Other urls found in this thread:


this is cool! i used to love the aesthetic of gss masks




wow so they arent just for show


>creating the anti Christ
>I'm ded



I must know more about the lore of this universe. Someone please explain.

Its an old meme where you take a pic of retards and name them all funny shit and give them funny/badass descriptions. There are others floating around

What would the meme be called so I can get searching?

Holy shit i lost so hard.
This is the best YLYL post i have seen in months.

Newfag fuck off







Not really sure tbh, and I'm technically an oldfag (2005)




rofl what the fuck is this shit


groan mate

that's gud

Can you explain that to a quite drunk Bong?

That's just adorable

yer tarded



So "no" then?

katawa shoujo

can't be bait it can't be it can't fuck i hope you die

Check mate

Save it, you'll prolly understand it when you're sober


But that's a stalemate...

OK, I'm fucking drunk, and I honestly don;t get the pic.

It's not checkmate, it's stalemate. And I don't know what that has to do with an Australian restaurant.

But it doesn't fucking matter. I just thought someone could explain it without being a childish cunt.

Are you financially retarded?

That is a queen he is moving, not a king.

it's a fair deal, take it

it's a checkmate, you stupid asshole


It is supposed to be Check mate, like an Australian asking for a check.

Only they person who made it is retarded, because we don't call it a check, we call it a bill, and more importantly, the picture is of a stalemate, not a checkmate.

Someone explain this to my stupid ass....

Not funny but pretty spot-on.

These are the best. Anyone got the "Can't believe it's not butter" one?


Ah, I get it. Thank you chess user.


Its definitely a fucking check mate.

this is literally how the stock market works

>taking something posted in a YLYL thread seriously

Randy is pretty litty tbqh

People in this thread who think its a checkmate

billm90 on da barbie

That's textbook fraud for you

One earns 10, the other one is down 10.

Hurr durr le 9gag magic.

Yeah yeah touche. I'm an idiot for doing so. Agreed.



1st cell, both are -20
2nd cell, left guy is +10, right guy is -50
3rd cell, left is +10, right guy is -10

*stalemate FTFY

troll physics.

You are retarded. The knight moved to put the king in check, the king moved into the corner to get out of check, and now the queen seals the deal for the checkmate.

It's some awful softcore porn about cripples.
Also one of those shitty visual novel types of games.

He is moving a queen into position. It is check mate.

Her name is Emi Ibarazaki, from Katawa Shoujo

Dont respond to Australian posts, dont post in Australian threads.

Crap. I'm laughing and ashamed of myself at the same time.

I remember when there were katawa threads every day. Now we have this.



I'll take the angry fucker

The buyer put $20 in already.

So he's paying $50, not $30.

looked like a king to me too, but it is in fact a queen

and this?

as an avid tennis spectator, surprised this doesn't happen much more often tbh

been a while since I saw these



Some are born to faggotry, other have it thrust up in them.

>Guy A has given up 20 to get 30 in return - Net 10 gain

>Guy B has given up 30 to get 20 in return - Net 10 loss

That's not tennis, that's anal sex.


We've ascended into a new age of newfaggotry. Newfags vehemently explaining troll memes from 10 years ago. I thought this place couldn't get any worse


10/10 kept his composure

It just did

le vomit xdd

This made me lose, among all the memes here


what's wrong with being a new fag?

that's the day his pride

those don't exist anymore

If you are having a tatoo, remember to cover the nipple as well..


please tell me you have a mega folder or something with the others like this

Playlist of the damned. By no means complete, but still horrid.

thats just fucking nasty