It's something that has always bothered me with the "twist" at the end of the planet of the pae movie:
In the original movie, it just doesn't make sense he doesn't realize he is on earth from the get go. You just don't get ape-like humanoid, as well as local human through parallel evolution. I mean, how come he doesn't go "welp, aside from the humanoid apes, everything and every animal is just like on earth, this is definitely eaerth, now what the fuck happened". I'll never understand he need the Liberty statue to actually figure it out.
The remake actually address this point, by making him believe the humanoid apes and humans are descendant of the equipage of the Icarus ship, so he assume this is just a planet that was colonised by the humans and animal that were onboard. Okay, make sense, but then it double deep down in retardation by, after going through the anomaly again, make him actually land further in the future, where the apes have now rebuild the usa EXACTLY THE SAME AS IT WAS WHEN HUMANS BUILD IT IN THE FIRST PLACE
From what was a FUCKING WASTELAND.
I mean, in the original movie, the hero was just super stupid for not figuring it out immediately (i mean, did anyone watching it back then didn't figure it out directly either?). But in the 2001 movie, it's the conclusion itself that is just downright retard and not making any kind of sense. it make an actually okay remake into a very ridiculous ending. They should have as well use the liberty statue again. At least that way he could have stay with the hottie human and ape-miss and preventing Genral Thade from committing human genocide. Moron.
Ayden Roberts
Movies are not real. They are metaphorical and allegorical stories.
Cameron Torres
While we are at it. Of all the recent planet of the Ape movies, I feel like Rise of the apes is still the best, but even from the second movie, it introduce continuity non-sense.
Well, mostly, the advancement of technology. In the 2001 movie, it look like the astronauts come from a far advanced future already, compared to our time. They have fucking railguns, space ship able to hold a menagery of animals, and even a single person module able to get out and re-enter atmosphere on its own.
Yet, in Rise of the Apes, where we actually can see the Icarus departing and even being reported missing, it seems like it is set in more or less present day time, with no fancy weapons, an a ship that seems to need classic boosters to leave the Earth. They have better advanced gene-technology but that's it.
And I have to believe Leo Davidson come from tht time period? Yeah, right...
And how come the apes in the ship evolved too, if they left before the virus outbreak. That doesn't make sense.
Also, I know retrovirus can modify DNA, but we are to believe that the super Genetic engineer didn't think using a super-mutating virus to implement the cure was a terrible idea?
Or that the guy exposed to the super mutating virus whose effect are still not fully know shouldn't be put in quarantine immediately?
Nolan Nguyen
Doesn't mean they don't have to be self-consistent.
Samuel Foster
It should be clear by now that 2001's version is not in the same continuity anymore
Daniel Turner
Has this ever been confirmed?
Mason Ramirez
They only have to be narratively consistent. This does not imply any expectations of realism.
Xavier Young
But the apes speaking english isnt a clue or anything.
Gavin Thompson
>They only have to be narratively consistent. But they haven't. That's my point.
Ryder Roberts
Actually they're speaking Rigelian. The two languages are completely identical due to a stunning coincidence.
Gavin Green
For the 2001 movie, if he assumed the apes and humans are the descendant of Icarus's crew, it make sense that they speak English.
Isaac Johnson
It's been confirmed by the general viewer not being absolutely retarded. Guess you didn't' get the memo.
Jeremiah Collins
A language would not stay the same for thousands of years. It would eventually turn into something unrecognizable
Gavin Hall
We don't know how much time there was between the crash of the Icarus and the coming of Davidson.
Aiden Cox
Point still stands. English 100-500 years ago is quite different now. The apes should've sounded bizarre and off.
Asher Hall
Tim Burton is a lazy hack, what's new.
Gabriel Gray
>Point still stands. Not really Thade's mentor still remember the time where he fought human who had modern technology like their rail gun. So it wasn't that long ago.
Sebastian Rivera
What I want to know about the original story is how do people switch so quickly from having apes as pet animal to slave labor?
Gavin Taylor
It's from the 1960's user. Pretty much all sci-fi from that period was people meeting aliens that were identical to humans except they wore shiny suits and had pointy ears. Most of the time the aliens were from our very own solar system as well. An alien planet populated by humanoid apes fits right in and audiences wouldn't require the amount of suspension of disbelief that they would today.
Blake Brown
I kind of miss this genuinety from movies of that era, but the whole point of it is that he can't be recreated, it has to be made straight form the go.
Jose Green
Planet of the pae??? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Grayson Fisher
>I'll never understand he need the Liberty statue to actually figure it out. That's because you're too young and don't understand how movies were back then.
Oliver Phillips
People are too expecting of plot twists now. Back then (most of the time) what you saw is what you got. If a movie was advertised as X it was X. It didn't slowly morph (or suddenly switch) into Y or have any Z tones.
Jackson Lewis
Movie convenience. In the book they speak their own language.
Carter Evans
Haven't seen the movie in a while.
The hostile planet isn't Earth, it's just some random planet on the other side of the anomaly. He arrives long after a research ship that the ape civilization spawned from.
If I remember correctly, the apes follow Mark Wahlberg back into the anomaly(this may be implied by what is to follow, this occurs any point after Wahlberg left), and due to the anomaly's quirkiness exit it before he does, in the Earth's past. Wahlberg returns to Earth, with the apes having arrived in past, and having already taken it over.