrong post, boyo :^)
meant for
Looks like you responded to the wrong post, friendo :^)
Wait are they dating in real life?
>manlet bodies, giant bony heads
oh great
> The human intellect was like peacock feathers. It's an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. All of art, literature, a bit of Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michaelangelo, and the Empire State building... just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn't matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons. The peacock can barely fly. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty.
I hope they only shot this for the website, Hopkins sounds so uncomfortable trying to make this sound deep.
Arnold tends to dress in black with no visible tie. We only see him this way when talking to Dolores alone.
Bernard uses different suits & always wears a tie. Interacts with the employees of Westworld.
What will be your stats?
Yeah, Bernard's a cool dude with a sense of humor. I think Ford built him mostly on physical resemblance with a similar backstory but didn't give him the 'tism this time.
Why is the black whore not in a wood chipper and why is the asian guy so weak? How beta do you have to be to take attitude from a toaster?
nope, it will be this shows legacy.
These two are posting way too many videos together.
Are they banging? I hope they are. And I hope the video leaks.
the only stat above a 3 would be coordination
Really hope he doesn't turn out to be a host because there have been so many cases where Ford could've just told him to piss off and erase everything he's seen with his magic ciphers.
This is deep, we all know nikola tesla was drowning in pussy and everything in the world was done for sex.
Honestly? The Dolores actress is so good that I can't see her as anything but the character.
Have you seen her in anything else?
No so that's probably why.
such acting, true skill
I too am against the typical "robot thought it was a human" thing happening here, but there are so many visual & sound cues tellings us otherwise.
For example the first scene of episode 1.
We see Dolores naked in the lab all alone. By the blood on her face we know later on that this is after she saw Teddy get killed and her daddy going nuts.
We first think its Bernard,but when you think about it, the voice is grooming her to "wake up" from her dream and telling her what is really happening to her.
That is actually Arnold's voice, and I bet this got triggered after MiB did something to her or her daddy's words to her.
In episode 2 we hear the same voice telling her to wake up, go find the gun and in later episodes telling her to "remember".
Arnold's voice sounds like Bernanrd, so we tend to conclude that he is a host copy of the original partner of Ford.
So with Tetigistus going full rambo, did Arnold have any originality? all his chars are going down the same path
They're good friends.
fake plastic trees
fucking pleb jesus
no seriously the balding fuck and the Asian are being blackmailed be a robot? fucker can turn her into a retard with a flick of a hand yet still obeys
They're also hosts, bruv.
That is why they're called Felix and Sylvester, two cartoon cats who are known to get into dumb situations and in trouble.
so there programming is changed too?
What. They are two different guys ?
Jesus I am the dumbest human on earth
bernard is a robot based on arnold. arnold is the one that has conversations with $laris
High bulk apperception, humor, imagination, empathy, curiosity, and loyalty. Low decisiveness, patience, self-preservation, tenacity, and courage. Sensuality and vivacity both goose eggs.
Seriously are they planning on getting through the entire Radiohead catalogue by the third season? I'm a fan of their music but it's just distracting when it's in the show.
Teddy is going to murder him and it's going to be the first time in thirty years that a host has harmed a guest. Mark my words.
They're just helping to promote the show and keep up discussion.
Like "look at this tweet by Westworld star Jimmi Simpson with costar ERW"
t. Teddycuck
>are you arnold?
What the fuck did he mean by that
>kissing trannies
Why is the executive girl in the room with Ford seemingly examining Clemenine or something?
>Finding ERW attractive is gay
In topsy turvy opposite world, maybe
If you had to guess, which year is the show currently in? I mean, every need is taken care of, and where even is Westworld? Could be on another planet. I remember seeing av picture asking the viewer to describe daily life in the year 3xxx, I think this show is the closest thing to that, maybe a little too optimistic, what do you say, Sup Forums?
After shrink rays have been invented but before holograms have been invented so around 2500
1 to 5 in everything except curiosity and imagination at 6
shrinkrays were banned on earth, the show takes place on mars
This is ship is the only correct thing (besides shrink rays obv.) I've seen on this general
Shrink rays fucking confirmed
I knew it before watching it, I listened to it again, I then watched the episode and still could not recognize it.
>reminder shrinkrayfags have micropenises
>tfw teddy and will double tag delila
Do you guys think that the RELENTLESS FOOKER is right about Ford fucking up timelines? From our perspective Teddy has at least changed a lot.
Do you guys think Ford will initiate the robot uprising when they try to kick him and crown himself the king?
She fucked Marilyn Manson for a while. That was probably her biggest claim to fame for a good 2-3 years.
Evan Rachel Wood was dating Ellen Page a few months ago, no idea if they are still together.
I've come to accept the existence of these.
I want to play with Clementine's hair!
Boy if she had brown eyes she'd be useless..
she reminds me of mr robot
Greetings there 4channers! My name is Jonathan Nolan and I am the creator of Westworld!
I came here to explain some unanswered question about the show but it looks like you guys have figured everything pretty much out already.
Yes it's true, the whole park is indeed shrunk down!
I must say you took me by surprise, you guys are pretty clever! Well except for those 1:1 fags they are pretty dumb.
Does your wife yell BRAVO NOLAN after she climaxes during sex?
Bump it.
>not abusing your position to examine Clementine in every way
I actually visited WestWorld. See your dumb slut fucktoy Dolorable in pic related. The next year I visited again and the dumb whore had forgotten everything I had done to her worthless ass
Guests already get harmed by hosts though. Near Pariah, and in Pariah. Probably in all fringe areas of the map.
He means murder a guest
Before I start the download I've gotta ask, how many interracial relationships are on this show?
I'm glad he got a large serious role. I could tell he could actually act in the behind the scenes stuff from Sunny, specifically the bloopers.
plenty; it's the series of choice for a racemix cuckmasters
you actually get a nice cooncock right up in your face, goy-o
One so far, but it is with a non-nigger black guy and a Danish MILF.
Then there is a scene of a Jewish girl saying that a robot's big black cock is going to waste because he'll be decommissioned.
And a white guy lusts over a black girl.
Other than that, no interracial shit.
Only one
Bernard and Theresa
i havent heard any radiohead in westworld. we been watching the same series?
Fuck off Willoresfags
>Other than that, no interracial shit.
top lel
What are other instances of interracial shit in the show?
I haven't watched it and I'll probably not bother now, but
>here's all this cuck shit
>other than that, no interracial shit
gave me a laugh.
>one interracial relationship
>a white guy lusting over a black hottie
>a jewish girl lusting over a black robot
>cuck shit
How insecure are you?
twf bulk apperception to high too enjoy Westworld
top cuck
>it's a Maeve episode
Why is she so evil?
Into the Forest was pretty good
Is a toaster evil when it burns a bagel?
you get this same forced interracial crap in nearly everything; tv, movies, ads
enough's enough