>I hope you voted for Trump
>I hope you voted for Trump
>predicting the elections 15 years ago
Bravo Raimi
>costume is 60% red
>You want a raise Parker? Listen here you cockmunching bum bender, there's as much chance of that happening as a female president! Now get out of my office!
Jesus Christ that was a bit much.
It's true though, America will never have a female president.
Prove me wrong, I dare you.
>oh, you're firing me Mr. Aziz? Well something tells me in 12 years we'll have a president willing to do something about you shitskins
was that remark really necessary?
It's her turn you pissbaby!
it was a different time, user
Was Spiderman really this racist? Last time I watched it was when I was 10 years old. Mustve went over my head I guess.
>"In spite of everything the white race has done for them eventually Niggers will hate you, Why bother???"
Is this Normal for a Rami film?
>If you don't watch yourself MJ I'll grab you by the fucking pussy!
What does that even mean?
>Hillary stinks and I don't like her
really Raimi?
Ow, literal jim
>Back to Primaries!?!?
Wtf. Did Raimi make an entire version of the film just for the 2016 elections? I don't know if he's crazy or a visionary... or both.
you have to be crazy to be a visionary
Sarah Palin VP nominee
Liberals: She so stupid. Haw haw haw
Hillary Clinton P nominee
Liberals: It's so hard for women because of all these sexists.
People will vote for her in DROVES
who will play her in the indivisible biopic?
I'd cum on her in DROVES
She is perfect because conservatives see her as Trump's daughter and the one who might continue his work, while liberals see her as a poor opressed strong wymen that can't express her true feeling and has a father who wants to rape her.
this one is the best
>Guy with 4000 lawsuits? Sounds hot.
>Hal Sparks only real claim to fame was this scene
>this movie is the best capeshit ever made
He sure got lucky.
they say there are so many cuts to this movie you would never be able to watch all of them in your lifetime. raimi was a madman.
lucy lawless lol
Too much Sup Forums in this board now huh
What did raimi mean by this?
Raimi truly was a visionary.
But it happened, didn't it?
>I'm not going to waste webbing saving two towers full of kike stock brokers. Now if a plane had hit the Trump Tower, then I'd have gotten my ass out of bed.
How the fuck did he get away with this
Sup Forums is Sup Forumss bitch, now more than ever.