What makes a movie reddit?

What makes a movie reddit?

it fucking sucks

if reddit likes it


pseudo-intellectualism combined with the usage of popular culture

Two weeks after release all movies are reddit.

>"diverse" casting
Extra points if the villians are white.

>dialogue full of sarcastic quips
Even in moments of intense drama because the movie has to "lighten up the mood."

Think back to people thinking Deadpool was revolutionary because he swore and made dick jokes even though it's really just another capeshit flick

>"outsider" protagonist(s) who are really normie as hell
This relates to the above point.

>pretentious cinematography
Something that gives the film the look of an arthouse movie (or more accurately, what plebs think an arthouse movie looks like), that certainly shows some technical craft but doesn't make up for creative bankruptcy


this, If you are not an autist

this, if you are upset someone called your favorite capeshit "reddit"

Reddit movies are actually pretty well defined. It's a general term used to describe one of three different types of movie.

The first type is films that are popular among adolescent teens to young males who perceive themselves to be on the fringes of society. A common theme in these movies is alienation, nihilism and chaotic/glorified violence. Simply put, you could say that they are united by their nihilism. Characters like the Joker, Donnie Darko, Patrick Bateman and even Travis Bickle are relatable or ideal characters in the minds of these people.
Examples: Drive, Kick-Ass, Dark Knight, Scott Pilgrim

The second type is pseudo-intellectual and pretentious bullshit that pretends it's much more complicated than it actually is. These movies are designed to be actually really fucking simple, but still just complicated enough (or have a complicated enough twist) to make plebs feel clever when they watch it.
Examples: Inception, Fight Club, Idiocracy, Cabin In The Wood, Matrix

The third type is high-budget modern schlock. Stuff that's 'cool', 'awesome' or 'manly' on the most superficial and juvenile level. Shit that falls under the same category as "SHARKS WITH LAZERS!" or "MUSTACHED JETPACK FIGHTS!". These movies tend to be gory or comedic or bloated, or all three.
Examples: Guardians of the Galaxy, The Wolf of Wall Street, 300, Pacific Rim

All three types of films tend to be enjoyed and overhyped by fedora-wearing gentlemen, usually those who also frequent the website known as reddit.



tell me

If a movie is reddit is it a bad movie or is it just reddit to be obsessed with it

it's a meme, friend

What's left to be not Reddit then? You described three large categories which most movies could fit into.

Are you just trying to sound smart?

Are you..dare I say...Reddit?

a reddit movie is usually a five to seven out of ten in terms of enjoyability.

But redditors will consider it a solid 10/10

Me not liking it.
You liking it.

Nerds primarily like it, but it's not so nerdy that non-nerds can't enjoy it as well.

>enjoyabilty is an objective thing applied to everyone equally


This poster is right
is a redditor in disguise trying to fit in

This, overhyping mediocre movies is a classic reddit trait.

>there are no objectively bad movies

off to reddit you go

What are some examples of your final point?

if you like it, but i'm not

I personally decide is movie reddit or not. Then my pawns on Sup Forums force it.
