I want to receive a creampie

I want to receive a creampie

Me too man

Would give?

Pretty easy desire to fulfill.

Not if you have no desire to get knocked up

The pill.

Can't get a prescription from the docc if you're a shut in neet

Birth control?
Also yea, I wouldn't mind at the moment. Chick that I wanted to be with ruined my hopes so ya know....
Good time to ruin one's life.

Just get a bad dragon sweetie, it feels so good when it just flushes your insides


Well there's your problem. Go to the doctor now and then.

Why the fuck am I never horny and usually force myself to fap cause I'm always bored but when I'm on my period I get super horny

It's not that hard sweetie


Urop you thirsty

I want to be a creampie queen tbh


You're my queen


You want anything my queen?

Nut and $

Post facepic for tribute

I'll give you my everything your highness.

Give me your money

Here you go.

Sure ^^
how do you want receive