Blame falls squarely on the DNC, aka the Clinton campaign

Blame falls squarely on the DNC, aka the Clinton campaign.

what the fuck is wrong with US news. How big do you want the ticker on the bottom?

Just when you thought he would uncuck himself, he said he voted and hoped for Hillary in the last moment

Oh well, I bet he is enjoying all the donations from reddit and shit, he bought himself a 5 million dollar in Florida right after he went out of the race

Kind of respect Obama for not leashing Comey

Probably wants Trump to make him look better

Blame old people who refuse to get cataract surgery.

I won't ever forgive the DNC desu.
I remember one of the commentators saying something along the lines of "the DNC chose possibly the only candidate capable of losing to Donald Trump" and I think that's pretty accurate.
I know it was his decision but can you imagine the stomping Biden would have given?

Either way they really shoulder the vast majority of the blame on this one. Fuckers.

but surely with amount of money Clinton gave them they must give her return on the investment...

Who on earth are you talking about?

Guy in OP's picture of course

>muh strong womyn leaders

Obama's hatred of Hillary is well known. He's probably secretly pleased that Hilldawg will die without ever being called "Madam President"

>former DNC chairman Tim Kaine gives his position to Debbie Wasserman Schultz

>DWS, former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, unsurprisingly caught helping Clinton in the primaries

>disgraced DWS steps down and the next DNC chairwoman caught leaking debate questions to Clinton vs Sanders

>DNC sought strategies to prop up Donald Trump and tear down Bernie Sanders, a populist with massive grassroots and rural white support, alienating both

>DNC even siphoned money from downballot races to the Clinton campaign

>DNC handpicked a corporatist with one of the lowest approval and trust ratings in recent history to run against a populist

>all their backroom deals and collusion and arrogance comes to bear on November 8th

All the protesters in the streets should be protesting the DNC campaign headquarters, not Trump tower.

inb4 they do absolutely nothing to learn from the loss

>All the protesters in the streets should be protesting the DNC campaign headquarters, not Trump tower.

>Expecting millenials to have any knowledge about anything
>Where they voted because of "muh feelings" and "Trump is racist" and "Hillary is a woman therefore more oppresed"

Yeah it was bit weird the day after when Obama was in the rose garden and there wasn't even a HINT of anger or frustration from him

Doubly weird because trump's going to destroy his policy legacy

>Debbie Wasserman Schultz 2020

except if Hilldawg doesn't win Obama's achievements in the Oval Office (exec orders) will be erased by Trump
so even if Obama hates Hillary he still has to prop her up because she will preserve his legacy ticket

>blaming the president for not bailing you out of a well deserved FBI investigation

Liberals are excruciatingly dumb and easy to manipulate, what'd you expect? Their tears nourish me, I've been erect for 48 hours

clintons finished, the era of reagan is over. In that, trump winning is the best thing to happen to this country. As long as he doesn't horribly fuck up the economy with protectionism, or allow russia to become a superpower again it will have been worth it. Next cycle we may finally see a left wing candidate on the ballot, that's the only way the democrats have to win back the union block they lost to trump, focusing on the economy again.

Republicans are done though, thats why i'm not worried, they fuck shit up for four years but so what? that can all be undone just the same, they still lost the popular vote and the only reason they have full control is because trump was top of the ticket, as soon as his name is gone they'll likely go back to supporting people like romney or bush again. Republicans have neocons to spare, dems only had the one.


>48 hours
You need to go see a doctor.

Knowing the establishment they won't learn a fucking thing.
The right will learn some things but imo they're learning things that promote their party but certainly don't promote well-being in the country. And they won't really care either way.
I'm afraid all they'll learn is that devolving the discourse into pure shit-flinging with no deconstruction of policy (as opposed to 85% shit-flinging and 15% policy) will become the new trend in beating their opponents.
For most of the population this election got turned into a battle of character as opposed to a battle of what the candidates are actually going to fucking do, which is a tactic I think conservative will continue to exploit in future elections, not that Hillary and her cam didn't buy right the fuck into it as well like retards. Basically fell into the trap with probably the worst candidate to fall into that trap with.
Just the level of fucking up is astounding. I could understand some miscalculations and incorrect assumptions but they just flew in the face of common sense for months on end because they were too goddamn stubborn to give a fuck.

Liberal tears are like an incredibly potent liquid version of viagra for us racist misogynistic bigoted Trump supporting white cis males

*and her camp
I'm dumb today

u red my mind

You think she called Obama a lazy nigger?

>be dnc staff
>can see what's gonna happen
>but if u dare say a thing u will hang yourself with 3 barbells to the back with in a gym that u have a 1-week subscription
>your daughters will also be taken into comet ping pong

well fug

>Republicans are done though

You mean conservitism?

The Clinton's never liked Obama and the very second Obama is coming of out power, now their true colors show.


>I'm afraid all they'll learn is that devolving the discourse into pure shit-flinging with no deconstruction of policy
and this would be the wrong lesson to take, the reason for trumps success right where he needed it is because his controversies were mixed in with the idea of jobs. Sure near the end it was mostly about pussy grabbing, but before that with the wall and china stealing jobs played right into the idea of "huh maybe he really could bring back jobs". Media blares this for months during the primary and general.

Meanwhile clintons controversy is about emails and stealing the primary from bernie(someone else also explicitly talking about jobs), so its no surprise she comes off as someone not for the workers. but for most of the general she thinks thats safely democrat as it has been for 20 years and loses.

Again, trumps win came from people in pensylvania and michigan, former auto workers people seeing jobs go away, putting hope that trump could do something to reverse the tide. the DNCs complacency that just because the unions have been with them for a generation they didn't need to campaign hard there. Anyone on either side of the aisle painting this as a vote about racism, or anti-pc, or sexism, any of that shit is trying to sell you fanfiction. Its the same thing as it always was, the economy. The numbers show it.

Possibly? That really depends on your definition of conservative. Paul Ryan is still popular, so I think ultimately guys like him will remain in control of the party. But he has to know that if it was up to him they would have lost so who knows.

>Thinking creepy drunkle Joe could have stumped the Trump

Holy shit you leftists actually are retarded.

The DNC truly believed that they could prop up a hated, scandal ridden, establishment candidate who received millions from corporate and special interests.

They completely ignored the white working class in favor of gender and racial politics.

The DNC made these decisions and coronated a candidate who got absolutely demolished.

What really upsets me is knowing how many Republicans actually respected Bernie - maybe not his policies, but they believed his decisionmaking and ambition came from a desire to actually help people. They respected his honesty and the amount of organic support they saw from their fellow working class conservatives.

Would Bernie have beaten Trump? No one will ever know, but it's clear he would've fared better than Hillary did.

I think that's a solid point but on the flipside I heard nothing about jobs at all in my part of the country. I only ever heard about how awful Clinton was as a person. But this may be because I'm in one of the least educated states that has never been blue.
Not that those people from those states didn't have legitimate reasons to doubt Clinton's devotion to their work, but people in many of the southern red states never even gave a shit about that and for them it was a matter of principles and Hillary being a criminal.
Maybe my experience was not the experience of those in the midwest or the north, but people around here int the Bible belt never seemed to think it was about jobs.
You have to at least admit he would have had a MUCH more solid chance of winning than Hillary.

If a scandal ridden corrupt fuck like Hillary won the popular vote, Uncle Joe could've won the Presidency on sympathy alone.

What sympathy? The dude's a freak


>They completely ignored the white working class in favor of gender and racial politics.
This was one of the biggest issues I think.
Those were topics they needed to address to promote their campaign for sure, but making every single point about that just completely alienated everyone that those issues don't really affect much. They catered so enthusiastically to their very vocal minority when they should have simply made it another facet of the campaign.
I had the same experience with conservatives respecting Bernie. Mostly what I heard was that even though they disagreed with him, at least he had balls and didn't come off as a complete fool.
I think there may have been a solid amount of voters who would've crossed the aisle for them, but those same voters would never even consider the same action or Hillary.

*crossed the aisle for Bernie
*same action for Hillary
I gotta learn to proofread when I'm posting about real stuff

And the fact that Hillary said she would close down the coal mines and shit, what do you think the working class thinks of that

>Lose to a literal meme candidate while the media spends the entire election cycle calling his supporters Nazis
>Blame it on the democrat who was actually charismatic enough to win

wew lad

>not liking Uncle Joe

Reminder: Sup Forums is always right.

Always right


How can anyone doubt meme magic and Sup Forums?

So..This is the power of Meme Magic, we literally made Trump into President


>the era of reagan is over. In that, trump winning is the best thing to happen to this country. As long as he doesn't horribly fuck up the economy
He's literally pushing Reagenomica you stupid fuck.