Deadpool 2 will be without JunkieXL

>Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I have decided not to score the upcoming Deadpool 2. I love this character and creating his and the movie's original score was a monumental chapter in my life, personally and professionally.
Since it was revealed that Deadpool's brilliant creative director Tim Miller will not be involved in the project anymore, I have undertaken some soul searching. Tim was the driving force behind Deadpool and me getting involved in this amazing project. Deadpool without Tim at the helm just does not sit right with me and that is why I have decided not to be involved in the second chapter.
It was a difficult decision, as I love the project so much and I know how eagerly the next installment will be anticipated, it's hard to walk away from something so unique, but it also has to feel right.
Hope everyone understands. Onward and upward.

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He scored the first?

There was music in Deadpool outside of the licensed soundtrack?

JunkieXL is a trash man

This faggot's only good score was Fury Road. All the stuff in Deadpool and Batman v Superman was completely interchangeable.

Another director shat on by Kevin Feige and the MCUcks are already out damage controlling.

Feige has nothing to do with Fox you mongoloid


I don't know why it matters so much, the only ones actually responsible for Deadpool are Ryan Reynolds and the writers

The director and Ryan Reynolds had creative differences

Just try and remember one of those songs.

I'll wait.

Literally who?

As much as I despise Reynolds, he was the driving force behind Deadpool.

liked his work in Fury Road, but I honestly didn't even notice the music in Deadpool.

No big loss.

i dont think there is a single piece of music in current capeshit that is memorable. give me stuff like the old 80s superman theme, or the opening to 90's cartoon of x-men and batman, that shit stays with you

>something so unique

Christ what a dumb pleb.

I'm not being funny, that's probably the first time I've listened to that.

Could not care less. I'm not sure why anyone would miss this guy - his music is completely unremarkable.

Come on this really is memorable. Only capeshit song to stick with me in years. It's fucking beautiful.

I couldn't tell if that was from Inception or Batman v Superman

This is proof that Reynolds is a fuckhead and will go back to being a C-actor with this asspull again.

I don't believe you.

it's from your mom's vagina making fart noises when being pounded.

I'm more concerned about Tim Miller getting out.

He fought for make the first movie real, and then because muh Reynolds's fame, he got kick out.

Deadpool 2 will be shit because of this and not because some faggot musician.

Wait, why isn't Tim Miller involved any more?

Wow tell me more

What's his endgame?
Considering he is making Sonic kino now.

Creative differences with Ryan Reynolds, mainly casting decision differences involving Cable. Miller wanted Chandler Riggs as Cable, Reynolds didn't.

Reynolds fought tooth and nail to get the first film made
Miller can sit back and know he made a "decent" comic-book film and do something original now instead of relying on sequels

I won't judge the film until I see a trailer, but I really dont care about the composer here

Dan Schneider should direct this one.

>Miller wanted Chandler Riggs as Cable

kek Kyle Chandler, sorry.

I didn't even realise Deadpool had an original score, I only remember the licensed songs.

Junkie XL is an awful film composer

Would you stop spamming this thread?

chandler fucking riggs as cable?

thank god reynolds ousted the stupid fuck, who wants to watch deadpool and CORAL ?

Normies don't care about any of that they'll still go see it just because of how popular the first one was. When they get to part 3 though there will likely be a drop off. Pic semi related

Cowabunga brosefs! The 90s are really over! Y2K is real!!!


Deadpool was literally a passion project for Reynolds, and he was the driving force behind it.

Considering Reynolds has little acting ability, I am surprised that this passion came across during the movie, and his promotion of it.

And now I feel dirty, saying anything positive about Ryan fucking Reynolds.

>And now I feel dirty, saying anything positive about Ryan fucking Reynolds.
he has a hot wife

I really do not see Chandler as Cable.

They need Stephen Lang.

too bad, I acutally liked his music since back in the day

I thought that was Depp's wife

Deadpool is epic XDDDD

He was also fucking Prime ScarJo...

>i dont think there is a single piece of music in current capeshit that is memorable.
Stop trying so hard. The Wonder Woman guitar shredding from BvS was INSTANTLY iconic.


that's a 7/10 at best, get a standard faggot

I saw BvS in theaters 4 times and every single time the audience clapped when it played.

>the audience clapped
burgers will burger

>that's a 7/10 at best

It was good for all of about five seconds. Then they used it AGAIN and it was old already.

It was "old" already because it was so good you heard it once and felt like it had been with you your entire life.


That's because the movies were interchangeable.

Don't know what the fuck he's going on about here, neither Deadpool or Tim Miller are visionary. It's a joke character and a visual effects dude who isn't even known for his work on visual effects, but for a meme movie that Reynolds needed a cheap director for.

Just slap Ryan behind the camera and the exact same shit will come out. A retarded, hour and a half dick joke for 13 year olds that loses it's half chub after 30 minutes.

I'm sorry nobody watched Buried, Ryan. You were too good for this world, I guess. At least you have Chris Evans to keep you company

>tfw didnt notice deadpools soundtrack
isnt john wicks director directing now? deadpool 2 is only gona be better than the first now

>Chandler Riggs? Who the fuck?

This is a joke, right? It's funny as hell, but it has to be fake.