What do you do when there's not a single person left in the world that you can trust or confide in...

What do you do when there's not a single person left in the world that you can trust or confide in? Not underage or young, 3 decades. I know similar anons hang here lets hear some Sup Forums wisdom

only 2 decades but i’ve found it’s easier to turn towards psychedelics than people... which is depressing

Bumping for interest

Never done them, I always heard how they change your perspective and make you less depressed but from what you're saying that's all a sham as well...

I'm over 30, and I think I get what you're asking. You get used to it. You live on your own, you live your life on your own. You plan jobs and work without much thought. You eat what you want, you drink whenever. And you plan your life around the idea you'll probably end up killing yourself about 10 years or so after retirement. Thats my plan at least.

Jesus fuck your plan sounds intriguing. Who'd take care of us cripples in the future anyway. What age is retirement to you user?

>easier to turn towards psychedelics than people...

This is true, but I don't find it that depressing. I just know shit they don't.

This is remarkably similar to how I look at things. I'm 35.

Get a cat

Make some new friends tbh
Sometimes you'll just meet people you click with
Sometimes making up with old friends if it's an option. I really dearly miss a few of my old friends I lost but I fucked up those friendships and sort of fucked up the apology too.

Already got two and lost one aged 10. Was heart-breaking to bury that cheeky bugger. Not sure if ready for the next 2.

Same, 29 here

An hero of course

annanystrom on instagram btw


How do you make friends as an oldfag

Life sucks and then you die.
Trust no one

In my late 20's and early 30's what I do is not be a fag.
Nah I don't know. Sometimes it's just younger dudes I have something in common with, usually anime haha. I don't know guys in their early 20's or around there are usually just easier to get a long with than older guys. I'm closer to gen x age than millennial I guess that is getting called a xennial now. Honestly around my age group we're kinda assholes. I was a huge asshole growing up. People are a lot nicer now than when I was younger. If you're a prick maybe stop being a prick will help your cause a lot.

Although there are guys around my age or older that are pretty cool that I'm friendly with too. I guess it's not really just an age thing. Was probably more just the time period. 90's were kinda violent and shit.

nothing but video games and masturbate and honestly its the fucking life dawg. People can call me a loser or a loner or whatever the fuck they want because my life has everything it needs with just me, myself, and video games. I have a roof over my head, source of income, no kids, no shitty marriage, no shitty divorce, no woman sucking my wallet dry or taking advantage of me, no having to deal with heart-break or being cheated on. People always think they need whatever they dont have but eventually you realize that all your doing is chasing an idea and no matter how much of your dreams come true, you will never be satisfied if you remain the type of person who convinces yourself that your life is lacking or that you need something you dont have to be happy. I lost both of my legs about 5 years back when I OD'd on heroin and was as close to death as humanly possible and It dawned on me that my entire outlook on life was flawed. I didnt appreciate the things I had, always wanting for something but when shit gets that real and you realize the full weight of what dying means it definitely changes your outlook. Ever since my accident, I have been clean and I am currently single and it honestly feels amazing. With relationships or kids you never have the time or the money to do other things you might want to do. Kids are bound to you for life and divorce could put you in a much deeper state of depression than you are in now, believe me. I am walking on sunshine. Sure the companionship is nice and the sex but first you have to roll the dice to even find a person you are compatible with and the odds are not stacked in your favor. Being single is a blessing bro. 50% of all marriages end in divorce or separation, not the mention the ones who stay married for their kids and are miserable. Which means you have a greater probability of ending up in a shitty situation, should you happen to find a girl you like. Fuck em.

dont listen to this guy OP, he bought into the lie that you need to be in a relationship to be happy but in my experience relationships tend to end the opposite of happy. You sad sack, being single is a fucking blessing. Appreciate your life and you will be happy, finding love is not a magic fix-it pill, people are just deceived into believing this garbage because diamond companies know that love means business.

I have been there bro but trust me, getting another cat actually makes you feel better instead of worse. I got a new cat and while she wont replace my old cat, I wouldnt trade her for anything.

Cheers on you m8 happy to hear it. It must have taken a lot of courage to have recovered from your ordeal and for that salutations my anonymous friend. P.S how old are you?

Listen to boatloads of freedomainradio, search for people to trust

>What do you do when there's not a single person left in the world that you can trust or confide in?
Nothing different. Why does it matter?
I haven't really connected with a person since as long as I can remember, literally.

appreciate that and yeah I was in the hospital for about 4 months while they did countless painful surgeries what almost felt like everyday haha but yea in my moment of almost dying even as a junkie who "hated my life", I realized just how much I absolutely loved being on earth, wasnt ready to go. Im 27 now

Being isolated like that fucks with your head. You're just resentful all your friends are out getting fucked up, living it up, and fucking women. All NEET's that live at home go through that if they're not drug addicts. Your social circles doing everything they use to do partying and hooking up. You're probably just experiencing some kind of inferiority complex since you got a disability and women are extremely picky on online dating gotta have a tall/rich/college guy that comes from a wealthy family that could afford to support them. They only fuck average or below average guys if they're a drug connection or something. There are probably some normal girls out there though and you're just sounding bitter.

Move elsewhere.

my organs had shut down and a lung had also collapsed so after they removed my lungs I also had to eat through a tube eventually but the first 4 days I wasnt allowed to have a single bit of food or even a drop of water because my kidneys couldnt handle it. You have no idea how good that fucking water tasted after 4 days lmao best feeling I have ever had. In a morbid way, its almost like those saw movies where people are put through hell and realize exactly what it is they have to lose, and it seems to be pretty affective lol

I used to be you, same exact mindset. Give it 5 more years, you’ll have a shotgun to your mouth.

>and the odds are not stacked in your favor.
For a majority of people, it's really not that hard.
For a smaller majority, it's a little harder, but still not that difficult.
For a minority, it's kind of difficult, but probably feasible.
For a small minority, it's actually difficult.
For an extremely small minority, shit's hard.

>Find a good therapist
>Start over
>Make new friends

Any of the above really. Quit being a little bitch and just do it

That is shit advice. The guy has spent 30 years around, he's got a reputation. Obviously people don't really like him very much. He can't just hit the fucking reset switch and start over. You're the one being a bitch about it.

You finally become an adult.

I wasnt speaking in terms of finding a girlfriend, which is plain as fucking day. What does divorce rates have to do with FINDING a girlfriend? Sure that part is easy enough, but finding one that you are not only compatible with but one that isnt a liar or a whore and somebody you will be happy with forever is the challenge. Which is why I said the odds are stacked against you. Clearly its not only difficult but IMPOSSIBLE to maintain a marriage for AT LEAST 40-50% of the population. Which is not an opinion, it is a factual statistic (though the exact number varies my point remains.) If it was "not that hard" then half of marriages wouldnt end in divorce and we can probably assume that an equal number or probably even more non-married partners end up the same way.

what's your discord? ill listen to your problems and try to help the best i can

/adv/ bro here btw

do u hav fun takn out ur ass fagit??

I dont know what kind of mental gymnastics you did in your head to convince yourself that you know more about my life outlook than I do, but you should probably get tested for mental retardation. It sounds like you are describing your life more than you're describing mine lol. You may turn into a resentful sad sack but I literally have done enough partying for 3 lifetimes and I definitely dont get resentful that my friends are living their lives the way that makes them happy, just as I am doing. I prefer solitude. If I could choose between partying with friends and having a girlfriend OR living life exactly the same way that I am, I would choose the latter, which is the reason I am doing exactly that. I was in a relationship since having my accident and the whore cheated on me with everybody in town and it made me realize how much happier I was when I was single. So I dumped her and now I am single. I have had a beautiful girl show interest and I told I didnt want to be in a relationship, Im not stuck in this position, I chose to be in it lol

Scream into the void

lol fucking junky calling me a retard, thanks for the laugh mate.

To argue that proposals, assertions, or arguments must be false or dangerous because they originate with atheists, Christians, Muslims, communists, capitalists, the John Birch Society, Catholics, anti-Catholics, racists, anti-racists, feminists, misogynists (or any other group including an ex drug addict) is fallacious.

This persuasion comes from irrational psychological transference rather than from an appeal to evidence or logic concerning the issue at hand. This is similar to the genetic fallacy, and only an anti-intellectual would argue otherwise.

aka mental gymnastics

Wow sure showed me, ouch I'm a little bit hurt. I'm gonna have to just walk it off I guess.

Maybe people don't like him cause he's an asshole? It really isn't that difficult to change your behaviour and it's very possible. Just takes discipline and concious effort. Like you said, he's only 30

more mental gymanstics

Im not the one making a fool of you bro, you are doing that all by yourself

If you dont want to be called out for saying stupid shit then here is crazy idea, stop saying stupid shit?


>I'm gonna have to just walk it off I guess.

Little thing called a reputation. People hold grudges. Once you're "that guy" you're likely always going to be that guy to them. It's why people call places like college a way to re-invent yourself. You can change as much as you like if you're around the same people you're not likely to ever get treated any differently. Those people don't see or really care how much you change.

It must kill him inside that a disabled person is happier than him in life lol. Talk about inferiority complex, he really was spot on with describing himself


Not really. I pity you a tiny bit, although it was your own fault so not that much. I use to hate my life and really hated myself. I worked hard to start turning things around for myself. I really wouldn't take things personally since you're trapped in a bubble, you already know you're such a huge fuck up that you think the right thing is to stay out of a relationship. I'd rather not be nasty toward you since you're probably lucky you don't feel like offing yourself.

Me too guys. I'm 36. There's so many of us. We're too spread out to help each other, I imagine.

Dubs of truth. I'm sorry about your legs user. I am a recovering 12 year opiate addict myself. Shot H for 7 of those years. I have a younger brother who was a H addict for 3 years and got an infection in his heart. They opened him up for heart surgery and replaced the infected valve with a pig's valve. The surgery duidn't work, opened him up again 6 months later for a second time. People don't realize the tremendously fucked up things drug use can do to your body. I hope you're ok user, from another user who knows how it is. I hope you're doing good brother, I mean that. Also, checked.