Should assisted suicide be legal ?
Should assisted suicide be legal ?
But ONLY if its slow, messy and painful. Suicide shouldnt be easy.
This is also how i feel about abortions, btw.
Because people are lazy, cowardly pieces of shit who need to take some goddamn responsibility for themselves.
Fuck people who are too weak to kill themselves and expect someone else to do it for them.
Did u finally abort Camila?
You are a dumbass
But assisted suicide is literally for those who are too ill to kill themselves. Like people who debilitating diseases where they are going to die soon, but literally can't move they are in so much pain
More messy than blowing your brains out ?
So you want to waste resources and time on people who you deem pieces of shit?
I don't see the logic
Absolutely. One day we'll realize that we are needlessly sentencing our loved ones to die in agony, while we grant our pets a much more comfortable way out. Anyone who says we shouldn't allow assisted suicide should have to watch a loved one suffer for weeks or months as their body collapses under them. It's inexcusable that it's still illegal in most places based on some ridiculous passages in some ancient book of superstitions.
>people who want to kill themselves but are too sick to... are lazy and weak...
the person should always be let to die if so diseires
it's a fucking right
He's retarded, don't try to look for logic
Yes, I see no reason why not.
Of course that would be a nightmare for insurance companied, but fuck em.
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Yes, but should require notarized documentation from the person wishing to die to be completed before the death to keep it from becoming a loophole for murderers to utilize
Working in nursing i can tell you that lately you see two types of people hanging on and i use the word people loosely here. One are those whose minds are rotting away while they roam the floors as increasingly empty shells. the others don't roam their bodies have allmost given out on them but they have the pleasure of being mentaly absolutely present for that often particularily painfull ride.
So i hope you will fall off your high horse and join group two...
while neither is fun you were asking for suffering and that means being mentally there to endure it...
How about if they're not ill ? Just depressed . There's always threads of anons saying they want to end it all but don't know how . Should it also be legal for them ? Obviously they would under go some evaluation before any of that could happen . Suicides rates keep going up.
Pets get a good way out because they live shit lives. Waiting in a box all day for your human to come home? Not knowing life beyond your front yard (if you even have one). My favorite is owners with dogs not suited for this climate. If there were any justice in this universe pets would eat their owners in the sleep.
You think you go to jail if you die?
Thats.... that's helping a person commit suicide... Google what assisted suicide is kid
In the states that allow it, and the countries that allow it. You have to have it written and notarized 3 different times months apart. You also have to have 2 doctors say you're eligible to die.You then have to have a panel of doctors review your case(takes up to 6 months). Then you are allowed to die
Depression - give antidepressants
Debilitating painful disease- give pain medication that might not work till they die a horrific death.
Learn what assisted suicide is for
And that whole time the person has to endure immense pain... that's almost too much work
>give antidepressants
I've been on and off antidepressents for over 25 years.
I've been on and off antipsychotics for 25 years.
I've been on experimental drugs and drug trials for 25 years.
There are no medications that work for me genetically.
I should have the fucking right to terminate my life without resulting to a shotgun
Yup, its inhumane.
What do you have?
Have you got hormones checked? I'm seeing an endocrinologist right now because I had depression for years for got stretch marks that wouldn't heal. First sign my hormones might have been the cause
But got*
Anti depressants don't always work . It is an illness.
You're generalizing. I would trade places with my dog any fucking day. He lives like a king and all he has to do is bark when the doorbell rings and pretend he's happy to see my dumb ass when I get home from work.
Hormones checked
DNA sequenced
Everything the medical community can think of. I've had drugs literally injected in to my brain
eat some mushrooms or something, might just give you a pretty light-show but maybe it will help you if (((pharmaceuticals))) haven't helped
don't really have anything to lose if you were planning to eat hot lead
No shit, but the point of the post is that a doctor wouldn't give up on a patient with depression. They would do everything they could to find the underlying cause. There are some points though that a doctor would say it would be better to kill the patient than have the patient continue on
Did they check growth hormone, apparently they usually don't unless you have had brain trauma
I mean I'm assuming they did from your paragraph, but just curious because I might have adult growth hormone deficiency. But yeah at that point i would understand seeking a peaceful death
Not OP, but it should not be ILLEGAL to kill yourself. All avenues for help should be open, but not forced.
Yes, thats one of the first things that was checked. I have chronic cycling(sometimes 50+ cycles in a day), it really fucks up the GH
This, I read somewhere microdosing of lsd was proven to help with anxiety
Holy shit, that sucks
I see, sorry friend.
What is the cause of the chronic cycling?
Lol what are you gonna do to enforce the legality of it. Put the dead person in jail?
Being bipolar.
thats all its ever come back too, no matter the tests, or how many psychiatrists i go to
lol wat
God damn, I would have thought something to do with secreting hormones that activate the release of growth hormone throughout the day. Like a dysfunctional hypothalamus.
>says you
People who say otherwise are just ignorant faggots. I've been suicidal for 6 years, got my gun rights stripped from another attempt, and you are telling me the only way I can really do it is by doing it myself which will probably lead to failure? (Look at the stats. There are like one successful suicide per attempt. Not all of them are a fucking cry for help). Since human beings are sadistic down syndrome fuckers, looks like I'll be jumping off a bridge.
Fuck you america. And NO it doesn't have to be free. I'll pay for that shit so don't give me that bs about it being a waste if tac payer money.
Also, "everyone would do it". Look at Hitler's results from ethnic cleansing. Smart ass engineers.
Point? It's better to let the "weak"die to clean up the gene pool.
Retard spotted
Dumbass. You can't put yourself in ither people's shoes most likely because you don't have the capacity i.e. you probably have under 100 iq points.
You should kys to help clean up the gene pool. We have enough morons on this planet as it is.
No shit it should be. Life belongs to the individual. Why you people live just because of assholes forcing them to?
*insert cliche here about how there's "always a solution"*
Decriminalized. If you're really gonna kill yourself and you're serious then you better do it yourself. Otherwise you're just a pussy who can't pull the trigger and should probably just deal with your bullshit. You still have some slight will to live if you don't go through with it.
It is legal
Maybe not in your dipshit country but it is in mine
Why dont we kill people with a firing squad anymore?
Its all lethal injection.
Thats ALL on the tax payers
Install these all over the place
See the responses to
Duuuuuuumbass. It doesn't have to be "free" (i.e. tax payer money). I would pay for it. Damn you're stupid for not thinking of that.
So ignorant that it's kind of funny. Ignorant because you lack the brain cells to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes. Pathetic.
There is no difference between pressing a button that starts a cocktail of drugs in to your vein, then a shotgun trigger.
One is messy and has to be cleaned up. The other is humane and clean
I can't buy a gun anymore so that's irrelevant to me.
Also you say there's no difference but then proceed to list the differences... topkek
>no difference
>they are different
I've been suicidal because of health issues but never went through with it. I know what it's like to be in so much pain that you wish you were dead. Fuck off you virtue signalling faggot.
Do you also know what it's like to be terminally ill and in immense pain? Because your generalization impacts other scenarios too
The amount of yes is cringy
You can buy a gun from the local nigger for a hundo and then kill your self in the alley
>Also you say there's no difference but then proceed to list the differences... topkek
Same god damn path to death retard, follow the fucking conversation
What if you can't get to the alley. Like your legs don't work
Or you can't move because of burns all over your body
Or leg pain so bad you would have to crawl
You... you aren't too bright
>Fuck off you virtue signalling faggot.
You mean you?
>Otherwise you're just a pussy who can't pull the trigger and should probably just deal with your bullshit.
Doubt you've even attempted before. I've attempted twice. Now I can't buy a gun and have been suicidal for 6 years. You are ignorant for not realizing every person is different and that every person is entitped to a peaceful suicide CONSIDERING IT WASN'T A FUCKING CHOICE TO BE ALIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
It is something FORCED on you due to factors out of your control.
"Oh we forced you to live and if you want to leave, you have to do it gruesomely".
Ya that's fucking fair.
I don't live in the ghetto like your faggot ass. Also, read this you dumbfuck
Yes, obviously. Anyone who doesn't think so is an asshole tbh.
Your brain probably isn't developed enough to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes. Damn I hate ignorant morons.
>list two different paths to death
>only similarity is that they kill you
>same path to death...
>Do you also know what it's like to be terminally ill and in immense pain?
No they don't. They probably lack the brain cells to be able to understand basic level shit like that.
Yes, and they should be super dirt cheap. No funeral. No burial. No one makes any money from it really in a Vampiric way.
Lolol true. I always forget how stupid humans can be
Fucking this. I have a little shih-tzu who everyone loves on because he's cute as fuck, and who gets free run of my condo while I'm at work and I feed him good expensive food and he sleeps in my bed. That little nigga has it good.
>One is messy and has to be cleaned up. The other is humane and clean
Kek. This is how they are different. Try following your own logic fucking lmao
I burst out laughing when I read his post
I have an autoimmune disease where I was actively dying. I was down to 90 lbs because my body couldn't absorb nutrients. The abdominal pain was constant and I could barely move. I was bedridden for 3 months. Go fuck yourself. I get that there are people out there who have it worse, but to say that I have no perspective on what it's like to live in immense pain is bullshit.
Different fag here. Sorry to hear that shit nigga. How you doing these days?
But... were you given medication that allowed you to survive (duh.
What if you had all that pain with no hope of survival. That you were guaranteed going to die at the end of it. Wouldn't you want to just skip the slow painful death and die peacefully?
You went through something terrible. But you are still alive. Your life experiences aren't the only life experiences in the whole world.
Every person has a different philosophy. You shouldn't force your philosophy down other people's throats (i.e. force them to pive just because YOU think it's wrong). People weren't even given a choice when it came to entering this fucked up world but they should at least be able to leave in peace. Whether life is WORTH IT or not is SUBJECTIVE.
That ALONE should make assisted suicide legal.
After wrestling with insurance companies and retarded doctors for over a fucking year. It had gone on for so long that I wasn't sure that I would even get meds for it. My body would've eventually killed itself. I was damn close.
Go on craigslist and find a nigger
Buy his iphone with a cracked screen
When he comes over to rob you give him your money and tell him to give you he gun and you can kill your self
All from your seat :)
No fucking shit. I said that I know there are people who have it worse. However, I see a lot of fucking edgelords saying dumb shit like "I NEVER ASKED TO LIIIIIVE". That shit's retarded. Dealing with an illness helps you realize how precious living is when you're well.
You do know that if you are in a life threatening scenraio, so bad that you go to the ER, that the doctors will save you then deal with payment/insurance later. You may have been close, but if you had gotten to the point that you would have died without medication they would have given it to you
You are a dumbass, what if you couldn't walk or get your stupid ass on craiglist
I went to the ER 4 times during that and they didn't do anything. They gave me some antibiotics and painkillers even when I told them what the problem was. They never admitted me and they never listened to me. I went to 3 different hospitals. It was fucking retarded.
Yet you're on fucking Sup Forums shitposting right now
Read this You are wrong. That simple.
"Everyone's perspective is subjective."
Pick one, faggot.
Rip brain cells. I can't argue with idiots.
I can pick both stupid. They both make sense holy shit you are one dumb fuck.
No because then everyone would kill themselves