Do you think they are pissed that they have to keep this joke going?


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I'm kinda pissed about it to be honest. It's not great, y'know.

Nah, they will just stop showing Garrison for 8 years

aren't jokes supposed to be funny

i think theyre pissed regardless of whats goin on in their show along with a lot of other people. myself included. shits gonna be funny for a while tho.

They said the word "fucking" [fucking them in their ass] on South Park last night without the edit...I mean, for basic cable and at its time slot, I'm pretty impressed!

I guess the moment called for it.

it wasn't a very good joke to begin with

Hell now, Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

Its going to be four years of I told you so idiot. Think the bush years turned up to 11.

South Park and every comedian have struck gold.

Personally I can't wait, If we are lucky we will get a new Aaron Sorkin show as well

kys easily impressed amerishit

>Hell now, Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
>Its going to be four years of I told you so idiot. Think the bush years turned up to 11.

Sorry pal, but Trump isn't the stereotypical politician, he's a businessman. There isn't going to be anything to mock once he starts turning shit around and fixing everything.

Well, I voted Trump, so...

That's literally the same thing Trump supporters have said at the prospect of a Hillary presidency.

>being this delusional

>he's a businessman.
I am counting on it. If you believe he will do anything beyond repeal obama care and cut taxes you are mistaken.

No jobs are coming back, No wall will be built. The white poor are going to suffer when their insurance gets turned into a HSA

I hope they suffer. Its good for the soul

Im I the only one feeling like they barerly rewrote this episode. Its like they removed a few scenes, added a few extra ones and so on?

The entire Bill Clinton plot especially

Why is Hannibal restrained?

He's a democrat.

Bush voted against trump m8

Your in good company with your opinion

I love hoe 8 months from now every cuck liberal will be back on the "MEDIA LIES" wagon because they want to feel different after literally sucking their dick and walking heel to toe to their narratives to the voting booth for nothing but to lose


This season has honestly been shit each episode feels like it has less than 5 jokes and they're the same fucking jokes from the previous ones

Iits like they took one (bad) episode and stretched for an entire season.

Honestly someone with decent editing skills could probably compress this entire season into one to two episodes

Just came to say this. This season as been pretty damn boring. The only time it really got a laugh out of me was the piss scene. But that's because i'm immature. Other than that i've been pretty bored watching the episodes


The gentleman's club was literally the only funny thing in the episode.

Because it's a picture made by a fat autistic meme lover.

Bush didn't vote for anyone. He left his card blank.

>majority are capeshit villains
What a faggot "artist"

All the same then m8

You literally cant compare him to bush what so ever.

I kno rite? i mean what's the joke, it's Donald Trump, you guys. He's a president, now.

>secret ballot

It's pointless to argue who voted for who. That being said I am going to enjoy every trump supporter eating humble pie when trump fails hard.

No jobs, No wall. Just tax cuts for the rich and a big fuck you to everyone else

>The guy who the left calls greedy and egotistical and who's entire mythos is building giant walls with his name on it is not going to jump at a chance to build the biggest wall with his name on it regardless of fuck all because reasons
Even funnier he already won m8 hes going to make the supreme court conservative for the rest of all of our lives which is more than your cuck presidents ever did for your party HAHAHAHAAA

A good chunk of Trump supporters are not even buying anything of what he said but voted for him just to fuck over people like you, the liberal mainstream media and the political establishment. Your suffering is already all they wanted.

>No new posts
But who did Taylor Swift vote for? Bitch still hasn't said.

>implying congress will spend money on a wall, or spend money on anything

There is a real divide between the GOP congress and Trump.

mitch mcconnell already said there will be no wall, there will be no term limits, no infrastructure spending

The GOP has already gutted his platform except for tax cuts and obamacare.





I hope TayTay made america great again

Honestly it could go either way. She probably had a good amount of trump supporters and trump haters that like her music. I think her music sucks, but you gotta give her credit for not throwing her career in the mud by trying to shill for one side.


trump can do it with executive order using he same narrative Obama differing funding to the wall from the budget that exists not to mention any initiatives he makes on foreign trade he can write deferments to the walls budget.

You grasping at straws and i am so hard right now

She's a closeted conservative. But you have to be closeted or your career is in jeopardy.

Her image is carefully maintained by professionals.

Operation wet back 2.0 will be executive order as well like the first one and let it go to the supreme court with a conservative majority

and the narrative the right will commit political suicide and defy their party's wishes this is dead as they would of already done it instead of falling inline behind trump in the crucial moment.

Agreed. Katy Perry and Miley are going to be harassed for the next 4 years.

I don't think you understand how allergic the GOP congress will be to spending.

Trump only empowered the GOP, they will spend shit. They will also control him because all power comes from congress.

If trump does not play GOP ball the speaker will have a foot up his ass every fucking day.

Do you understand, The GOP does not care about the people that voted for them, they are useless idiots who vote GOP regardless because muh freedom or muh white people

Maybe you should tell this all those hysteric, rioting liberals who think it's the end of the world now.

I think its hilarious that Mr. Garisson now is the USA president untill season 24

You do realize that Trump is further on the left on many issues than the GoP is, right? If you are a democrat, you really shouldn't be hoping for the GoP blocking Trump's policies, but for Trump to block GoP partyline policies.

ALL of this would apply if they did not just lose their fucking party to free agent literally against their own wishes again you riding the BTFO narrative they will commit political suicide and lose a historic majority in 2 years by not cow towing to the new emperors orders.

As well your fucking ignoring that he does not congress to build the wall with executive orders m8 and the fact just as lax and shitty Obama made the immigration enforcement in this country with EO trump can do just as much in reverse which is all most people voted for him for.

you all set yourself up to get fucked and did

Not american here but what makes obama care so great?

Ive heard bad things...

>Trump is further on the left on many issues than the GoP

Then why do so many people that hate liberal policies support him?

He is a known unknown. People ascribe their own beliefs to him because he has held every possible position.

I only trust him to be trump, that is whatever benefits him financially and personally.

>they are useless idiots who vote GOP regardless

By contract, the DNC doesn't have that probleHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHA

Honestly its shit and we need single payer. The country is stupid and will never do it so we cobbled together a private/public fuckup.

Cant have medicare for everyone because that means some people get free government handouts they don't deserve

Because he is harder right on the issue that matter to real none cuck numales and liberals such as immigration and anti globalist policies but gives fuck all about social politics like gays

Thanks for confirming to us that you know nothing about politics or public policy. Sorry your girl didn't win.

To real people such as none*

All the same GOP incumbents were elected. Its the same fucking congress.

Many who can win without trump support and got more votes then he did. Why do they need him?


They are just misunderstood thats all

Doom is a great leader to his people and Magneto is usually proven right about how shitty normies are to mutants


> not throwing her career in the mud by trying to shill for one side.

Hell now some celebrities are actually shitting on half america that voted different than them.

Quite a bold move when your talent is shaking your ass and making shitty music.

Taylor swift is making the smart move.

>trump has nothing to do and is not a literal result of the backlash to the cuckservative nature of the GOP

m8 they have officially lost claim to their party over this man he will be in control of the narrative for the voters if he tells the party they are blocking him with a majority in all houses the jig will be up and they will lose their majority off of his word alone HE IS EMPORER OF THE GOP at this point and they live an die by his word.

Even better you keep forgetting he does not need congress to enact over half of his polices such as immigration deportation and the wall

and to get back to the original narrative he already will be a better president than your cuck for our party by simply getting himself elected and appointing a conservative supreme court for the foreseeable future.

Probably just going to shoe-horn in Trump as next in line of succession and have Garrison and Jenner call it quits.


It is the democrats that lock step to the elites of their party when they actually had a chance to elect their own trump and proved their cuck nature when they accepted literal fraud in their ranks to stop him and now they call us useful idiots.


>HE IS EMPORER OF THE GOP at this point and they live an die by his word.

Congress is not a group of employees you can hire and fire and whim. Even within the GOP you have nuanced positions.

If you think congress will bend to the will of Trump you are mistaken. They have the house locked up regardless of the trump voters.

Those states are red forever and they know it. They can keep the senate the same way.

So why do they need trump? Is Alabama going to go blue? fuck know.

They will not deliver on a single promise, beyond tax cuts and obamacare repeal, and blame obstructionist democrats. That logic will work.

>let me repeat myself after being told trump does not need congress to enact the shit he was voted in for by the majority of his support

To your other point m8 trump is literally the result of them getting a record majority under Obama and not following shit they said the narrative is clear as day that if trump was not the candidate and if someone like trump did not run the party was going to die and still will when he leaves you keep trying to ignore this

if trump goes on live tv and tells the people he cant give them immigration initiatives (which wont stop him anyways with EO) the party walks with him in two years the literal life blood that kept them in their position is based on putting a bully in the executive branch to put congress in line.

what's funny about this whole conversation is your grasping at straws for anything when in reality despite me being right its irrelevant because trump does not need congress to do what he said he would for the hard right support your talking about him having a hard time getting shit passed he only talked about to appear centrist and get elected

I think they are pissed their favorite candidate didn't win.


>Redskull and Magneto on the same side

Well seeing how every liberal celebrity is foaming at the mouth on social media and Swift isn't she might be a Trumper.

This has-been show will be cancelled by then anyway

The show has been shit for a while now anyways, but yea seems like they sort of wrote themselves into a corner on this one

Doctor Doom did literally nothing wrong.

>mfw USA will go to shit and no one can blame the lib/dems coz they dont control anything

>be millionaire
>divorce legit japanese cutie
>this is the best you end up with

Man there was so much they could've done with this election but they just decided to play it safe with their shitty douche/turd thing and "fuck em all to death"

The only decent election-related bit was when garrison was trying to lose female support by being lewd and pissed off his audience and said something like "oh, so you were fine with all the muslim and mexican shit, but sticking a finger in someones' ass is too far? OK, I just wanted to see where your line was"

I wanted to see a frame-perfect recreation of hillary's collapse on 9/11 with a plane flying into a building in the background of the shot.

South Park will only stop when the creators are done with it.

I honestly feel bad for him. Sure he has hundreds of millions of dollars and is super successful. But he has to come home to that mess every single night

making Garrison a trump parody was a mistake tbqh

Guys guys... listen... what if from now on the parties only ever elect celebrities to be their candidates. Dont like donald trump in 2020????

Good news the dems are running Kanye west.


Yes poor him.

tbf trump was never supposed to even win the primary

jesus christ i didnt think that he was that loaded


Seems to be a family Christmas picture of sorts.

trey parker married a girl that already had a grown black son

its funny because you expect this to happen to losers and not good looking richfags

Are we sure this is their plan? Are we really never gunna see garisson as a teacher again

that woman has solid 9/10 body
what are you on?

>Libcucks can only think in capeshit terms

>that woman has solid 9/10 body

that with a networth of 350 million i can get a dozen of those girls delivered every day until i die and dont have to settle for broken goods

The "Affordable" Health Care Act(Obamacare) is garbage and has only had a few positive outcomes.

1.) Insurance companies can no longer put a cap on the max they'll pay out.
2.) You cannot be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition(you have insurance, develop cancer, they drop you from the policy because they say you had cancer before you got the policy).

And that's about it. Lots of middle class people have seen their premiums sky rocket, coverage decrease, and be left holding the bag. People with employer provided plans are seeing their costs go up, and soon they're about to be taxed on the company paid portion of their policy.

It's trash and needs to be completely reworked. This country needs health care reform, but Obamacare is a mess.

Not technically, they just have to be made in a joking sense.

She probably has a good personality.

>good personality
>black son

>the creator of south park with a jew best friend
How could he not be?

It gets rid of the skit rules that prevent people from getting insurance, pre existing, protected under parents until 26

At lot of this comes at the cost of the wealthier. Basically everyone is up in arms about paying more to help poor people they don't give a shit about

Honestly this is a potential goldmine for jokes

You forgot to mention that woman used to be a stripper

The correct term is "exotic dancer"

Black people are not bad people.

>Implying people that aren't next to the poverty line are rich.
You think rich people care about buying health insurance? Middle class families making $100k-250k a year are the ones hurting. Shelling out $40k a year for shitty insurance isn't right.


She obviously fucked a "bad boy" :^)

Except the almost entirety of the media?

I bet she's kinky as fuck in bed.

Black son is just the counter-side of this, nothing is perfect.

>40k a year
Citation needed

Single people making under 45k are subsidized in my state, under 16k and its free

Just say you don't care about poor peoples health and we can just disagree