Am i the only one that fucking lost it at this scene?

Am i the only one that fucking lost it at this scene?

Couldn't they give him a fucking tuxedo for his own fucking wedding ?! Instead they give him WHITE wife beater shirt... WHITE


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what fast and furious is this

>with white dress pants

holy shit i cant stop laughing. completely forgot about this.

what the fuck were they thinking ?

>Instead they give him WHITE wife beater shirt... WHITE
If you ok with all the ironic satire shit, but this was what broke the camels back for you ?

Don't give a shit about the action scenes, its action movie that is expected.

But this... ?

Guess it's like in those mexican wrestler movies, they never take the mask off no matter where they are or what they're doing because it's literally part of the character

With each new movie in this franchise Vin's ego gets bigger and he seems to insist on getting more of the spotlight. Unfortunately he's the least watchable/entertaining/interesting male character in the lineup.
At least it's fun to see how ridiculous he becomes.

Except this is not Wrestlemania and i would accept it desu if they leaved him as he was, but WHITE shirt and WHITE pants ?

How self aware is the fast and furious franchise? Sometimes it seems like it's in on the joke but other times it makes you not so sure.

effay as fuck

You just don't get it yet

Paul was rushing to bring it but he didn't make it

lmao is this the newest fast and furious? kek what a fucking tragic wedding

Why did they choose to have such redneck tier wedding?

I laughed every time Von Diesel was on screen. Thank god my pleb friends made me watch these movies, they were hilarious. Everything, and I do mean everything, Vinnie says is hilarious.

He truly became a parody. A meme even.

They are pretty much rednecks.

Diesel? His name is Von Dutch. It literally read on his shirt.

>future wife to be in front of you
>wearing a "wife-beater"

>why does a movie for rednecks about rednecks do redneck style stuff

its a mystery

They were broke and hiding out in South America somewhere when they got married, their wedding ring was that cheap ass chain that Diesel wouldn't let go of.

>movie for rednecks
Fast and Furious is for everybody.

from the thumbnail it looked like a white girl kissing a black guy while a whait man is watching helplessly .

Holy fuck? Have they been rusing us for over a decade? THE MADMEN!

you've been watching too much cuckold porn

How come Fast and Furious is the only case of racial diversity in film that doesn't feel like cuck pandering?

Lel at the camera tricks. Nice try, guys.

Paul cucked him and married his sister tho

Because nobody can tell what the fuck race Vin Diesel is supposed to be.

Vin got his revenge.

That's a flashback to Los Bandoleros, it's the short film they made to show what happened to Dom and Letty during 2&3.

I just have been here too long

isnt he Puerto Rican in the movie and his wife is same ?


>camo flowers

The guy in the middle's face kills me.

atleast rednecks sometimes wear suits in wedding

>when your wife is taller than you

>when your wife is fat