New trailer when?
New trailer when?
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There is only ONE thing that can save this retarded "muh darkness" movie: The right soundtrack.
Which one is the real one?
I can't wait for the new Flash movie!
Based on their music choices so far (the Johnny Cash song they violated in the trailer) I'd say the soundtrack has no chance.
Sadly, the one that looks like a Bayformer is real.
The one that doesn't look like shit
inb4 they both look like shit
The Crimson Chin?
wtf WERE THEY THINKING with those overdesigns; the left one is great
OP here. I only wish the user who made the shop would get some credit. I've said it before: it amazes me that some random guy here on Sup Forums could shop a better power ranger suit than professional hollywood concept artists and costume designers.
its what 10 year olds think looks cool
What about the Zords?
What about Zordon and Alpha?
You haven't seen the megazord pictures that were floating around here a few days ago?
I want to see the Zords, not Megazord. The T-rex, the sabertooth tiger, the mastodon....
Don't hold your breath. They'll release new images soon, I'm sure. The movie is barely 5 months away.
The 95 movie soundtrack had some awesome songs
>middle-aged teenagers
>Baysuits and Snyderlighting
>Black ranger's now a fag in a blue suit
We will never get the Power Ranger kino we deserve...
The actors are actually teenagers though.
Looks like I was mistaken. Oh well. none of them are over 23.
I wonder how japan will react when this is released over there.
Hopefully not the dragonball evolution situation.
I'm calling it now. This movie will be the dragonball: evolution of power rangers.
>implying they won't fucking ruin this too
after the zords leak I have no hope for this
>no teenagers
>no attiude
>no green ranger
>shittiest zords ever
Nah green ranger will be in the end credits scene pointing to a sequel that never happens. That's how other movies do it...
can you IMAGINE just how they will ruin the fucking Dragonzord?
I really don't want to think about that :(
From the thumbnail I thought that was the meme man from Metal Gear Rising
Shaolin soccer
I'm surprised Americans did not have a Power Ranger Western yet. Guns with lasers plus hats.